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“FP6 Networks of excellence”

“FP6 Networks of excellence”. Colette Renier Research DG. NoE Objectives. Strengthen Europe’s excellence on a particular research topic by integrating the critical mass of expertise needed to provide European leadership and be a world force

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“FP6 Networks of excellence”

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  1. “FP6 Networks of excellence” Colette Renier Research DG

  2. NoE Objectives Strengthen Europe’s excellence on a particular research topic by integrating the critical mass of expertise needed to provide European leadership and be a world force around a joint programme of activities Tackling the fragmentation of European research where the main deliverable is a durable structuring and shaping of how research is carried out in Europe Spreading excellence beyond its partners

  3. NoEThe joint programme of activities (1) A range of neworre-oriented activities: Integrating activities coordinated programming of the partners’ activities sharing of research platforms/tools/facilities joint management of the knowledge portfolio staff mobility and exchanges relocation of staff, teams, equipment reinforced electronic communication systems

  4. NoEThe joint programme of activities (2) Joint research activities: a programme of joint research to support the network’s goals development of new research tools and platforms for common use generating new knowledge to fill gaps in or to extend the collective knowledge portfolio

  5. NoEThe joint programme of activities (3) Activities to spread excellence training researchers and other key staff dissemination and communication activities networking activities to help transfer knowledge to teams external to the network where appropriate, promoting the exploitation of the results generated within the network where appropriate, innovation-related activities

  6. NoEThe joint programme of activities (4) Network management overall coordination of the joint activities communication with the Commission, reporting activities linked to consortium-level financing and accounting management and legal issues coordination of the knowledge management activities, if appropriate, other innovation-related activities promotion of gender equality science and society issues supporting the governing board and other network bodies ALL ACTIVITIES WITHIN A COHERENT MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK

  7. NoEMeasuring integration(1) In their proposal, participants will include possible qualitative and quantitative indicators for measuring progress towards integration

  8. NoEMeasuring integration(2) Main factors to be examined extent of mutual specialisation and mutual complementarity sharing /development for common use of research infrastructure, equipment, tools and platforms regular joint execution of research projects

  9. NoEMeasuring integration(3) Main factors to be examined interactive working through electronic communication systems joint management of the knowledge portfolio joint training programme (researchers and other key staff) coherent management framework

  10. NoECritical mass (1) Expertise: assembling of the critical mass needed to achieve the ambitious goals of the network variable from topic to topic larger networks may involve several hundreds of researchers may be smaller provided that the necessary ambition and critical mass are achieved

  11. NoECritical mass (2) Partnership: in general at least six (legal minimum: 3 from 3 different countries) Duration of Community support:typically 5 years more if necessary BUT no more than 7 years

  12. NoEFinancial regime (1) Community support targeted at overcoming the barriers to a durable integration these barriers are mainly organisational, cultural, human  cannot be quantified in normal accounting terms Has led to the concept of an incentive, taking the form of a global “fixed grant for integration”

  13. NoEFinancial regime(2) A fixed grant for integration, acting as an incentive, calculated on basis: of the degree ofintegration of the total number ofresearchers of the characteristics of thefieldofresearch of thejoint programme of activities with a bonus for registereddoctoral students

  14. NoEFinancial regime(3) The average annual grant to a network could vary with the number of researchers as follows:

  15. NoEPayments regime Annual payments of the grant will be paid on the basis of results depending on a progressiveadvance towards a durable integration with anadditional checkthat costs of at least the value of the grant were incurred in implementing the joint programme of activities

  16. NoEProposal submission Through calls for proposals, which may be preceded by expressions of interest Simplified proposal-making, reflecting the evolutionary nature of the network: outline of the activities for the whole period detailed JPA for the first 18 months only

  17. NoEReporting and payments schedule The consortium will submit to the Commission for its approval an annual report: outline of previous 12 months’ activities financial documents on the costs incurred for implementing the JPA (+audit certificates) Upon acceptance of the above, the outstanding advance will be supplemented up to 85 % of the anticipated Community contribution for following 18 months

  18. NoEGovernance and monitoring (1) A network’s governance must ensure institutionalengagement by the partner organisations through e.g. a “governing board” of senior representatives from the partners to oversee integration of the partners’ activities

  19. NoE Governance and monitoring (2) Robust output monitoring by the Commission, involving external experts at all stages annual reviews: basis for annual payments, yellow flag/red flag system end-of-term review: assessment of the network’s impact on strengthening and spreading excellence Audits carried out by the Commission: financial (at least one per NoE), technological, technical, ethical

  20. Reminder Main NoE features(1) Demonstrated need for structuring description of fragmentation on the topic existence of excellent capacities in Europe in the topic  Is there a real need for a structuring intervention?

  21. Reminder Main NoE features(2) Characteristics of the network planned: composition of the partnership: presence of key excellent actors potential synergies, complementarities, specialisation among the members quality/degree of integration planned  Is the network planned likely to tackle the fragmentation problem identified?

  22. Reminder Main NoE features(3) Viability of the network during and beyond the period awareness of high decision level representatives of the participating organisations: strong commitment security regarding network’s funding, particularly beyond the period  Will the network constitute a durable answer to the problem identified?

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