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#1. photos. light Ex: photograph=picture drawn by light. #2. graph. to write or draw Ex: telegraph=(tele  distant) writing from far away. #3. tele. far away, distant Ex: television=(visio see) seeing distant things. #4. metron. measure

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Presentation Transcript

  1. #1 photos light Ex: photograph=picture drawn by light

  2. #2 graph to write or draw Ex: telegraph=(tele distant) writing from far away

  3. #3 tele far away, distant Ex: television=(visiosee) seeing distant things

  4. #4 metron measure Ex: meter = unit of measure; 39.47 inches long

  5. #5 tropos turning Ex: phototropic=turning toward light as leaves and flowers do

  6. #6 philia love, friendship Ex: philosopher = (sophia wisdom) one who loves wisdom

  7. #7 phobos fear Ex: phobia = irrational fear

  8. #8 syn with, together Ex: sympathy = (pathos feeling) to feel with someone else

  9. #9 thesis put, place, position Ex: thesis= a position taken in an argument supported by a set of reasons

  10. #10 kinesis movement Ex: kinetic = relating to the movement of bodies

  11. #11 phone sound Ex: megaphone = (mega big) device to make sounds BIG

  12. #12 sonus sound Ex: sonar = device that hears sounds under water

  13. #13 skopeo look at, inspect, consider, examine Ex: scope = all that the eye can see

  14. #14 video/visum see Ex: video = picture portion of television

  15. #15 logos word, study Ex: geology = (geo  earth) study of the earth

  16. #16 verbum word Ex: verb = the action word of a sentence

  17. #17 nomen/nominis name Ex: nominal = in name only; not real or actual

  18. #18 pro for, before, forward, in place Ex: project = (jacio to throw) to throw forward

  19. #19 prae before, in front of Ex: predict = (dico  say) say beforehand

  20. #20 ad to, toward; near, next to Ex: adhere = stick to

  21. #21 jacio/jactum throw Ex: reject = throw back

  22. #22 pono/positum lay, put, place Ex: pose = position or attitude

  23. #23 cum with, together Ex: cumulative = all together

  24. #24 figo/fixum fix, fasten, attach Ex: fixture = a thing fastened in place

  25. #25 jungo/junctum join, unite, connect Ex: conjugal = relating to the joining of a man and woman in marriage

  26. #26 digitus finger, toe, inch Ex: digit = finger; numerals from 0-9; unit of measure the width of a finger

  27. #27 caput/capitis head Ex: decapitate = to remove one’s head

  28. #28 manus hand Ex: manual = by hand

  29. #29 pes/pedis foot Ex: pedestal = foot of a column

  30. #30 bracchium arm Ex: bracelet = ornament for the arm or wrist

  31. #31 dens/dentis tooth Ex: dentist = tooth doctor

  32. corpus/corporis #32 body Ex: corporeal = pertaining to the body

  33. #33 unus one Ex: unit = one part of a series or of a whole

  34. #34 duo two Ex: duet = music played or sung by two people

  35. #35 tres three Ex: tricycle = a three-wheeled vehicle

  36. #36 quattuor four Ex: quatrain = a stanza of poetry four line long

  37. #37 quinque five Ex: quinquennial = five-year period of time

  38. #38 sex six Ex: sexdigital = having six fingers or toes

  39. #39 septem seven Ex: September = seventh month of the Roman calendar

  40. #40 octo eight Ex: octopus = eight-footed ocean creature

  41. #41 novem nine Ex: novendial = lasting nine days

  42. #42 decem ten Ex: December = tenth month of the Roman calendar

  43. #43 centum hundred Ex: cent = one hundredth of a dollar

  44. #44 mille thousand Ex: mile = a thousand paces

  45. #45 pyro fire Ex: pyrotechnics = fireworks

  46. #46 ignis fire Ex: igneous = pertaining to fire

  47. #47 Vulcanus Vulcan-Roman g-d of fire Ex: volcano = a crack in the earth pouring out hot magma

  48. #48 hydros water Ex: dehydrate = take water away

  49. #49 aqua water Ex: aquarium = a tank of water where fish or water plants can live

  50. #50 bonus good Ex: boon = good deed, a favor

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