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This framework utilizes grid technology to develop collaborative learning applications, taking advantage of grid resources for experimentation and reducing education costs. The framework includes support for multiple applications, session management, and resource scheduling.
UlabGrid Framework for Computationally Intensive Remote and Collaborative Learning Laboratories O. Ardaiz, L. Díaz de Cerio, R. Meseguer, A. Gallardo, K. Sanjeevan Computer Architecture Department Politecnic University Catalunya, Spain
Outline • Out botton-up approach. • Taking advantage of grid. • Ulab framework. • Experimentation. • Future Work.
Our Botton-up approach Objetive: “develope new collaborative learning applications of grid technology” • First step: deploy Grid testbed. • Linux resources, GTK2.4, GT3.0, mini-CA. • Second step: evaluate grid technology capabilities. • Test demo application, develop small scientific application. • Third step: Look for collaborative learning applications that can benefit for grid. • In our teaching (programming, computer networking), in nearby schools (aeronautics engineering school). • Fourth step: Implement and evaluate.
Taking advantage of Grids • ¿New educational applications, methods,…? • ¿Students learning to use scientist new grid tools, or learning while using them? • Grid.edu Workshop. • Equal benefits as scientists: • Resource sharing for “cost” sharing: • Reducing education costs is good. • Computationally intensive applications: • Computer network simulator, (but to learn networking, only small simulations are required) • 3D flight simulator, graphical 3D simulations consume 100% CPU ---->Lets try it!!!!
Ulab Framework • We are not interested in a particular application, but to provide support for multiple collaborative application -> • Design a framework, “generic libraries to develop applications”. • Requirements: • Built on “de facto” grid standards: • -> Use GTK2.4. • Use some existing application code: • -> Gridification of applications. • “thin” clients for remote visualization and interaction: • -> Use VNCviewer. • Support for collaborative learning groups: • ->Implement session manager.
App1 App2 App3 GSIFTPServer Globus-Gatekeeper VNC client Session client GSIFTPServer Globus-Gatekeeper Pentium IV pcmartino.ac.upc.es Student 1 Pentium IV pc4.ac.upc.es GSIFTPServer Globus-Gatekeeper Pentium IV pc5.ac.upc.es GSIFTPServer Globus-Gatekeeper Pentium IV pc3.ac.upc.es GSIFTPServer Globus-Gatekeeper VNC client Session client Student 2 Pentium IV pc6.ac.upc.es ULab Grid Session Manager Grid Manager ReplicaMgr MetadataDirectoryServer GSIFTPServer avant.upc.es Pcribes.ac..upc.es Ulab Framework (I): VNC for app access %VNC-server:1 %FS & VNC Protocol App1 App2 App3 Session Control Protocol GRAM Protocol GSIFTP Protocol Grid-Proxy GassServer GlobusPortal User Directory File Server
App1 App2 App3 %Vnc-server:1 %FS & GSIFTPServer Globus-Gatekeeper VNC client Session client GSIFTPServer Globus-Gatekeeper Pentium IV pcmartino.ac.upc.es Student 1 Pentium IV pc4.ac.upc.es GSIFTPServer Globus-Gatekeeper Pentium IV pc5.ac.upc.es GSIFTPServer Globus-Gatekeeper Pentium IV pc3.ac.upc.es GSIFTPServer Globus-Gatekeeper VNC client Session client Student 2 Pentium IV pc6.ac.upc.es ULab Grid Session Manager Grid Manager ReplicaMgr MetadataDirectoryServer GSIFTPServer avant.upc.es Pcribes.ac..upc.es Ulab Framework(II):Multiple application access VNC Protocol (Session 1) %VNC-server:1 %FS & %VNC-server:1 %Net-Sim-2 & VNC Protocol (Session 2) App1 App2 App3 Session Control Protocol GRAM Protocol GSIFTP Protocol Grid-Proxy GassServer GlobusPortal User Directory File Server
App1 App2 App3 %Vnc-server:1 %FS & GSIFTPServer Globus-Gatekeeper VNC client Session client GSIFTPServer Globus-Gatekeeper Pentium IV pcmartino.ac.upc.es Student 1 Pentium IV pc4.ac.upc.es GSIFTPServer Globus-Gatekeeper Pentium IV pc5.ac.upc.es GSIFTPServer Globus-Gatekeeper Pentium IV pc3.ac.upc.es GSIFTPServer Globus-Gatekeeper VNC client Session client Student 2 Pentium IV pc6.ac.upc.es ULab Grid Session Manager Grid Manager ReplicaMgr MetadataDirectoryServer GSIFTPServer avant.upc.es Pcribes.ac..upc.es Ulab Framework (III):Visual Session Sharing VNC Protocol (Session 1) %VNC-server:1 %FS & VNC Protocol (Session 2) %VNC-server:1 %Net-Sim-2 & Co-pilot Observe App1 App2 App3 Student 1 Session Control Protocol GRAM Protocol GSIFTP Protocol Grid-Proxy GassServer GlobusPortal User Directory File Server
Implementation • Session manager: • Several applications available to each student, • Students can share applications, • Several students on same session, • Resource manager: • All grid resources available to each student, • Controls resource status and implements resource scheduling, • Control resources used by each student, “Comunication between Rsc Mgr and Session Mgr permits to share sessions”.
Experiment Results (I) • Globus Toolkit: • GTK2.4 is OK, • GTK3.0 takes upto 20 seconds to launch processes. • Gridification Flight Simulator : • only required an scriptable configuration file. • Special VNC server for OpenGL application: xf4vnc. • Resource usage: • High network traffic: peaks of 12 Mbits, average of 1Mbit. • CPU consumption: VNCserver requires CPU to compress data.
Experiment Results (II) • Collaborative learning sessions: • Session manager also provides chat rooms. • VNC permits to share screen. • Mouse sharing modes: 1 user controls, shared control. • 2 students piloting same aircraft. • 1 student piloting + 1 instructor observing.
Further Work (I) • Scheduling algorithm for interactive applications: • Network latency and BW between grid nodes and clients has to be taken into account. • Session migration: • If a node fails, state of flight session must be transfered. • Pedagogical evaluation: • Experiments with students in a real course. • Problems they find.
Servidor 1 Servidor 2 Servidor 4 Servidor 3 Client 1 Further Work (II) • Divide rendering between “n” grid nodes: • Paralelise application. • VNC client receiving “n” screens. VNC VNC VNC VNC
Further requirements (after talking with some teachers) • Demand resources in advance: • “Tomorrow there will be a session at 9 AM”. • Save student sessions and logs for: • Re-playing sessions to learn from previous errors. • Student evaluation. • Only for flight learning: • Coordination among several planes on same air space.
Other applications • grids for bio-chemistry students. • Molecular docking, • and remote 3-D visualization.
Conclusions • Some work need for a functional framework: • Interactive scheduling algorithm, • A lot more work for an operational system: • Students are very demanding: if something fails, learning session has to post-pone. • To collaborate, email us: oardaiz@ac.upc.es • Your students use a CPU-intensive app. • Find educational applications of your grid. Thanks for your attention !!!!