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Regulation on Hazardous Waste Management. A presentation by. S. K. Adhikari Sr. Environmental Engineer Waste Management Cell. West Bengal Pollution Control Board Paribesh Bhawan, Sec.-III, Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata- 700098 Website : www.wbpcb.gov.in e-mail: shyamala@wbpcb.gov.in.
Regulation on Hazardous Waste Management A presentation by S. K. Adhikari Sr. Environmental Engineer Waste Management Cell West Bengal Pollution Control Board Paribesh Bhawan, Sec.-III, Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata- 700098 Website : www.wbpcb.gov.in e-mail: shyamala@wbpcb.gov.in
Hazardous Waste - legislations HAZARDOUS WASTES (Management & Handling) RULES, 1989notified under the ENVIRONMENT (Protection) ACT, 1986 amended in 2000 and again in 2003
The Hazardous Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 1989 and amendments made thereafter are now superseded by the new Hazardous Waste (Management, Handling & Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2008.
Hazardous Waste as defined in the Rules Any waste which by reason of any of its physical, chemical, reactive, toxic, flammable, explosive or corrosive characteristics causes danger or is likely to cause danger to health or environment, whether alone or when in contact with other wastes or substances, and shall include wastes listed in Schedules I, II & III of the Rules
Is a waste Hazardous or not ?? Waste is hazardous if it is listed in Schedule I Or, if it falls in Schedule II(analysis required) For the purpose of regulation of Import & Export, a waste is considered as hazardous if it is listed in Schedule-III
Wastes covered under Water Act, 1974 Air Act, 1981 MSW Rules, 2000 BMW Rules, 1998 Batteries (M & H) Rules, 2001 Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 (wastes arising from ships beyond 5 kms of relevant base line) NOT COVERED under HW (M, H & TB M) Rules
Type and Nature of HWs Recyclable – wastes having potential for recovery of useful /valuable material e.g. Metal bearing dross, ash, used oil etc. Incinerable – wastes having high calorific value, mainly organic wastes like solvents, tars, off-spec. Organic products etc. Land Disposable – wastes that can neither be recycled or incinerated
Storage of Hazardous Waste Till disposal for recycling/ treatment/ land filling, HWs are to be stored onsite in bags/ containers in a covered area. Storage permitted for a period not exceeding 90 days SPCB may extend the storage period, in case of Small generator, generating HW upto 10 TPA Recyclers, reprocessors and facility operators upto 6 months of their annual capacity Generators who do not have access to any TSDF in the concerned State Wastes which need to be specifically stored for development of a process for its recycling, reuse.
Transportation of Hazardous Waste HWs to be properly packed and labelled for transport to ensure safe handling HW Containers shall be marked as per Form-12 Information on hazardous nature of wastes and measures to be taken in case of emergency shall be provided to the transporter in Form-11 Transport to be in accordance Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 and related guidelines Manifest System (Form-13) to be maintained
Manifest in Form 13 for transportation The occupier shall prepare six copies of the manifest in Form 13 comprising of color code indicated below (all six copies to be signed by the transporter) SPCB Green White TSDF Operator Waste generator Blue Pink Yellow Blue Pink Transporter Orange Green Orange Green Pink Orange Yellow Blue
Disposal Methodology of HWs Recyclable Wastes – to be sold to actual recyclers authorised for processing the particular hazardous waste Note : SPCB Registration required for non-ferrous metal wastes, used & waste oil, e-waste, ink waste, paint waste etc. As listed in Sch-IV Incinerable Wastes – may be incinerated onsite in captive incinerator or in common HW incinerator; Note : CPCB standard and guidelines to be followed for the operation of the incinerator. Disposable wastes – to be disposed in authorised HW disposal facility; to be stabilised before disposal, if required.
Responsibilities of Occupier (HW generator, recycler, TSDF Operator) • To obtain Hazardous Waste (HW) Authorisation • To obtain HW Registration ( Recycler only) • To obtain CPCB permission for utilization of HW • To treat/dispose their wastes on their own or through common TSDF facility • To store HWs in an environmentally safe manner till disposal • To maintain record of storage, sale, transfer, recycling and reprocessing of HWs in Form- 3 • Contd…
Responsibilities of Occupier (HW generator, recycler, TSDF Operator) • To maintain Manifest System (Form-13) for waste transport and disposal • To submit Annual Returns (Form 4) to SPCB by 30th June of every year for the preceding period April to March (Recyclers to submit Annual Return in Form-6) • To report accidents related to hazardous wastes (Form-14)
Responsibilities of SPCB • To grant, refuse or cancel HW Authorization • To prepare inventory of the HW generating units and quantum of HW generation • To monitor HW generating units for ensuring safe storage, treatment and disposal of wastes • To analyze the waste characteristics in order to decide its nature • Contd…
Responsibilities of SPCB • To grand registration to the HW recycler. • To approve the design and layout of a proposed TSDF as per CPCB guidelines • To monitor the setting up and operation of TSDFs • To regulate import of HW (Schedule-III). • To grant Registration to the traders for import of HW • To ensure re-export of illegally imported HW
Hazardous Waste Authorisation Who needs ? All units (occupier) generating, handling, collecting, receiving, treating, transporting, packaging, storing, selling, recycling, reprocessing, recovering, reusing and disposing hazardous wastes
Registration of HW recycling units • Who needs Registration ? • All units recycling or reprocessing hazardous wastes specified in Schedule-IV • application in Form-5 to the SPCB • needs CFE (in case of fresh application) and • valid CFO and HW authorisation (in case of renewal) • Registration issued by SPCB in the form of a Pass-book mentioning HW type and quantity permitted for purchase
Sale / Auction of HWs listed in Schedule-IV • Sale only to units having valid Registration • Can be sold to any registered unit in the country • Each sale to be endorsed in original Pass-book of purchaser issued by the SPCB • To check waste type specified in the original Pass-book • To check whether purchaser has capacity to process the quantity available for sale
Import and Export of HW MoEF is the nodal agency Schedule III to be used for regulating HW export and import. Export & Import ban on 30 items (Schedule VI) Import shall be permitted only for recycling or recovery or re-use and not for disposal. Export may be allowed to an actual user of the waste or operator of a disposal facility with the Prior Informed consent of the importing country Wastes listed in Part-D of Schedule III can be imported by traders registered with the SPCB on behalf of actual users
Hazardous Waste Import and Export Procedure Appln. by Importer/ Exporter in Form 7 & Form 8 Permission / NOC MoEF copy copy copy copy comments copy SPCB CPCB Port Customs PIC to be submitted along with application in case of wastes listed in Schedule-III Part A
Illegal Traffic Any import or export of hazardous waste without prior permission of the Central Govt. or through submission of false information or not tallying with movement documents (Form-9) For illegal import, importer has to re-export the waste at his cost within 90 days of arrival
Responsibilities of Importer and Exporter Submit Form-7 & Form -8 to MoEF with copy to SPCB prior to import or export Obtain PIC and submit along with Form- 7 & 8 in case of Import and Export of Wastes listed in Schedule-III Part –A Ensure that movement document (Form-9) accompanies the consignment Inform SPCB and CPCB in advance regarding date & time of arrival of consignment (Importer)