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UNIT 5 REVIEW. DISILLUSIONMENT. EZRA POUND. A Few Don’ts. Defines the philosophy. Warns against the pitfalls. Essential idea: Less is more!. The River Merchants Wife. Influenced by Chinese lit. Young, innocent girl is forced to marry a man she does not know. Grows to love him.

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  3. A Few Don’ts • Defines the philosophy. • Warns against the pitfalls. • Essential idea: Less is more!

  4. The River Merchants Wife • Influenced by Chinese lit. • Young, innocent girl is forced to marry a man she does not know. • Grows to love him. • When he goes away to sea, misses him and awaits his return.

  5. A Station in the Metro • Evokes the crowd of a train station. • Human relations are fragile and fleeting.

  6. William Carlos Williams

  7. The Great Figure ~ The Red Wheelbarrow ~ This is Just to Say • Poetry evokes emotion with simple ideas and objects. • Use of simple images & language. • Engages the senses through imagery. • Details of everyday things can have power, beauty, and significance.

  8. Carl Sandburg

  9. Chicago ~ Grass • Uses simple words & phrases. • Expresses his love and admiration for what he sees as a great and vital city, though not perfect. • Serenity of nature obscures the horrors of war.

  10. E.E. Cummings

  11. anyone lived in a pretty how town • Ordinary people, unremarkable lives. • Seasons pass characters do nothing, are unnoticed by each other. • Both explore the relationship with the individual & society.

  12. Old Age Sticks • Illustrates the cycle of human nature & human experience. • Youth is contrasted with old age,eventually becoming the old!

  13. W.H. AUDEN

  14. The Unknown Citizen • Society is concerned with data, not people. • Emotions and beliefs do not matter. • No one knows anything about main character, he is just a number.

  15. Ernest Hemingway

  16. In Another Country • Narrator feels disconnected with the other soldiers. • Officers are frowned upon. • The others have earned their awards.

  17. Katherine Anne Porter

  18. The Jilting of Granny Weatherall • On deathbed looks back on life. • George left her at alter, married John later dies. • Pride in raising her children and being orderly. • Realizes death has come for her after she cannot face the pain, memory of the death of her daughter.

  19. William faulkner

  20. “A Rose for Emily” • Reclusive woman but the town regards her with respect and curiosity. • Begins with her funeral, retells select events from her life. • As she ages she becomes more mysterious. • Romance with Homer Barron is focus of concern which town does not approve; he mysteriously disappears. • After her death, a secret is revealed.

  21. NOBEL PRIZE SPEECH • Express to young writers what matters in life: Love, Honor, Compassion, Sacrifice. • The immortal soul and compassionate spirit will survive leading to the survival of the human race.

  22. Robert Frost

  23. BIRCHES • Old man remembers swinging from branches. • Exploring nature prepared him for life’s greater challenges. • Being an adult is hard, helps him to think back on his carefree days.

  24. Stopping by the Woods • Stops to admire the beauty of the scene and to escape everyday life. • He still has a lot to do. • The meaning of life and the things people value most.

  25. Mending Wall • Speaker doesn’t like the wall or thinks it is needed. • Neighbor thinks it builds good relations. • The wall creates an unnatural separation. • Natural forces will always work to break them down.

  26. The Gift Outright Celebrates the birth of a nation and reminds readers of the human connection to hope. Examines the colonists struggle to understand their strange land. Spurred by love of the land and high hopes for their future, they gained independence from England.

  27. Langston Hughes

  28. Refuge in America ~ The Negro Speaks of Rivers ~ Dream Variation • Poems explore the themes of ancestry, aspirations, and the longing for freedom and justice.

  29. Claude McKay

  30. The Tropics of New York • Speaker is overcome with the longing for home.


  32. That’s All Folks!

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