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Chapter 14 The First Global Age: Europe and Asia

Chapter 14 The First Global Age: Europe and Asia. 14-1 The Search for Spices. Europeans Explore the Seas. Crusades Spices Moluccas Motives In 1400s ____ and _____ controlled most trade between Asia and Europe. Europeans wanted direct access to riches. Inquiry Revenge .

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Chapter 14 The First Global Age: Europe and Asia

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  1. Chapter 14The First Global Age: Europe and Asia

  2. 14-1 The Search for Spices

  3. Europeans Explore the Seas • Crusades • Spices • Moluccas • Motives • In 1400s ____ and _____ controlled most trade between Asia and Europe. Europeans wanted direct access to riches. • Inquiry • Revenge

  4. Improved Technology • Cartographers • Astrolabe • caravel

  5. Portugal Sails Eastward • Led the way in exploration • Mapping the African Coast • Henry the Navigator • Bartholomeu Dias • On to India • Vasco da Gama • Portuguese seized key ports around Indian Ocean

  6. Columbus Sails to the West • Goal: • Voyages of Columbus 1492 • Support from Spain. Why? • Landed in island of the Caribbean • West Indies • Line of Demarcation 1493 • Pope Alexander VI • Naming the “New World”

  7. The Search Continues • Perils at Sea • Ferdinand Magellan from Spain reached the coast of ________ in 1520. • Circumnavigating the Globe • Magellan’s crew reached the Philippines in 1521. • After 3 years one ship reached Seville

  8. Search for a Northwest Passage • 1497, King Henry VII of England sent navigators to explore the north.

  9. 14-2 Diverse Traditions of Southeast Asia

  10. Geography of Southeast Asia • 20,000 islands between the South China Sea and _____ Ocean. Includes: Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, and Malaysia. • Location • Trade Routes in the Southern Seas

  11. Early Traditions • Most Southeast Asian countries were influenced by: • Diverse ethnic groups • Women • matrilineal

  12. Impact of India • Increasing Contacts • Diverse products: • Islam • By way of merchants

  13. New Kingdoms and Empires • Blend of Indian influences with local cultures produced a series of kingdoms and empires in Southeast Asia. • Pagan • The Khmer Empire • Srivijaya

  14. Vietnam Emerges • Indian traditions spread mostly through _____ instead of conquest. However, China conquered neighboring state of Annam.

  15. Chinese Domination • In 111 B.C., Han dynasty conquered and ruled for 1000 years. Chinese influence: • Resistance • In 39 A.D. two sisters, Trung Trac and Trung Nhi, led uprising for independence. • Martyrs and heroes • 939 gained independence • Became tributary state

  16. 14-3 European Footholds in Southeast Asia and India • ______ were the first European power to gain foothold in Asia.

  17. Portugal’s Empire in the East • In 1510, they seized the island of Goa, making it a: • Trading Outposts • Alfonso Albuquerque • Impact • Not strong enough to conquer • High intolerance and racism

  18. Rise of the Dutch • First Europeans to challenge the Portuguese. • Sea Power • Dutch Dominance • In 1602 Dutch merchants formed the _________. • Malacca • Monopoly • Wealth • Marriage

  19. Spain Seizes the Philippines • In the spirit of the Catholic Reformation, Spanish priest set out to convert the Filipino people. Why were they easily defeated. • Key to trading empire • Named after Spanish King ______.

  20. Mughal India and European Traders • Industry and Commerce • What was the relationship between India and European traders? • Turmoil and Decline 1700s • Why did they collapse?

  21. British-French Rivalry • Both organized sepoys • Global conflict • By 1700s, England drove out the French. • Result:

  22. 14-4 Encounters in East Asia

  23. European Trade with China • The Ming dynasty had little use for foreigners • Strict Limits on Trade • Limited trade to Europe • Had to leave • Scholars and Missionaries

  24. The Manchu Conquest • Qing Rule • After the Ming dynasty fell, invaders from the north called the _______, established the Qing dynasty • No intermarriage • Confucian • government

  25. Prosperity • Economy expanded • Population boomed from trade by 1740 • From 140 million to ______ • Demand for Chinese goods grew

  26. Response to Westerners • How did they deal with foreigners? • Lord Macartney of England • Kowtow • Immediate result of his visit: • Long term effect:

  27. Korea and Isolation • Restricted trade to outsiders in the 1500s and 1600s. • How did Confucianism look at foreigners? • Two events made Korea turn to isolation • 1. • 2. • Effect:

  28. Japan and Foreign Traders • Welcomed the Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, and English in the mid 1500s. • What did the Japanese learn from them? • It helped the Tokugawa centralize power • Christianity • Effect: • By 1638, the Tokugawa barred all Western merchants except:

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