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Skeletal System Overview

Skeletal System Overview. Biology 2121 Chapter 7. Study Guide Notes. 1. You are responsible for any bone covered in the lab. Bone location General function(s) of bone 2. PP Notes 3. Review/Objective Notes. Introduction. Skeletal System Axial vs. Appendicular Number of Bones

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Skeletal System Overview

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  1. Skeletal System Overview Biology 2121 Chapter 7

  2. Study Guide Notes 1. You are responsible for any bone covered in the lab. • Bone location • General function(s) of bone 2. PP Notes 3. Review/Objective Notes

  3. Introduction SkeletalSystem • Axial vs. Appendicular • Number of Bones Functions • 1. Support • 2. Mineral and Lipid storage • 3. Hematopoiesis • 4. Protection • 5. Leverage

  4. Axial Skeleton – The Skull • Skull • 22 facial and cranial bones • Cranium • (8) cranial bones • Thin, formed by intermembranous processes • Protection; attachment site for head and neck muscles • Encases the brain 2. Bones are held together by ‘sutures’ • Coronal, saggitial, squamous, lambdoid 3. Facial Bones • (14) facial bones • Functions

  5. Vertebral Column • (26) bones total • 7 Cervical; 12 Thoracic; 5 Lumbar; sacrum and coccyx • Curvature 2. Attachments • Longitudinal ligaments • Ligamentumflavum 3. Discs • Gelatinous; collagen and fibrocartilage • Compressible 4. Structure and Differences • Differences between cervical, thoracic and lumbar sections

  6. Sacrum and Coccyx 1. Sacrum • (5) fused vertebrae • Sacralforamina • Sacral nerves; BVs • Sacralcanal • Continuation of vertebral canal • Forms joint with hip bones (sacroilliac joint) 2. Coccyx • (4) fused vertebrae • Mostly ‘useless’

  7. Thoracic Cage 1. Function • Protects heart, lungs, blood vessels • Supports shoulder girdles, upper limbs, attachments for muscles 2. Sternum • Attachment site for clavicles (clavicular notch) • Xiphoid process ossifies around ‘40’ • Hematopoiesis 3. Ribs • (12) pairs; (7)-True; (5)-False; Last pair – Floating • Joined by costal cartilage

  8. Appendicular Skeleton – Pectoral Girdle • Pectoral ‘Shoulder’ • Attach upper limbs to axial skeleton; muscle attachment • Clavicles • Articulates with scapulae and sternum • Anchor muscles (deltoid; pectoralis major); brace arms and shoulder 3. Scapulae • “spade or shovel” • Coracoid process (biceps; coracobrachialis) • Acromioclavicular joint

  9. Upper, Lower Arm - Hand • Humerus • Tubercles (rotator cuff muscles); deltoid tuberosity (deltoid) • Condyles (capitulum and trochlea) • Epicondyles (muscle attachments) 2. Ulna and Radius • Ulna (elbow joint) • Radius (radial tuberosity – biceps) 3. Carpus-Metacarpus-Phalanges • 8-carpal bones

  10. Pelvic (Hip) Girdle 1. Oscoxae(hip bones) • Form pelvic girdle • Pelvic girdle + sacrum + coccyx = bony pelvis • Ilium; Ischium and Pubis 2. Male vs. Female • Male: cavity is narrow; deep; less tilt; heavier • Female: broad cavity; lighter; acetabula farther apart 3. Female and Childbirth • True pelvis (inlet and outlet) important for childbirth

  11. Lower Limbs 1. Femur • Largest, longest, strongest bone in the human body • Trochanters (thigh and buttock muscles) • Epicondyles • Patella 2. Tibia and Fibula • Tibia: transfers weight of femur to foot; distal tibia articulates with talus of foot; medial malleolus (ankle) • Fibula: not weight bearing; muscular attachments

  12. Foot 1. Tarsus • (7) tarsal bones • “talus” – ankle bone; “calcaneous” – heel • Cuboid, navicular and cuneiform bones 2. Metatarsus and Phalanges • (14) phalanges

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