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Teaching for Diversity

Teaching for Diversity. Students with Diverse Abilities. Their Peers. The Role of a Teacher. Other Professionals. Their Parents.

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Teaching for Diversity

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  1. Teaching for Diversity

  2. Students with Diverse Abilities Their Peers The Role of a Teacher Other Professionals Their Parents

  3. Special education involves an inclusive approach, which takes into account the level of impairment, the needs of the individual student and those students around them. Preventive efforts are best when the disability or behavioural issue first occurs to minimise the impact on schooling (Heward, 2006, p.38). If provided with the right support, a teacher of a student with special education needs can help the student succeed in school by both fostering the student’s strengths and recognizing their weaknesses. Students with Diverse Abilities

  4. Their Peers

  5. Their Parents

  6. Other Professionals

  7. Conclusion

  8. References Disability Standards for Education (2005) retrieved from www.dest.gov.au/NR/rdonlyres/482C1E4B-9848-4CC3-B395-067D79853095/15406/DisabilityStandards_004_screen.pdfHeward, W. L. (2006). Exceptional Children an Introduction to Special Education, p. 37-43. Pearson Education: Frenchs ForestK-6 Board of Studies NSW (2010), retrieved from www.k6.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.auO’Hare, S., Students with Diverse Abilities (2009), Bachelor of Education, Primary, Curtin University of Technology; Pearson AustraliaSpecial Education (2010), retrieved from www.aussieeducator.org.au/education/.../specialeducation/specialeducation.html

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