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The View From Here: Teacher, Student, and Parent Perspectives on the NEW Middle School Mathematics GPS

The View From Here: Teacher, Student, and Parent Perspectives on the NEW Middle School Mathematics GPS. Shelly Allen, Richmond County School System Jenni Fuller, Brynn Allen, and Emory Allen, Davidson Fine Arts School.

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The View From Here: Teacher, Student, and Parent Perspectives on the NEW Middle School Mathematics GPS

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  1. The View From Here:Teacher, Student, and Parent Perspectives on the NEW Middle School Mathematics GPS Shelly Allen, Richmond County School System Jenni Fuller, Brynn Allen, and Emory Allen, Davidson Fine Arts School

  2. Essential Question:How many ways can I show the relationship between 2 variables? Standard: M7A3 Understand relationships between two variables Opening Activity How tall are you? How tall is one paper cup? How many cups do you predict it would take to make a stack as tall as you? Use the given materials to show as many ways as possible to find the answer to your question and demonstrate your understanding.

  3. In case you were wondering . . . Who are we? Why are we here? What do we hope you learn from this session?

  4. What Research Says About Effective Classrooms… • Activity centers on mathematical understanding, invention, and sensemaking by ALL students. • The classroom culture is one in which inquiry, wrong answers, personal challenge, collaboration, and disequilibrium provide opportunities for new learning by ALL students.

  5. What Research Says About Effective Classrooms… • The tasks in which students engage are mathematically worthwhile for ALL students. • A teacher’s deep knowledge of the mathematics content they teach and the trajectory of that content enable the teacher to support important, long-lasting student understanding. • Weiss et al, 2003; Kilpatrick et al, 2001; Glenn et al, 2000; Hiebert et al, 1997; Burton, 1999; Boaler and Greeno, 2000

  6. Community Agreements • Use Private Think Time to list 3-5 things we need to do in order to think deeply about math, work and talk together to build shared understandings, and consider varied points of view. • Use Go-Around One Protocol to share everyone’s ideas. Remember that when it’s not your turn to talk, it’s your turn to listen without giving any clues about your opinion!

  7. Classroom Culture & Rituals/Routines http://www.flickr.com/photos/24707395@N02/

  8. “Task” isn’t a four-letter word • Use private think time to reflect on the paper cups opening activity. • What did you do to help other people in your group understand the task? • Tell at least one thing that each person in your group did or said to help you understand the task. • Do you think everyone in your group understands? What evidence do you have?

  9. Keeping it Interesting • What is mathematically necessary in the task? • What is “teacher’s choice”? • What can be student’s choice? • Topic • Ways to show your understanding • Type of presentation • Solo/Partner

  10. Now for the super-stars . . . the students, of course!

  11. Find copies of tasks & rubrics atmrsfuller.com

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