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X-Touch – V4.0 User Guide. A series of manuals to explain a simple, safe and fast arrivals procedure to cut queues at reception. www.jayex.com. Healthcare Training Section 1 Jayex Technology Limited XT Version V4.0 July 2010 v1.0. Contents.
X-Touch – V4.0 User Guide A series of manuals to explain a simple, safe and fast arrivals procedure to cut queues at reception. www.jayex.com Healthcare Training Section 1 Jayex Technology Limited XT Version V4.0 July 2010 v1.0
Contents Starting up the Touch Screen Hardware Section 1 Starting up the Jayex Bridge software Section 1 Starting up the X-Touch Reception software Section 1 Shutting down the Touch Screen application Section 1 X-Touch Settings Section 2 The Appointments List Section 2 Clinicians List Section 2 The Arrived Patients List Section 2 View the Appointments List by Clinician Section 2 Block a Patient from using the Self Check-In Section 2 Set a message for a Patient on Self Check-In Section 2 Block all Patients for a particular Clinician from Self Check-In Section 2 Viewing a report on Touch Screen usage Section 2 FAQ’s Section 3 Troubleshooting Guide Section 4 Touch
Starting up the Touch Screen Hardware Make sure your Touch Screen is switched ONand displaying the ‘Welcome screen’. This is either the “Start” or “Language choice” screen. (There is a power button underneath the monitor towards the right, if the screen needs to be powered up or shut down). Nb. If the Welcome screen does not automatically appear, wait 30 seconds and double touch on the ‘Touch Screen’ icon on the desktop.
Starting up the Jayex Bridge Software From your Reception PC , or the machine where the Jayex Bridge application is installed, double click on the icon shown . Nb. this process must be completed before starting the X-Touch reception module to refresh the appointment list and before any patient can successfully check in. There may be specific start up and shut down procedures for Enterprise server sites, check any separate procedures with your support representative. This will fetch today’s appointments from your Clinical Software, click on ‘Hide’ close window. When Jayex Bridge is running, it will appear in the system tray at the bottom of the desktop.
Starting up X-Touch Reception Software Double click on the X-Touch Reception icon from your desktop. This software may be on the same computer as the Jayex Bridge or on a separate PC. Check that the patient list for today appears in the “Appointments List” tab. If not, close down the application and re-start the Jayex Bridge. Nb. This screen can be minimised at the bottom of your desktop by clicking on the “-” symbol located above the Jayex logo on the top right of the software. The Self Check-In application is now ready to be used by patients.
Shutting down X-Touch Reception application Close down X-Touch Reception by clicking on the red ‘X’. Located on the top right of the software. From your Desktop tray, right click over the Jayex Bridge icon and click on ‘Exit’.
X-Touch – V4.0 Settings Everything you need to know to get the best from the product. www.jayex.com Healthcare Training Section 2 Jayex Technology Limited VersionV 4.0 July 2010 v1.0
Setting up X-Touch features Click on ‘Customise’ and ‘Login’. You will be requested to enter the password advised on your installation documentation. Password = jayex1 will unlock further options.
Click on ‘Customise’ again and further options will appear. Select ‘Languages’. You can select up to 8 languages (default English) to use on your Touch Screen at any one time. Left click on the language required and Click ’OK’ to save your changes. Patients will now have the option to use the Self Check-In in their preferred language.
From the ‘Customise’ menu, click on ‘Appearance’ to set the screen layout your patients will see. You can edit with a few mouse clicks: The colour and style of the main screen background Colour of Header and Footer text and any “real-time” messages generated by the software for patients to read Header and Footer text for a personal welcome message Choose to show information in text only or text and images Set (in seconds) the length of time each screen will show if not accessed by the patient before re-setting to the start screen (default 15 secs.) Nb. Header text is non scrolling, footer text will scroll from right to left. Do not set fore & back colours the same. Remember to click ‘OK’ to save your changes.
From the ‘Customise’ menu, select ‘Access Rules’ to style your preferred Patient Filter and set Check-In Time Allowance. “Patient Filter” will allow you to choose if patients see a calculator “Date of Birth” or calendar “Day/Month/Year” check-in method. Additionally you can select if the patient name will appear and the “Appointment confirmation” screen will show for the patient to confirm the details are correct.
For the calculator style ‘Date of Birth’ keypad, the Patient will be asked to select their full date of birth. If you selected “4 Digits Year” then the screen will need the patient to type in the century of birth as well as the day month and year. Click on the “Hide Year Digits” and as the patient types the year it will show as a set of stars. When a valid date is entered, the “OK” button will illuminate and the patient MUST press OK to proceed with their arrival process.
For the calendar style ‘Day’ and ‘Month’ the patient will be asked to select their date and the month, you can add further filters such as “Year or Birth / (F)irst letter of first name, First letter of (S)urname, the patients Decade and Year of Birth”. The more filters you apply, the more accurate the check in but the patient will spend longer at the Touch Screen. On the Touch Screen the patient selects their ‘Day of Birth’. They will then be asked to select the month in which they were born.
From the filter select ‘Appt Confirmation’ and ‘Show Patient Name’. You can set how early and late patient can check-In. When the patient confirms arrival, their appointment details and full name will be shown. If patients are either too early or late they will be shown a message ‘Please report to Reception’. The reception module will show staff the reason and the patient will need to be checked in manually.
The appointments list view The Appointments list allows you to view all appointments for today only and will mirror the information from your clinical system. As soon as the Jayex Bridge is started all old details of appointments are removed from X-Touch. The following information will be shown: Patient Name Details as passed from clinical system AppTime Appointment Time as passed from clinical system ArrTime Arrival Time as confirmed by clinical system InTime “Called in” time by your Clinicians, confirmed by clinical system Status The booked status of the patient from arrival system Clinician The Clinician ID provided by the clinical system DOB The date of birth of the booked patient Gender The known Gender of the patient
View the appointments list by Clinician. Click on the drop down list “Select Clinician” to choose a Clinician from the list. Nb. This list is passed to the software by your clinical system but can be edited in “Customise” / “Manage Clinicians”. You can then view just the selected Patientsfor the selected Clinician.
Managing the Clinician list The Clinician’s list allows you to view average waiting times, number of patients waiting, and edit details. Click the appropriate box to enable or disable the display of average waiting times (AWT) and numbers of patients waiting (PW) for a Clinician or all Clinicians. Nb. This feature may not work accurately with all clinical systems due to the methods used by them to validate the appointment status and should be viewed as no more than a snapshot of your surgery If in doubt ask your Jayex representative or disable the feature.
Editing Clinician details The Clinician’s list allows you to edit details about your clinician to show a clear message to patients on arrival. From the clinician list in X-Touch reception, double click on the Clinician's name to edit the details to display an image on the touch screen and plain text to show who the clinician is. Enter details as required. Note that the “RT message” (Real Time) is the message passed to the touch screen for all patients of this Clinician. To insert an image click the browse button to the right of the “Image” line. Example: A session with appointments for “Nurse Duncan” can be edited as the above. By adding the image, location and a real time message the patients for Sandra Duncan will know: what she looks like, where they are likely to be called to and if there are any changes to the normal clinic. Nb. To find the image library select the folder where you store your arrivals screen images e.g. C:\program files\X-Touch\X-Touch Server\images. Click “Save” to store the changes.
Arrived Patients List The Arrived List monitors the status of each patient that uses the Self Check-In as to whether they have successfully checked in. A green tick indicates that the Patient has successfully used the Self Check-In. A red cross indicates that the Patient has been unsuccessful in using the Self Check-In or has checked in but the clinical system has not been updated. If pop up’s are required, tick ‘Generate Popup on this PC’. The reason for the failed arrival will show in the message box. You should then check-in the patient manually using your clinical software. NB. It is recommended you run ‘Popup Alerts’ so a message will appear on your reception PC machine or where X-Touch Reception is installed.
Blocking a Patient from using the Self Check-In Tick the red box for the Patient you wish to block. The Patient will see a message to “report to Reception “ when they use the Self Check-In.
Setting a message for a Patient when using Self Check-In Click on the blue ‘Message’ box against the Patient(s) you wish to show a message for , when they check-in. Type your message at the prompt and click ‘OK’ or “Cancel” if the message is not required. Nb. The tick box confirms only the patients selected will see the message. The Patient will see the message when they have successfully checked in. Nb. Messages are not stored and will not show next time the same patient books an appointment.
Block all Patients for a particular Clinician from Self Check-In From the Clinician’s List, high- light the Clinician and tick the redbox. Select the ‘Appointments List’ tab, then select the Clinician you blocked and you will see all Patient’s will be blocked from using the Self Check-in.
Viewing a report on Touch Screen usage From the ‘Customise’ menu select Login. You will be requested to enter the password “j a y e x r e p”. Nb. Lower case with no spaces. This will open a tab called ‘Report’. Select the required date range and search “All” or a specific Clinician. Your report will show the total number of appointments, the number marked arrived by the X-Touch interface and number of appointments booked in via your clinical system. The final column will result in the DNA’s at the end of a day. Nb. Please note the accuracy of the report is determined by your clinical system. To view results click “Generate” then ‘Show Report’. Export to Excel if you need to manipulate the data externally.
X-Touch – V4.0 FAQ’s All your questions and their answers. www.jayex.com Healthcare Training Section 3 Jayex Technology Limited Version 4.0 July 2010 v1.0
How do I log-in to X-Touch Reception to make changes? • From ‘Customise’ click on ‘Login’ and a Login window will be displayed. Type the password ‘jayex1’ and click ‘OK’. • This will enable the other menus in this section so you are able to customise the X-Touch functionality. • What is the function of the Appointments List tab? • This tab allows you to view the Appointments List and manually arrive Patients,you can see how many patients are in today’s appointment list and you can see the basic details of patients. You can also refresh the list of patients by pressing the ‘Refresh List’ button. • What is the function of the Clinician List tab? • This tab allows you to view the waiting times and number of patients waiting for each clinician (this feature is dependent on your appointments system).You can also block all patients for a particular clinician and edit how their details appear when a patient checks them self in. • How do I change appearance of the Touch Screen (changing colours and images of buttons, changing the header and footers, etc. displayed on the Touch Screen)? • From ‘Customise’ click on ‘Appearance’. Here you can set the Touch Screen button body colour, button text colour and button font. You can even select an image for your button. within this menu you can change colour schemes, the Header and Footer, Check-In screen reset time and putting images on the buttons. • How do I set the Check-In time allowance? • From ‘Customise’ select ‘Access Rules’ and in the Check-In Allowance section you can customise the rules that will apply to patients when checking in. • How do I change the way Patients Check-In? • From ‘Customise’ select ‘Access Rules’ and in the ‘Patient Filter’ section you can decide what details you want the patient to confirm while checking in.
How do I upload photos for a Clinician? • From the ‘Clinicians List’ tab double click on a clinician’s name to edit their details (this will appear below the list of clinicians). To upload a new photo or change an existing photo click on the Browse button (3 dots) to open a new window. Select the image you want and click on ‘OK’. In X-Touch Reception make sure you click on ‘Save’ to save your changes. • How do I disable the ‘Number of Patients Waiting’ display? • From the ‘Clinicians List’ tab, the top right-hand side of the screen, you will see the option to enable/disable ‘Average Waiting Time’ and ‘The Number of Patients Waiting’ for each Clinician. NOTE: The default action on the Touch Screen is to display the average waiting time (AWT) and the number of patients waiting (PW).You can also enable/disable for individual clinicians or for the whole surgery. • How can I change the way our Clinicians name is displayed? • From the ‘Clinicians List’ tab, double click on the clinicians name and it will display the details of that clinician at the bottom of the list. Here you can edit the way a clinicians name is displayed on the Touch Screen. Click on ‘Save’ when you have made your changes. • How can I disable the patient confirmation screen? • From ‘Customise’ click on ‘Access Rules’ and within the Patient Filter un-tick the box for ‘Appt Confirmation’. Click on ‘Save’ to save your changes. • How do I display the specific locations of particular Clinicians? • From the ‘Clinicians List’ tab double click on a clinician to edit. You can instruct your patients to sit it the correct waiting area by editing the ‘Location’ field and click on ‘Save’. • How do I edit the Clinician Information? • From the ‘Clinicians List’ tab double click on a clinician to edit and details will display below the list. You can now edit the Clinicians Title, First name and Surname. Click ‘Save’ to save your changes. • How can I enter a real time message for our clinical staff? • From the ‘Clinicians List’ tab double click on a clinician to edit and details will display below the list. Type your message in the ‘RT Message’ (Real Time) field and click ‘Save’ to save your changes.
How can I display a health promotion message on the Touch Screen? • From ‘Customise’ select ‘Appearance’. You can then edit the Header and Footer text displayed in the welcome screen and click ‘OK’ to save your changes. • How can I change the time it takes to revert back to the welcome screen when the touch screen is inactive? • From ‘Customise’ select ‘Appearance’. To the bottom right-hand side of the screen is ‘Page Refresh Time (Sec)’. To change the time for which the Touch Screen remains active when there is no activity on the screen, you can simply type in the number of seconds in the box and press ‘OK’ to save. • How do I display the Self Check-In system in different Languages? • From ‘Customise’ select ‘Languages’. To select a language to display on the touch screen tick the checkbox alongside the language flag. Now click on ‘OK’ to activate this selection. (Please note that the English language is the default language and cannot be deactivated). • How do I edit a Language? • From ‘Customise’ select ‘Languages’. Here you can change a Languages image flag and text font. To edit an existing language click ‘Edit’. A dropdown list of all available languages will appear. Select a Language you wish to edit. Another window will open allowing you to change the language flag image by clicking the Browse (3 dots) button and selecting the appropriate image. To change the language font, click on the relevant browse button and select your preferred font. Once you are satisfied with your selection, click on ‘OK’ to save changes. • How can I change the Touch screen language text? • From the ‘Customise’ menu select ‘Languages’, on ‘Edit’ and from the dropdown list select the Language you want to change. To edit the translation, highlight the preset text and double click and will open the ‘Edit Language Text’ window. After editing the translation click ‘OK’ and the changes will be made on your Touch Screen.
How can I view the appointments for a particular doctor? • From the ‘Appointments List’ tab select a Clinician from the dropdown menu; you will then see all appointments for that selected clinician for the day. • How can I manually mark a patient as arrived? • From the ‘Appointments List’ tab select a patient from the list and right click. A menu will appear from where you can click on ‘Mark Arrived’ and the patient will be manually checked in (i.e. this bypasses the touch screen). • How do I block patients for a particular Doctor or Nurse? • From the ‘Clinicians List’ tab, select the clinician from the list and click on the red checkbox. The clinician row will now have changed from light blue to light red with a tick in the red checkbox showing that all their patients have been successfully blocked from checking themselves in via the touch screen.You will notice that all the patient rows for that clinician are now in red in the ‘Appointments List’. • How do I block a particular patient? • From the ‘Appointments List’ tab select a patient from the list that you wish to block from the self check-in and click on the red checkbox. The patient row will now have from light blue to light red with a tick in the red checkbox showing that the patient has been successfully blocked. • How do I display a patient specific message on the touch screen? • From the ‘Appointments List’ tab select a patient from the list you wish to display a message for and click on the blue checkbox (message). A box will appear requesting you to type in a message (Max length is 60 characters).
How do I generate a report for DNA’s for a specified date range? • The report feature in X-Touch allows you to view the number of patients that have used the X-Touch system for arrivals. It also shows the total number of appointments, reception arrivals and DNA’s (Did Not Arrive) for a day within a selected date range. • To access this feature click on ‘Customise’ and select ‘Login’. The password required is ‘jayexrep’. (Please note, that if you re-start X-Touch Reception, this feature is hidden by default).To generate your report select a ‘start’ and ‘end date’ using the built-in calendar. You can decide whether to generate your report for a particular clinician or for the whole surgery by using the ‘Select Clinician’ dropdown list. Click on ‘Generate’ to produce your report. You have the option now to export the information into an Excel Spreadsheet so that you can interrogate the data using graphs/charts etc. • How does our Reception desk deal with Popup Alerts? • Note the patient information from the alert. Press "OK" on the alert.On your X-Touch Reception PC you can run ‘Popup Alerts’. These will appear when a patient has been unsuccessful is using the Self Check-In system. Depending on the message you can then manually mark the Patient as ‘Arrived’. • What happens with Popup Alerts if X-Touch Reception is installed on more than one PC? • I f you have X-Touch Reception installed on more than one computer (Please check for licensing), please note that you must tick the “Run Popup Alerts" and then tick ‘Generate Popup on this PC’ on those PC’s you would the pop up’s to appear.
X-Touch – V4.o Troubleshooting Before contacting support please see the following section www.jayex.com Healthcare Training section 4 Jayex Technology Limited Version 4.0 July 2010 v1.0
The system is asking for computer or IP address where MSDE / Jayex Bridge isInstalled. What can I do? • If the message comes from Jayex Bridge: Please type x-touch in the text box and press “OK” button. • If the message comes from X-Touch Reception: Please follow the wizard. Type in “x-touch” then click on Test Connection. • If Touch Screen (X-Touch) PC is switched on and it is correctly on the local network then it will say “Test Connection Succeeded” otherwise it will say “ Test Connection Failed”. • Please refer to "Start-up/Shutdown Procedure" for more information. • I want to display images from Edit Personnel Information - it gives a “Path Not Found” error. What can I do? • If it shows “76: path not found” error when trying to Save Records in Edit Personnel Information, it means the image path is not correctly setup. • Double click on My Computer from the Desktop and make sure you can see the X: drive. If you cannot see this drive then right-click on the My Computer icon and click on Map Network Drive. Select X: as a Drive letter and put \\X-Touch\X-Touch in Folder box. Make sure 'Reconnect at Logon' checkbox is un-ticked. Now click on "OK". If prompted for username and password, type 'administrator' as username and 'jayex6222' as password and click "OK". Close the folder that appears. Now you will be able to set images for doctors. • Patients are being shown the wrong waiting time. What can I do about this? • If you are using an Emis Clinical Database the Waiting Time is calculated by EMIS. Make sure that doctors press “L” for left patients. • You can disable the Waiting Time for that Doctor by disabling it from the Clinician List tab. • You can also do this for all doctors by checking the “Disable AWT” box in the Clinician List tab. • Please refer to "Disable Waiting Time" for more information. • More than 1 patient has been told that they are too early or too late when they are within in the time set. What can I do? • Please first check the time on the Touch Screen against the PC where Jayex Bridge is installed. • If that is correct then please check the set parameters in the Patient Access menu option under the Customise menu. • If it does not resolve the issue then create a few “demo patients” and check them against the set parameters for early or late arrival. • Please refer to "Set Time Allowance" for more information.
Patients have completed self check in but my clinical software has not been updated. What can I do about this? • First confirm that patient details and status in the Arrived List tab and a popup alert has been generated. • The only reason it won’t update the clinical system is when JayexBridge is not running. Make sure you can see a Jayex Bridge iconin your system tray. • Please refer to "Arrived List Tab" and to "Start-up/Shutdown Procedure" for more information. • Self Check-in is rejecting patients. The following message “Please go to the Reception.” is shown. What can I do? • As long as today’s appointments appear in the Queue List in X-Touch Reception and patients check in within the set early/late time parameters the system will not reject patients. • Please refer to "Start-up/Shutdown Procedure" for more information. • I cannot see the Jayex Bridge Icon near my PC clock. What can I do? • Please refer to "Start-up/Shutdown Procedure" for more information and icon options • The Self Check-in system is rejecting patients. What can I do? • This will only happen if the date or time is incorrect on the Touch Screen (X-Touch) computer. For Example, the touch screen computer time is different than the “Jayex Bridge” computer. Please refer to ‘How to use VNC’ procedure available from www.jayex.com/support
What happens if two patients with the same D.O.B. have got appointments on the same day? • The Self Check In System will detect and acknowledge Multiple Appointments by displaying the following message” Multiple appointments found, please report to Reception.”. • What happens if twins have appointments on the same day? • Refer to question above. • What happens if one patient has two appointments on the same day? • If one patient has 2 appointments and both the appointments fall within the set early/late time parameters it will mark arrived for both the appointments. If only one falls within the set early/late time parameters it will only book the one appointment. • How I can change buttons for Home, Help, Back, Male or Female on the Touch screen? • Please refer to "Change Button Images" for more information. • X-Touch (Jayex) Server gives SQL Error. What can I do? • The Touch Screen (X-Touch) computer is either powered off or not on the network. • Please switch on the Screen (X-Touch) computer before you run Jayex Server. Check all network and power cables are plugged into the machine. • Please refer to "Start-up/Shutdown Procedure" for more information • I have checked everything and still need assistance. What can I do? • Please give Jayex Support a call on 0208 838 6222 option 2 or email us on support@jayex.com.