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Gerald R. Ford

Gerald R. Ford. August 9, 1974 - January 20, 1977 The only president not elected as either Vice-President or President. Created & edited by Steve Armstrong SHS, 1994-2006. President Gerald R. Ford. Gerald Ford was sworn in as President on August 9, 1974

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Gerald R. Ford

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  1. Gerald R. Ford August 9, 1974 - January 20, 1977 The only president not elected as either Vice-President or President Created & edited by Steve Armstrong SHS, 1994-2006

  2. President Gerald R. Ford • Gerald Ford was sworn in as President on August 9, 1974 • Ford retained a few of Nixon’s cabinet, including Henry Kissinger • Appointed Don Rumsfeld as Chief of Staff • Dick Cheney was appointed Deputy Chief of Staff

  3. Vice-President Rockefeller • Liberal New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller was appointed vice-president • Democrats threatened to not confirm Rockefeller • Rumsfeld strived to keep Rockefeller from having a voice in the Ford administration

  4. Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ford

  5. Ford with CIA Director George Bush

  6. President Bush with former President Ford, April 23, 2006

  7. Ford pardoned Nixon • September 8, 1974, a month after Nixon’s resignation, Ford granted Nixon a full pardon • President Ford’s approval rating slipped from 71% to 39% overnight • Ford believed a pardon would end Watergate

  8. President Ford’s early actions • President Ford issued a clemency order to those who evaded the draft during the Vietnam War • Clemency order issued September 16, 1974 • Draft evaders and military deserters could now return to the USA and perform alternative (community) service

  9. President Ford’s early actions • Freedom of Information Act was passed by the Democratically controlled Congress • Ford vetoed the law • Veto overridden on November 21, 1974 • The FOIA allowed for more public access to alleged government secrets

  10. President Ford’s veto pen • President Ford vetoed 39 bills in the first few months of his administration • 56 total vetoes were issued by President Ford • Most vetoes were against spending increases proposed by the Democratically controlled Congress • Ford vetoed a 1976 $6.1 billion spending proposal, which he viewed as an election ploy • The veto was upheld by the U.S. Senate • President Ford wanted to control federal spending

  11. Sen. Frank Church’s Committee • Sen. Church’s Committee investigated abuses of the national government since the start of the Cold War • Recommended that restrictions be placed on government covert operations and domestic spying

  12. Ford’s economic dilemma • American economy began to falter in 1971 • President Nixon removed USA from the gold standard • Post-war inflation rose from 5.9% in 1970 to 9.1% in 1975 • President Ford advocated his WhipInflationNow (WIN) program in 1975 • The public viewed Ford as ineffective • Chicago & Detroit lost half of their manufacturing jobs

  13. Role of the Twin Towers • New York’s World Trade Center twin towers were completed in 1977 • Signified a shift in the American economy

  14. New energy policies • Alaska Pipeline was first proposed in 1968 • completed in 1977 • The pipeline transported oil from Alaska’s north slope to the port at Valdez

  15. Prudhoe Bay pump station

  16. Beginning of the Pipeline

  17. Pipeline critics

  18. Other regulations • 55-mph speed limit forced on all states • This was the second most disobeyed law since prohibition

  19. Expansion of coal mining

  20. Ford’s Foreign Policy • Ford met with Brezhnev in 1974 to lay the groundwork for a new SALT II agreement • Kissinger continued his shuttle diplomacy, laying the groundwork for a future peace agreement between Israel and Egypt

  21. Fall of Saigon, 1975

  22. Angolan Civil War

  23. Helsinki Accords, August 1975 • Helsinki Accords were a series of agreements between the USA, Russia and several other nations • USA & USSR agreed to the post-WW II division of Europe • Signatory nations agreed to respect the human rights of citizens • The may have led to more anti-communist agitation in eastern Europe

  24. Ford signed Helsinki Accords

  25. Squeaky Fromm, Sept 5, 1975 • President Ford is hustled away to safety after Squeaky Fromm attempted to shoot him

  26. Sarah Moore, Sept 22, 1975 • President Ford grimaces as a shot is fired at him by Sarah Jane Moore in San Francisco, CA

  27. Ford sought re-election in 1976

  28. Ford selected Bob Dole • Sen. Bob Dole appealed to the conservative wing of the Republican Party • Favored by Rumsfeld

  29. The campaign • Vice-President Rockefeller, campaigning for Bob Dole, reacted to college students heckling them

  30. Carter’s Playboy interview

  31. Ford-Carter Debate • President Ford suggested that Russia did not control eastern Europe

  32. Carter defeated Ford

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