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Laboratory of Software Ingeneering Li2, EA 2215 UBO/ENIB, BREST, FRANCE. Research Group in Informatics and Cognition GRESICO, UBS/IUP, VANNES, FRANCE. Autonomy and Proactive Perception for Virtual Actors. Marc Parenthoën, Jacques Tisseau, Thierry Morineau. virus. autonomy. 1.
Laboratory of Software Ingeneering Li2, EA 2215 UBO/ENIB, BREST, FRANCE Research Group in Informatics and Cognition GRESICO, UBS/IUP, VANNES, FRANCE Autonomy and Proactive Perception for Virtual Actors Marc Parenthoën, Jacques Tisseau, Thierry Morineau
virus autonomy 1 virtual reality virtual theatre video-game interactive fiction 3D-movie interaction immersion 0 1 flight simulator 1 VR : History in virtuo presence
Plan • Autonomy by Conviction Principle of autonomy for behovioral model • Affordance-Based FCM Behavior specification and control • Virtual Proactive Perception Simulation, active perception and prediction • Implementation of a Virtual Skipper
sense action real time interactive language on line Exploitation of Models what IS the model what does the model DO Animation Simulation Model Modelling What BECOMES of the model
interactivity on line modelling language 2 interactive simulation action 1 real time animation sense 0 slave/master master/slave model model model equal/equal avatar Numerical Simulation Interactive Simulation Participative Simulation User Status cre-actor actor spectator
Towards Intrinsic Autonomous Models Deficiencies • sensorial • motor • mental Abilities • of perception • of action • of decision Autonomy • of execution loss of autonomy
perception decision action Multi-Agent Systems Numerical model • descriptive • causal • behavioral
model model avatar avatar A E I O U Participative Multi-Agent Systems VOWELS • Agent • Environment • Interaction • Organisation “extended” VOWELS • User
+ close enemy + + wishto escape fear far enemy - + - sensors perceptions AGENT FCM fuzzyfication defuzzyfication effectors actions Behavioral Modelling FCMs [Kosko86] • specify • control • model perception Dynamics Decision
Plan • Autonomy by Conviction • Affordance-Based FCM • Virtual Proactive Perception • Implementation of a Virtual Skipper
Psychological Model of Activity Affordances [Gibson77] • environment-tool-agent attractive or repulsive effect • absolute value sensation=Fuzzyfication(sensors) • relative value accessibility level (perceptual/motor) • selection via FCM perception=Dynamics(FCM)
Affordance-Based FCM Construction • concepts=affordances given by expert • extern activation=absolute value virtual sensors + fuzzy rules • selection via FCM perception=dynamics(FCM) • strategy of trajectory associated with selected affordance
Plan • Autonomy by Conviction • Affordance-Based FCM • Virtual Proactive Perception • Implementation of a Virtual Skipper
inner maps operations input switch output switch } projective effector command sensorimotor inputs } operators on state variables comparison real/simulated behavior modification conservative Active Perception[Berthoz 88]
sensors simulation and adaptation FCM selects affordance projection sensors LF selection FCM learns affordances comparison/ anticipation hebb comparison/ anticipation HF HF sequence of postures modification sequence of postures effectors effectors Virtual Proactive Perception active perception, anticipation, simulation and learning simulation in the simulation
Plan • Autonomy by Conviction • Affordance-Based FCM • Virtual Proactive Perception • Implementation of a Virtual Skipper
Gateway Restart -1 Gateway VMG -1 -1 Obstacle Luff -1 -1 -1 Obstacle Jibe-Luff -1 Landmark Gyroscope -1 -1 Landmark Trim -1 -1 -1 +1 -1 -1 Specific Surf +1 Specific No Surf Affordance-Based FCMs Construction
Human and Virtual Helmsmans • associated to each affordance, • part of strategy
CERV European Center of Virtual Reality(CERV) … Brest, september 2003
Laboratory of Software Ingeneering Li2, EA 2215 UBO/ENIB, BREST, FRANCE Research Group in Informatics and Cognition GRESICO, UBS/IUP, VANNES, FRANCE Autonomy and Proactive Perception for Virtual Actors Marc Parenthoën, Jacques Tisseau, Thierry Morineau