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SUBSCRIBER MANAGEMENT WITH NEW CIM CLIENT SOFTWARE. CONTENTS. Features Installation Procedure Operations and Management Reports Summary. FEATURES. SYSTEM REQUIREMENT Hardware : Pentium Processor with 64MB RAM Operating System : Windows 9x. 2. Easy to Install

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  1. SUBSCRIBER MANAGEMENT WITH NEW CIM CLIENT SOFTWARE Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  2. CONTENTS • Features • Installation Procedure • Operations and Management • Reports • Summary Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  3. FEATURES • SYSTEM REQUIREMENT Hardware : Pentium Processor with 64MB RAM Operating System : Windows 9x Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  4. 2. Easy to Install 3. Very Simple to Use 4. Off-line Subscriber Creation to avoid load on Billing Server 5. Flexibility for Renewal from any Package to any other Package Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  5. 6. No flexibility to modify contract end date and Balance etc. 7. No flexibility in selecting different admin, dialup and email user id’s 8. Identification of Service accounts. 9. For Rural Dhaba maximum balance that can be used in a year (8760 Hrs) is given at the time of creation itself Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  6. 10. Advance Renewal Status of renewal is shown as Y/ N where Y means renewed and N means request has been accepted for advance renewal after expiry. Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  7. 11. Version of CIM Client Software Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  8. 12. Accounts with Fixed IP Accounts with fixed IP will be provided after some time. The provision is made in the CIM Client version 1.2 Select Edit and then Radius Configuration the screen will be as…. Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  9. Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  10. Installation Procedure Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  11. PART A (Uninstallation of old CIM) First of all, make sure that you have uninstalled old CIM Client software from your CIM Client PC. If you have already uninstalled this software go straight to PART B, otherwise do as instructed in Part A and then go to Part B. Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  12. Steps for Uninstallation of Old CIM Client Version Start Your PC Click on Start Button. Go and Click on Settings Click on Control Panel Go and Click on 'Add/Remove Program' Icon. ( A list of Installed software programs will be shown when you click this button ) Select the Old/Obsolete CIM Client Version Then Click on the 'Add/Remove' button available just below the list on right hand side. Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  13. Select the option Remove, if prompted and click on Next, followed with and click on OK in Confirm Deletion window and Click on Don't Display this message again and Yes in Shared File Detected Window. Finally click on Finish. Click on OK in Add/Remove Program Window Also remove desktop shortcut for the CIM Client if there is any. Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  14. Part B for Downloading and Installing the New CIM Client Software Create a folder with name cim_client on C: Drive of your PC. Open Web Browser .Type the URL of the Server specified for your Circle for downloading the software as per next table from CIM Client PC only. You would be prompted for User Name and Password. In User Field Enter nib_<city_name>and in the Password field,enter the email password of nib_<city_name> account. Follow the instructions available on Web-Page which would open for downloading the CIM Client. e.g. for Solan NIB node ( which is in Himachal Pradesh). Refer the Table below, look for H. P. , the corresponding Server address is http://ludhiana.sancharnet.in:1757. Then in UserId and Password Fields. [for Solan, UserId is nib_solan and in Password field , enter the Email Password for nib_solan ] Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  15. Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  16. Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  17. Installation Process Use windows explorer to open the folder cim_client in your PC CIM Client Software which you have downloaded is a password protected self-extractable zip archive. To unzip it you would need a password from Data Networks. This step is essential for obvious security reasons. Send email from nib_<cityname>@sancharnet.in dnwne@sancharnet.in to obtain password for the archive. Password will be communicated to NIB node incharge only. Node incharge should indicate his name and phone number(o) and (r) in the email. Once password is available double click on CGCim_V_1_x to extract the complete software within the folder cim_client. Enter the archive password when prompted for the same Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  18. Now double click on CGCim_V_1_x to install the software automatically. During installation, click on Next, when prompted. As a final step click on Finish, which will restart your PC. Please be Very Very Patient during installation and do not carry out any other operations while installation is in progress. Send a confirmation on dnwne@sancharnet.in after successful implementation Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  19. Delete CGCim_V_1_x and CGCim_V_1_x from the c:\cim_client after installation due to security reasons. Click on desktop icon Cg Cim v1.x to start CIM Client. Alternatively Click on Start -> Select Programs -> Select Cg Cim v1.x -> Click on Cg Cim v1.x to start CIM Client. Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  20. This completes the installation Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  21. OPERATIONS AND MANAGEMENT Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  22. CONTENTS • Login to CIM • New Account Creation • Account Renewal • Changing CIM Password • Password resetting etc. Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  23. Login to CIM Click on the Desktop icon of CG_CIM OR Run the New CIM Client from Start > Programs > Cg Cim Client v1.x > Cg Cim Client v1.x, you will get the screen Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  24. Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  25. Enter the valid CIM Client userid and password allotted to your node and click on Ok. If the userid and password is correct and it is authenticated on the Registration Server you will get next screen as……. Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  26. Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  27. Now You are Connected on the Registration Server through your CIM Client Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  28. If you give wrong User id or Password you will the message as…. Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  29. Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  30. Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  31. This message board can also be seen after connecting to CIM Go to Help Tab and select Message Board Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  32. If You are not able to connect to CIM pl. check the following In MS Dos prompt go to C:\ > Path Output must show the Path as PATH=C:\PROGRAMFILES\CGIL\CGCIM \ORACLE\ORA81\BIN Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  33. If not then Edit the AUTOEXEC.bat File of Windows and put the line as SET PATH="C:\ProgramFiles\Cgil\CgCim\Oracle\Ora81\BIN\" Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  34. New Account Creation Click on File and then Select New Subscriber, you will get Screen as….. Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  35. Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  36. There are three sections • Demographic Information • Administration Login • Contract Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  37. NOTE: Except Middle name and Fax number all are mandatory fields. Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  38. Allowed Field Values • Name, Address, Admin id Allowed -->[a-z,0-9 and _] Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  39. Restrictions --> i) No Special Characters like&, @, #, %, *, (, ), ", ' etc ii) Minimum = 3 characters and Maximum = 32 Characters iii) Should not start with _ Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  40. Admin Password : Allowed -->[a-z,A-Z,0-9 and _] Restrictions --> i) No Special Characters ii) Minimum = 6 characters and Maximum = 12 Characters iii) Should not start with _ Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  41. Fill all the entries carefully Select proper Contract and click on + sign to associate this contract with this user. The selected Contract will come in allotted contract and dialup and email id, passwords and balance with contract begin and end date will come automatically. Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  42. If you want to change the allotted Contract/ Package at this moment due to wrong selection then select it in the allotted Contract and click on - tab, to remove it. Now you can assign the new Contract to this Customer from the Available Contract list in same manner. Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  43. Things to be Noted here are • Service account option • Account enabled option (default is enabled) • Access Time Restriction • CLI • Second Email id needs to be edited if available for the package Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  44. Access Time Restriction you can fill up a time interval and the Dialup userid will be accessible in that period only. The format of this field is HH:MM-HH:MM, ie. if you want access restriction from 10:00 AM to 06:00 PM only then you have to give as 10:00-18:00 in the Access time field. Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  45. Important Packages with Access Time Restriction will be provided very soon. Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  46. CLI (Calling Line Identification) CLI can be added here itself for the Dialup id. (specially required for Dhaba accounts) Note that it should be exactly same as it is coming on the RAS (Remote Access Server). Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  47. Important • CLI is compulsory for Dhaba Accounts • It will be introduced with other packages also very soon. Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  48. The Filled up account details will look like this….. Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  49. Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

  50. Click on Create after making sure that all the entries are correct, this will create the account in Offline mode. Similarly Create other accounts also. All the accounts will go on added in the offline list. List of offline created accounts will look like Data Networks, BSNL, New Delhi for internal use only

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