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GES DISC Homepage Redesign

GES DISC Homepage Redesign. Presented by: Rashedul Chowdhury Contributors: Anthony Ritrivi, Hegde Mahabaleshwa and Long Pham GES DISC UWG May 11, 2011. Current GES DISC Homepage. Has the original ONE-NASA design which dates back to 2004

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GES DISC Homepage Redesign

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  1. GES DISC Homepage Redesign Presented by: Rashedul Chowdhury Contributors: Anthony Ritrivi, Hegde Mahabaleshwa and Long Pham GES DISC UWG May 11, 2011

  2. Current GES DISC Homepage • Has the original ONE-NASA design which dates back to 2004 • Home page is cluttered and does not represent the Big picture of what the GES DISC is all about. • Top navigation is portal focused and does not feature other key areas of the GES DISC • The left navigation on the Home page constricts content and as a result page length is increased which causes the user to scroll. • Most users find information via Google, Yahoo, ie, search engines, instead of browsing from the homepage.

  3. Redesigned GES DISC Homepage • Uses Top Hat from Coherent Web Group which will serve as a common navigation shared by all Data Centers. • GES DISC banner graphic size has been reduced and merged with the site search box in order to conserve horizontal screen space. • Top navigation is grouped by major content areas so users can locate information quickly and see an overall picture of what the GES DISC has to offer. • Sub-navigation appears as users interact with the top navigation and reveals sub-topics so users can sense if they are on the right track as they browse. • Left navigation has been removed from home page to free space for more featured items and current content. • Site dimensions are wider and content layout is horizontal (3 columns) so the entire home page can be seen without scrolling.

  4. Portal Pages (Hurricane portal as an example) • Portals are visually identifiable by their own custom banner. • Top and sub-navigation items are highlighted to provide the user with a visual reference to their location within the GES DISC site. • Left navigation appears for Portals to access portal specific content • “Latest News” is moved to the right column (rather than below the content area) to make it visible and available.

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