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Professional Development Resources for Standard 6. How to Read Course Codes. 1275 Exploratory Language < 90 minutes per week Short duration of course Same course title for one language (Exploratory…ex. Spanish) OR multiple languages (Exploratory…ex. 2+ languages).
How to Read Course Codes • 1275 Exploratory Language • < 90 minutes per week • Short duration of course • Same course title for one language (Exploratory…ex. Spanish)ORmultiple languages (Exploratory…ex. 2+ languages)
Teaching Context: Teachers Validate Classes AND Course Codes • Classes and Course Codes: • English II EOC • Locally-developed class • Spanish I 11412X0 • Spanish II 11422X0 • Spanish III 11435X0 • Spanish IV 11445X0 World Language Course Codes are linked to Clarifying Objectives in the World Language Essential Standards
AP and IB Guidance How do I find my ASW objectives? Refer to the AP and IB Guidance Charts on the ASW Wiki under Teacher Resources. AP Objectives GuidanceIB Objectives Guidance FOR EXAMPLE:
Teaching Context: Teachers Validate Classes AND Course Codes • Classes and Course Codes: • French FLES 11002Z0 • (Elementary School French) • Mon. All 3rdand 4th grade classes 35 min. • Tues. All 2ndand 5th grade classes 35 min. • Wed. All 3rdand 4th grade classes 35 min. • Thurs. All 2ndand 5th grade classes 35 min. • Fri. All 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades 20 min. To build proficiency in a language, students need to have a minimum of 90 minutes per week. 90 minutes for each grade’s classes
Teaching Context: Teachers Validate Classes AND Course Codes • Classes and Course Codes: • Latin at the Middle School and Exploratory • M – F Middle School Latin12402Y0 • M – F Latin I 12412Y0 • Mon. Exploratory Russian 12752Y0 • Tues. 5thgrade Exploratory Wheel 30 min. • Wed. 7th grade Exploratory Wheel 30 min.Thurs. 6thgrade Exploratory Wheel 30 min. • Fri. 8thgrade Exploratory Wheel 30 min. ASW for Latin and FLEX or Exploratory Russian courses ONLY
Teachers are responsible for the items within the red boxes.
ASW Process: Step 1 Teacher Responsibility
ASW Process: Step 2 Platform Responsibility
ASW Process: Step 3 Teacher Responsibility
ASW Process: Step 4 Teacher Responsibility
ASW Process: Step 5 Platform Responsibility
ASW Process: Step 6 Teacher Responsibility
ASW Process: Step 7 Platform Responsibility
ASW Process: Step 8 Platform Responsibility
World Languages Guidance Chart(Classical, Dual & Heritage, Modern)
World Languages Planning Worksheet 11012X0 11022X0 11035X0 11045X0 12752Y0
World Languages Example:Modern Languages NM.CLL.1.1 Use memorized words and phrases to exchange information on familiar topics, such as likes, dislikes, emotions, everyday activities, and immediate surroundings. NH.COD.2.2 Analyze simple texts containing familiar vocabulary from other disciplines in terms of the main ideas and supporting details. NL.CMT.4.4 Identify products from the target cultures that are used globally. h IH.COD.3.1 Use the language to give spoken and written presentations on a variety of familiar and some unfamiliar academic topics. h IM.CLL.3.1 Use a series of connected sentences in presentations to describe experiences, events, and opinions. h NL.CMT.4.4 Identify products from the target cultures that are used globally. H h IL.CMT.2.2 Understand the meaning of messages on familiar topics displayed in the community or created by peers learning the same target language.
Planning for the Collection Items to Consider: Method(s) or Measurement: Tool(s) for collecting measurement Pre Test Sljdflkjdfsdfljsdfljdfsdflkjsdfsdflnksdflnsdfsdfllsdfsdflnsdfsdfklsdflkjffslflksdflkjsdfsdf Ljsdflksdf ;mf sdflmdfsdf;dfmsdf;sdfsdfmsdflmf, sdfmsd. Sdmsdf0 lsdjlkjsdflkjsdfljk Ljdflkjfljkdlkjsdftjtlkjltj ;jke;ljkw;jkw ;kw;lkwet ;w;jw ;jkw;ljkwklweljsdfljsdfsdljsdfljsdf Sljdflkjdfsdfljsdfljdfsdflkjsdfsdflnksdflnsdfsdfllsdfsdflnsdfsdfklsdflkjffslflksdflkjsdfsdf Ljsdflksdf ;mf sdflmdfsdf;dfmsdf;sdfsdfmsdflmf, sdfmsd. Sdmsdf0 lsdjlkjsdflkjsdfljk Ljdflkjfljkdlkjsdftjtlkjltj ;jke;ljkw;jkw ;kw;lkwet ;w;jw ;jkw;ljkwklweljsdfljsdfsdljsdfljsdf Sljdflkjdfsdfljsdfljdfsdflkjsdfsdflnksdflnsdfsdfllsdfsdflnsdfsdfklsdflkjffslflksdflkjsdfsdf
Collection Method→ File Size • Up to 10 MB per file! • Pre Test • Sljdflkjdfsdfljsdfljdfsdflkjsdfsdflnksdflnsdfsdfllsdfsdflnsdfsdfklsdflkjffslflksdflkjsdfsdf • Ljsdflksdf ;mf sdflmdfsdf;dfmsdf;sdfsdfmsdflmf, sdfmsd. Sdmsdf0 lsdjlkjsdflkjsdfljk • Ljdflkjfljkdlkjsdftjtlkjltj ;jke;ljkw;jkw ;kw;lkwet ;w;jw ;jkw;ljkwklweljsdfljsdfsdljsdfljsdf • Sljd
Planning for the Collection Items to Consider: Photo Release Forms must be acquired from all students shown in video, pictures or life like renderings. Teachers will need a completed educational release form for all students whose faces are included in the final evidence collection.NOTE: Locally developed forms may be used in place of, or in addition to the Supplemental Form available on the ASW Wiki.