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Visit Fibroid Treatment Clinic to Reduce Tumor Growths with UFE

Do you have uterine fibroids? If yes, then you may go through the uterine fibroid embolisation or UFE procedure. UFE can provide you with a fibroid- free and painless life. To lead a healthy life, consult with the doctor and get UFE treatment<br>

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Visit Fibroid Treatment Clinic to Reduce Tumor Growths with UFE

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  1. V i s it Fibroid TreatmentClinic to Reduce Tumor Growths withUFE

  2. Uterine fibroids have become a common cause of worry to the women who are at their reproductive age. As per the recent study, about 20 to 40 percent of women who are aged above 35 have this health issue. These non- cancerous tumors generally appear in the smooth muscle layer of the womb which is known as myometrium. Generally, they are not life-threatening since they are non-malignant. Yet, as a patient, you cannot overlook them because they often cause infertility or complicatedpregnancy. Do you have leiomyomas or uterine fibroids? If yes, then you must be looking for the ways to get rid of this health issue. Well, the solution to this problem is uterine fibroid embolisation treatment (UFE). To get this fibroids and fertility treatment, you may visit the Fibroid Treatment Clinic rightnow.

  3. Uterine FibroidEmbolisation Treatment inBrief Uterine fibroid embolisation also referred as UFE is the medical procedure which is performed by the interventional radiologist. In this treatment procedure, the blood supply to the cysts is prevented. This is how, the tumors are deprived of proper nutrients and they cannot grow. UFE is a minimally invasive procedure and it is also known as Uterine Artery Embolisation(UAE). The treatment generally involves three steps which include,

  4. Step1: The interventional radiologist guides a small tube into the arteries via the artery which is in the upper leg of the patient. The arteries supply blood to thewomb. Step2: In the second step, tiny particles get infused into blood vessels, supplyingfibroids. Step3: The non-malignant tumors are deprived of nutrients and because of this; they get shrunken over the time span of few months. The blood supply to the womb stops immediately after theprocedure.

  5. PostUFE Procedure The best thing about UFE is that it requires only overnight stay inthehospital. As a patient, you may expect the followings afterUFE. After UFE, you may have to endure a dull ache in the lower abdomen. This is almost similar to the menstrual periodpain. The doctor will prescribe you some medication so that the pain can easily be controlled within a short time. The skin incision is too small to be stitched. It will be invisible within a few weeks. You may return home as soon as you feel comfortable. You may expect to stay overnight in the hospital.

  6. ReasonsWhyUFEIsBestforYou The causes, for which this fibroids and fertility treatment can be considered as best,are, Does not involve hysterectomy or the removal of cysts affecteduterus Pain-free and healthy life Rapid recovery Overnight stay in the hospital A minimally invasive procedure

  7. Apart from the mentioned, there aremore. To know about these, quickly visit the Fibroid Treatment Clinicnow. Wilderness Road, Claremont Cape Town, 8000, SouthAfrica + 27 11 4840135 info@fibroids.co.za www.fibroids.co.za

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