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The local economic impact of a South Wales housing association

The local economic impact of a South Wales housing association . Steve Curry Valleys to Coast Housing . In the beginning… . V2C established 2003 following successful tenant ballot Community Regeneration in Action Local labour clause. Results . Positives. Negatives.

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The local economic impact of a South Wales housing association

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  1. The local economic impact of a South Wales housing association Steve Curry Valleys to Coast Housing

  2. In the beginning… V2C established 2003 following successful tenant ballot Community Regeneration in Action Local labour clause

  3. Results Positives Negatives Difficult to measure impact on individuals, community Difficult to manage with communities and contractors • 75% target – 90%+ achieved • More £ in local people’s pockets? • Community benefit clause

  4. Can-Do Toolkit i2i guide launched Sept 2008 supported by WG Focus on TR&T in construction contracts I2i SME-friendly toolkit - 2010

  5. How do V2C use TR&T? • Core contract requirement • % of contracted ‘working weeks’ dedicated to local jobs and training • Refurbishment- 52 weeks • New Build - 78 weeks • Arbed – 156 weeks

  6. TR&T Relevant Local Jobs

  7. Targeted V2C Tenants/Bridgend residents ‘Neets’ Local colleges & providers

  8. Recruitment Jobs for all skills levels Genuine labour market need Lasting at least 6 months

  9. Training Relevant Locally run, where possible Accredited

  10. Targeting – areas of deprivation IMD – Wales 1896Ranked LSOA’s 11 Caerau 1 (Caerau Park, Tudor) 38 Caerau 2 (Blaencaerau) 55 Cornelly 4 (Marlas) 81 Bettws (bottom site) 185 Morfa 2 (Wildmill) 186 Sarn 1 Bridgend – six areas in the top 200 in Wales

  11. Mapping deprivation

  12. TR&T – trainee post codes

  13. Our Achievements

  14. Arbed – March 2011 £2.5M grant TR&T grant condition = 156 wks V2C Target 156 x £5M = 780 wks Achieved > 1,260 wks

  15. Development of TR&T Include social and community benefits in all V2C procurement Community Initiatives SME – Can Do Toolkit 2 Measure S&C benefit outcomes

  16. nef – analysing LM3 (Arbed) Looked at V2C local multiplier ...LM2 from Arbed energy performance work 84% spend within 25 miles of Bridgend Local economic multiplier £2.21/£1 invested + TR&T 66% training = Bridgend people Some materials/equipment not available in Wales

  17. Grounds Maintenance contract FEI project (with BTCV) target to develop a social enterprise Delivering service on two large estates Re-tendering this year with SME-friendly workshops, relaxed financial, H&S req’s? Community consultation + TR&T req’s

  18. Outcomes RBA approach (WG) TR&T outcomes = longer term tracking LM3 good measure of local impact Tracking SME’s/social enterprises? Financial inclusion work: – income maximisation - Welsh Water rates collection - Moneyline Look at LSOA l/t trends to finesse approach...not to claim credit

  19. Moneyline Social & financial return on investment: we all win Money : retained (in households & communities) Families & tenancies : stabilised Children : nurtured Social capital : developed Physical & mental health : lifted Over indebtedness : decreased Saving : encouraged Anxiety : reduced Standard of living : increased Quality of life : enhanced

  20. An ‘outcomes’ culture • Focus on wider & longer-term impacts • Use of tools (e.g. LM3, SROI) to measure Is the same ‘outcomes’ culture change happening with procurement??

  21. Thank you

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