My Hero By: Jenna Woodard
My Hero’s Traits My hero is responsible (takes care of things at the clinic), honest (follows through with ideas),respectful (has manners and takes good care of other people’s things), helpful (helps people with their sick animals), stands up for what’s right (makes good choices for the clinic), and someone you can look up to ( helps my mom correct mistakes on important things for the clinic).
What is a Hero? My hero said a hero is someone who stands up for what’s right and is someone you can look up to. I think that’s true! My hero has those traits along with the others I listed and even more! That’s why I picked him.
How My Hero Handles Roadblocks My hero works hard to get things done and thinks of other way to achieve his goal. He also tries things until he reaches a place or way to push the roadblock out of the way and continue on the road of life.
Advice From My Hero My hero said to dream big and that you can become anything you want to be as long as you work hard to reach your goal. If you don’t work as hard as you can, though, you may not reach your goal and live your dream. I think that is really good advice.
What Job Do You Want To Work At? My hero’s dream job was to be a Professional Calf Roper or a fireman. After about 8th grade, he changed his mind and decided to be a veterinarian. He is working at that exact job now!
My Hero Is …….. My dad, Rusty Woodard! He has all of the traits I listed and usually shows an example of each every day. I chose him because of that, and because he fits the description of what he said was a hero. He takes good care of the clinic and his family. Dad felt honored and amazed since I picked him as my hero.