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ETOWAH HIGH SCHOOL PARENT UNIVERSITY. The Tassel is Worth the Hassle. Budget Brief: Less funding (2011 Legislative Agenda) Do more with less (AJC Article, 2.13.11) Least negative impact on students (Page One Article, January/February Edition) Short & Long-term impacts
The Tassel is Worth the Hassle • Budget Brief: • Less funding (2011 Legislative Agenda) • Do more with less (AJC Article, 2.13.11) • Least negative impact on students (Page One Article, January/February Edition) • Short & Long-term impacts • Planning, patience, & pocketbooks • Citizens Guide to the CCSD Budget
Budget Blues • Truth v. Reality . . . Governor’s campaign promises v. state economics • State shortfall = $3.8 million loss due to ending AARA – state has no plan to replace • T & E (Step increases) will continue in the form of “austerity cuts” CCSD will only get $2.4 million • $25.25 Million total budget cuts due to austerity
Budget Blues . . . (cont.) • Continued local funding loss due to continued decrease in property value, foreclosures, etc. = $7.5 million SY 11-12 (CCSD will use ‘Jobs Bill Money’ to help fill this loss) • CCSD has saved ALL of that federal money unlike other districts who have already spent it!
Other factors: • Governor’s budget does not show any funding restored due to cuts for the last 3 years • Governor announced no furloughs but did not state how to pay for the work days • Continued reduced funding for transportation • CCSD will add ~ 700 more students next year due to growth . . . state may not have the money to fund the mid-year budget = another loss of $3 million
Other factors: • Teachers are under the impression they will get a step increase – not with proposed, continued austerity cuts • Title I/SPED. Funds - $2.9 million loss in federal money • Anticipated participation in State Health Benefit Plan (SHBP) will cost CCSD another $1 million in SY 11-12 . . .burden will be on local tax payer • Tax reform promises – revenue neutral??? Will take another 2 years to implement
Enough already!!! • Public money for private school was $50 million . . . legislature has proposed to add another $50 million for this program AND allow students to participate in public school extracurricular • CCSD will have ~ $7 million shortfall even in light of using the ‘Jobs Bill’ money and a 10-11 one mill increase • (4) Furloughs days would be needed again in SY 11-12 (save ~ $5 million) • Continue to increase class size
WHAT IS RT3? • Authorized under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) • Provides funding to States to develop assessments that are valid, support and inform instruction, provide accurate information about what students know and can do • Measure student achievement against standards designed to ensure that all students gain the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in college and the workplace • Provide administrators, educators, parents, and students with the data and information needed to continuously improve teaching and learning
Why did CCSD apply for this? • To be at the table to influence the criteria versus sitting back and waiting for something to be “done to us”. • Access to $400 million (state will keep $200 million) • CCSD should receive about $2.6 million. • Data-driven decision making & standards based accountability already in place in CCSD. • RT3 will enhance current programs in order to deepen and quicken the pace of educational reform.
Basics of RT3 and the impact on EHS • Scope of Work from CCSD to the State & Feds was approved. • Outlines CCSD’s approach to addressing the (4) Tenets of RTTT • Tenet #1 = Common Core Standards & Assessments - Measure & address individual student progress (EHS is disaggregating performance data via DMR’s) • STEM (EHS is addressing through competitive course offerings in those areas & through Career Pathways) • T.A.A. (EHS will continue to improve program & delivery) • Collaborative common planning/ (PLC’s) professional learning communities (EHS is currently utilizing PLC’s)
RT3 Basics (cont.) • Tenet #1 (cont.) • E-lockers re-instituted • Senior Project (EHS will continue to execute) • 21st century learners/classrooms (EHS will continue to support teacher participation in TeAch 21 classes)
RT3 • Tenet #2 Longitudinal Data System • One stop, desk-top-shop for student data via ASPEN • Data Management Team (EHS currently uses a distributive leadership model in which student performance data is analyzed to assure continued academic improvement. The goal is to provide students with the level of work most appropriate to their abilities (differentiation). • Academic Improvement Plan (AIP) to compliment populations of students not addressed via special education or RTI/SST.
RT3 • Tenet #3 Great Teachers & Leaders - Common statewide teacher and leader performance evaluation system which clearly defines effectiveness, sets clear expectation of performance, & provides individual bonuses. • The current teacher evaluation tool is not an option. • True measure of student progress via pre & post tests not year to year high stakes tests. • Bonus money to come from $2.6 million?
RT3 • Tenet #4 Turning Around Low Performing Schools • Low performing determined by current NCLB/AYP standards. • Tenet #4 does not apply to EHS at this time and, we must work to make sure it never does!!!
Game Plan • Regardless of the changes in the political scene, the state of NCLB, budget shortfalls, and the introduction of RT3, best practices remain the same! • Thoughtfully & relentlessly enhance/improve the quality of education for all students via . . . • professional collaboration (PLC’s & walk-throughs) • instructional accountability (walk-throughs) • proactive disaggregation of student performance data (DMR’s) • execute lesson plans that provide students with the level of work MOST appropriate to their ability (differentiate)
ETOWAH HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDANCE RATES 2007-08 95.8% 2008-09 96.2% 2009-10 95.8% 2010-11 97 - 98% This year’s school-wide goal was to exceed 95%.
HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDANCE TAKINGHigh school attendance is taken during each class period to assure the required seat time for each class is achieved.
ATTENDANCE INCENTIVES 9-WEEK PERFECT ATTENDANCE:Event card for free admission to any ONE school sponsored event GOOD UNTIL THE END OF THE CURRENT SCHOOL YEAR. In addition , if weather is permitting, students enjoy lunch in the courtyard for the week of distribution
SEMESTER/YEAR PERFECT ATTENDANCE INCENTIVE: Students who drive will have a choice of a semester of free parking which allows them to pick their parking spot9TH grade students will be placed in a drawing for two new bicycles9th – 11th graders will get an activity card for free admission to unlimited events throughout the following semesterSeniors will receive an attendance cord/pin for graduation ceremoniesPer the superintendent‘s academic achievement recognition manual (honors day), each grade level will recognize superior attendance Ford and Chevy dealership incentives (free car opportunity)
Absent Excuses In order for any absence to be considered excused, a written note from parents, doctors, etc. must be turned in to the attendance office within 5 days of the student’s return to school.
Student AppealsAny student having a passing grade with 7 or more absences (excused, unexcused, or OSS) in a semester will receive no credit for that class unless a student appeal is submitted and approved by the Attendance Committee and the Principal.
How will I know if I need to appeal?The need to appeal will be evident on the student report card (“NC”) or transcripts (zero credit) in the credit column for any class that has a passing grade of 70 or above.
Where do I go to get an appeal form?Appeal forms can be obtained from the attendance office (7101) or the counseling office (3108) and submitted to either Dr. Ashley’s office (6210) or in the counseling office in the “C” building. Students will complete the form including a reason (in their own words) as to why the appeal should be granted.
When do I submit an appeal?Appeals are to be submitted during the last 2 weeks of the current semester. The deadline for appeals is 10 school days after the end of each semester.
NOTE:Absent excuses submitted at time of appeal for the prior semester will be considered by the attendance committee but will not change absences from unexcused to excused.
TAADRAGeorgia’s Teen-age and Adult Driver Responsibility Act (TAADRA) of 1997, requires that local school systems certify that a student’s attendance pattern and discipline record permits him or her to have a Georgia learner’s permit or driver’s license.
Certificate of Attendance for a drivers’ licensePer Georgia law, any student 15 – 17 years old having 10 or more unexcused days of attendance during the school year will have no driving privileges. This will remain in effect through the current school year and continues in the following school year.
Requests for Certificate of Attendance are submitted in the attendance office and require at least 24 hours to process. They are valid for 30 days from time of issuance except at the end of the school year when they are valid for the entire summer break.
Please consult the CCSD Student/Parent Handbook for more detailed information on attendance and student appeals.
Class of 2015 • Classes are divided into two semesters • Each semester is worth .5 units of credit per class • A student will take 6 classes each semester • Credit is issued at the end of each semester (December & May) • Students must earn 23 units to graduate
PSAT • PSAT stands for Preliminary SAT. It contains the same types of questions as SAT. The PSAT tests critical reading, math problem solving, and writing skills. • Critical Reading - includes reading comprehension questions about full-length and paragraph-length passages as well as sentence completions. • Writing - includes multiple-choice questions on grammar, usage, word choice, and organization. There is no essay section. • Math - includes multiple-choice questions and grid-in questions, which require the student to generate a response. (numbers and operations; algebra and functions; geometry and measurement; and statistics, probability, and data analysis.)
Before the PSAT • The school receives from the College Board a copy of the PSAT Student Guide for each student. • Test taking help • Information about National Merit Scholarship Corporation scholarship competitions • A full-length practice test
My College QuickStart • My College QuickStart is a free personalized college planning kit based on PSAT results connected to an online account specific to each student. • Review PSAT scores online, sort answers and explanations by difficulty and question type and view projected SAT score ranges. • Prepare for the SAT with a customized study plan based on strengths and weaknesses, as determined by PSAT performance. • Get a starter list of colleges to explore based on information provided on the PSAT. • View a personalized list of suggested majors and careers that fit strengths and interests identified on the PSAT and an online personality test available at My College QuickStart.
EOCT • The EOCT (End of Course Test) assesses student achievement of the state adopted curriculum in core courses. • Ninth Grade Literature and Composition • Biology • Mathematics I or Mathematics II
EOCT Grading • Currently, the EOCT counts as 15% of the student’s final course grade. • Students must earn a 70 or higher final course grade to pass the course and earn credit toward graduation. • If a student is absent on the day of the test and misses all make-up opportunities, the student may receive an Incomplete and take the EOCT during the next available testing window. • A school may not issue a “zero” for an EOCT grade in lieu of a make-up test administration.
EOCT Study Guides • Study Guides for each subject are located on the State Department of Education Website. http://www.k12.ga.us/ci_testing.aspx?folderID=14732&m=links&ft=EOCT Guides
Class of 2015 Math Track Grade 9 GPS During the 2011 – 2012 school-year, the state is realigning the curriculum into a new system called the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS). Courses may change name in the Fall of 2012 to CCGPS Algebra, CCGPS Geometry, and CCGPS Advanced Algebra. These courses will not be a return to the old math curriculum that existed before GPS. Grade 10 CCGPS equivalent of math 2 Grade 11 CCGPS equivalent of math 3 Grade 12 CCGPS equivalent of math 4
Rising 9th Grade Scheduling Timeline • Elective/Club Fair – 2.9.2011 • Elective selection – week of 2.14.2011 • Course roll-over & data disaggregation – week of 2.14 & 2.21.2011 • Initial Course Registration Documents sent home – March > All courses listed (academic & electives) > Directions for requesting changes > Waiver information > Schedules Finalized in June
Thank You Parents of the Class of 2015 • Information in your packet: • ‘Blue Print for Success’ shared at the 1.26 ET Booth Meeting • FAQ’s questions gathered from parents at the 1.26 ET Booth Meeting • Class of 2015 Comprehensive Transition Schedule • Documents/Information shared at Parent University will be posted on the EHS home page