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Unit 5 Review

Unit 5 Review. Answers. Scientific Revolution. Period of scientific discovery and invention Characterized by a desire to look into and define natural laws and use of reason. Reasons for Exploration. Gold, God, and Glory Get other places resources Spread Christianity

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Unit 5 Review

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  1. Unit 5 Review Answers

  2. Scientific Revolution • Period of scientific discovery and invention • Characterized by a desire to look into and define natural laws and use of reason

  3. Reasons for Exploration • Gold, God, and Glory • Get other places resources • Spread Christianity • Spain was very devoted to spreading the Catholic religion • The fame and power that came with finding and conquering other lands

  4. Ferdinand Magellan • In charge of the first voyage to sail around the world (circumnavigate) • Dies on the voyage, but his remaining crew completes the trip

  5. Christopher Columbus • Sails to the Americas (thinks it is India) with the backing of the King and Queen of Spain

  6. Slave Trade • Native people were taken from Africa over to the Americas and traded for goods or sold • The voyage was hard, many Africans died • Were not taken care of • Crammed into ships like goods

  7. Columbian Exchange • Exchange of plants, animals, and diseases through trade between the Americas and Europe

  8. Conquistador • Spanish explorer/conqueror

  9. Enlightenment • Use reason to look at traditional ideas about government and society • Reason could find natural laws that govern human nature

  10. Salon • Informal social gatherings at which writers, artists, philosophers, and others exchanged ideas

  11. Philosophe • Enlightenment thinker(philosopher) • Someone who studied government and society during the Enlightenment

  12. John Locke • Philosophe • Wrote book: Two treatises of Government • Social Contract: people give power to government so that the government protects them • Humans have natural rights: life, liberty, and property • If a government fails to protect rights of citizens, people must overthrow that government • Power should lie in the people not the government

  13. Unalienable Rights • Rights that cannot be taken away • Term used in the Declaration of Independence • Influenced by John Locke’s ideas of natural rights

  14. Reign of Terror • Maximilien Robespierre gets control of France during revolution • Kills anyone who is against him or his ideas • Says it allows French citizens to keep their ideas of revolution alive

  15. Napoleon’s Rule • General of the French army after Robespierre is killed • Very accomplished general • During governmental transition, seizes power • Leads a time period of peace and accomplishes good things in France BUT • Crowns himself emperor and starts to build an empire

  16. Effects of Napoleon’s Rule • Actually sets up a stable form of government • Set up public schools run by the government (lycees) • Fairer tax code – established a national bank, assuring the government a steady supply of tax money with a tax collection system • Set up a system of laws – Napoleonic Code – even though it gives uniform laws, it limits liberty and promotes order over individual rights.

  17. Effects of French Revolution • Citizens now had rights, no longer just subjects of a king

  18. Industrial Revolution • Increase in machines, factories, and urban life.

  19. Causes of Industrial Revolution • Large farms put small farms out of business • Farmers move to cities looking for work • Increased technology • Made farming easier • Made production of goods easier

  20. Why England? • Large population of workers • Lots of natural resources • Coal, iron ore, rivers, coastline • Banking system allowed for loans

  21. Urbanization • People move from rural areas into the cities

  22. Free-market system/capitalism/Adam Smith • Government should not interfere in the economy • Adam Smith wrote Wealth of Nations which explained capitalism/free-market economics • AKA: laissez faire economics

  23. Karl Marx/Communism • Wrote The Communist Manifesto • Private property is bad, communities should share • Capitalism will destroy itself • People should work for a shared interest in the community not for self interest • Workers must revolt against employers to protect themselves

  24. Resources used for “new” energy • Coal • Water • Iron ore (railroads)

  25. 3 Factors of Production • Land • Labor • Capital (money)

  26. Laissez-faire • Economic system that is based on no government interference • Businesses and consumers control the market

  27. Imperialism • The take over of a country or territory by a stronger nation with the intent of dominating the political, social, and economic life of the people

  28. Resources wanted in Africa • Gold • Diamonds

  29. Impacts on Africa • Resources and people were exploited (used) by the European countries • African people were poor and mistreated

  30. Spheres of Influence • An area in which an outside power claims exclusive investment or trading privileges

  31. Protectorate • A country or territory with its own internal government but under the control of an outside power

  32. Berlin Conference • European countries met to determine how to divide Africa amongst themselves. • No African countries were represented at the conference

  33. Reasons for Latin American Revolutions • Enlightenment ideas came from Europe • Napoleon’s conquests in Europe allowed Latin America to have some amount of freedom

  34. Jose Morelos • Priest that led revolution in Mexico

  35. Miguel Hidalgo • Priest that started revolution in Mexico

  36. Simon Bolivar • General in Venezuela that led rebels against Spain

  37. Encomienda • System of slavery in Latin America enforced by the Europeans

  38. Mestizos • People of European and Native American ancestry

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