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Type. Type system for a programming language = set of types AND rules that specify how a typed program is allowed to behave Why? to generate better code, with less runtime overhead to avoid runtime errors to improve expressiveness (see overloading) How? Type checking

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  1. Type • Type system for a programming language = • set of types AND • rules that specify how a typed program is allowed to behave • Why? • to generate better code, with less runtime overhead • to avoid runtime errors • to improve expressiveness (see overloading) • How? • Type checking • Given an operation and an operand of some type, determine whether the operation is allowed on that operand • Type inference • Given the type of operands, determine • the meaning of the operation • the type of the operation • OR, without variable declarations, infer type from the way the variable is used

  2. Issues in typing • Does the language have a type system? • Untyped languages (e.g. assembly) have no type system at all • When is typing performed? • Static typing: At compile time • Dynamic typing: At runtime • Which is best? • How strictly are the rules enforced? • Strongly typed: No exceptions • Weakly typed: With well-defined exceptions • Type equivalence & subtyping • When are two types equivalent? • What does "equivalent" mean anyway? • When can one type replace another?

  3. Components of a type system • Built-in types • Rules for constructing new types • Rules for determining if two types are equivalent • Rules for inferring the types of expressions

  4. Component: Built-in types • These are the basic types. Usually, • integer • usual operations: standard arithmetic • floating point • usual operations: standard arithmetic • character • character set generally ordered lexicographically • usual operations: (lexicographic) comparisons • boolean • usual operations: not, and, or, xor

  5. Component: type constructors • Arrays • array(I,T) denotes the type of an array with elements of type T, and index set I • multidimensional arrays are just arrays where T is also an array • operations: element access, array assignment, products • Strings • bitstrings, character strings • operations: concatenation, lexicographic comparison • Products • Groups of multiple objects of different types • essentially, Cartesian product of types (useful in functions later) • Records (structs) • Groups of multiple objects of different types where the elements are given specific names.

  6. Component: type constructors • Pointers • addresses • operations: arithmetic, dereferencing, referencing • issue: equivalency • Function types • A function such as "int add(real, int)" has type realintint

  7. Component: type equivalence • Name equivalence • Two types are equivalent when they have the same name. • Loose vs. strict • Structural equivalence • Two types are equivalent when they have the same structure • Should records require member name identity to be equivalent? • How about Array(int, 1..10) and Array(int, 1..20). Should we consider the bounds or just the element type? • How about recursively defined types? • Example • C uses structural equivalence for structs and name equivalence for arrays/pointers. • Issue • Type equivalence allows type interchangeability • If two equivalent types have different meanings, there will be no error message if we interchange them.

  8. Component: type equivalence • Subtyping • An operation that expects a type T and receives a type T' which is not equivalent to T, may still go ahead if T is a subtype of T'. • But what exactly is a subtype? • A subset of the values and superset of the properties? • Is a subclass a subtype?

  9. Component: type equivalence • Type coercion • If x is float, is x=3 acceptable? • Disallow • Allow and implicitly convert 3 to float. • "Allow" but require programmer to explicitly convert 3 to float • How do we convert? • Reinterpret bit sequence • Build new object • What should be allowed? • float to int ? • int to float ? • What if both types are equally general? • What if multiple coercions are possible? • Consider 3 + "4" in a language that can convert strings to integers.

  10. Overloading • Same operation name but different effect on different types • For an overloaded function f • resolve arguments • look up f in symbol table to get list of all visible "versions" • ignore those with wrong parameter types.

  11. A simple type checker • We can use an attribute grammar to implement a simple type checker. Enum {E.type = integer} EE1+E2 {E.type = (E1.type == integer && E2.type == integer)? integer : error} EE1[E2] {E.type = (E1.type == array(int, T) && E2.type == integer)? T : error} E*E1 {E.type = (E1.type == pointer(T))? T : error} EE1(E2) {E.type = (E1.type == (ST) && E2.type == S)? T : error S if E then S1 {S.type = (E.type == boolean)? void : error}

  12. Inference rules • The formal notation for type checking/inference is rules of inference • They have the form: • If we can prove the hypotheses are all true in the existing environment, then the conclusion is also true. • For example:In English: If expressions E1 and E2 both have type int, then E1+E2 also has type int. Environment Hypotheses Environment Conclusions A E1: int A E2: int A E1 + E2 : int

  13. Inference rules • The inference rules give us templates that describe how to type various expressions. • We can use the templates to prove that an expression has a valid type (and find what that type is) • The construct parallels the parse tree. • Short example: • Type the expression x+a[i] under the assumption that x is an char, a[i] is an array of chars and i is an int. • The environment is A={x:char, a:array(int, char), i:char} A E1: array(T,S) , A E2: T A E1: char , A E2: char [ARRAY] [ADD] A E1 + E2 : char A E1[E2] : S

  14. Inference rules A |– a: array(int,char) A |– i:int A |– x:char A |– a[i]: char [ADD] A |– x+a[i]: char

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