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HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH. Torah Foundational Truth. Part 5. Verses used by Christians to Resist YHWH’s Torah…. follow Torah, where truth is simple…. Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism; . HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH. Torah Foundational Truth. Part 5.
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 Verses used by Christians to Resist YHWH’s Torah… follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 Introduction Short Introduction as per Previous Teachings We Inform, You Choose (We do not push doctrine, we push truth) follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 • Note to our Beloved Christian Friends • This teaching is not written to: • Disrupt the Church or Belittle Church Leaders. • Cause any form of Chaos or Rebellion, or • To convince Believers to Tithe in this Ministry. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 • Note to our Beloved Christian Friends • This teaching however is written: • Because I passionately love you and do not want to see you being led astray. • Because I desire that the "Truth" in the Scripture be revealed to you, and • That Y’shua be glorified and YHWH’s Kingdom be expanded. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 • Short introduction as per previous teachings • The word "Law", also generally known as • Commandments, • Moses, Moses’ writings, Law of Moses, • Ordinances, etc., • is the Hebrew word "Torah". follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 Short introduction as per previous teachings The word "Torah" is derived from the Hebrew root-YARAH. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 Short introduction as per previous teachings The word "Torah" therefor has many meanings because of its saturated richness: Instructions, Revelations, to throw accurately, to strike the target, to reveal, to teach, Law, Teachings, shoot arrow straight, Doctrines, Customs, Theory, Guidance, or System, etc. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 Short introduction as per previous teachings When the Hebrew concept Torah was translated into the Greek, they could not find one single word to describe the full meaning of the concept of Torah. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 Short introduction as per previous teachings When the Hebrew concept Torah was translated into the Greek, they could not find one single word to describe the full meaning of the concept of Torah. The word "Law" unfortunately was selected, which is not accurate at all and holds a negative connotation, follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 Short introduction as per previous teachings When the Hebrew concept Torah was translated into the Greek, they could not find one single word to describe the full meaning of the concept of Torah. The word "Law" unfortunately was selected, which is not accurate at all and holds a negative connotation, a strategy from satan himself! follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 Short introduction as per previous teachings The word YHWH’s"Teachings" should have been used. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 Short introduction as per previous teachings The word YHWH’s"Teachings" should have been used. With that as background lets now look at another verse used by the masterly deceived Christians to motivate that the Law has been done away with. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 Verse used by Anti-Torah Christians follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 Lets just quickly recap and summarize what Y’shua said in simple easy to understand terms in John 5:46-47 about YHWH’s Teachings… follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 John 5:46-47 – Y’shua defines here "if you believe Him" "For if you believed Moshe , you would have believed Me, since he wrote in the Torah about Me. But if you do not believe his writings of My Torah, how can you ever believe and trust My words then? If you do not believe in doing the Torah, then I am a liar to you…" Y’shua your Messiah follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 Used by Christians – Act 10:9-16 (from their NIV) 9 About noon the following day as they were on their journey and approaching the city, Peter went up on the roof to pray. 10 He became hungry and wanted something to eat, and while the meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance. 11 He saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 Used by Christians – Act 10:9-16 (from their NIV) 12 It contained all kinds of fourfooted animals, as well as reptiles of the earth and birds of the air. 13 Then a voice told him, "Get up, Peter. Kill and eat." 14 "Surely not, Lord!" Peter replied. "I have never eaten anything impure or unclean." 15 The voice spoke to him a second time, "Do not call anything impure that God has made clean." 16 This happened three times, and immediately the sheet was taken back to heaven. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 • Christian’s Arguments and their Facts: • It was lunch time. • They prepared food. • Kepha (Peter) was hungry and wanted to eat. • A Sheet came from Heaven with every animal in. • Instructions came three times to eat from any animal. • YHWH directly instructed Kepha to eat. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 Christian’s Arguments and their Facts: This is Christians' most referred passage in the New Covenant that is used to say that "Jesus" has done away with the dietary Laws after His resurrection and that they can now eat anything… Let’s look at this argument and see if it holds water... follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 A Question which makes you really Think: follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 A Question which makes you really Think: We know that YHWH’s Torah was the only standard of living in the past, and Believers will be killed during the Tribulation Period for keeping it (Rev 12:17, 14:12, 22:14), and YHWH’s Torah will be the only standard of living in the Millennial Reign of Y’shua and thereafter (Ezek 40-48)… follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 A Question which makes you really Think: Was Y’shuabrutally murdered so that "we can now eat anything i.e. rats, snakes, pigs, etc." as long as we "just pray over it "? (1 Tim 4:5 is used by Christians) follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 A Question which makes you really Think: Was Y’shuabrutally murdered so that "we can now eat anything i.e. rats, snakes, pigs, etc." as long as we "just pray over it "? (1 Tim 4:5 is used by Christians) In other words, was Y’shua murdered so that we can be freed from the Kosher Laws? follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 Ponder on this… If you ignore the Torah, which is the 'heavenly constitution,' and dismiss it as 'outdated' and as 'not applicable', and you 'nail it to the cross', you actually blatantly reject the culture and governing rules that Y’shua says He will establish in His future Kingdom and in YHWH's eternal Kingdom. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 Peter surely was confused… From the passage we see that Kepha CLEARLY did not know what this vision meant, in fact he was distressed! 13 Then a voice told him, "Get up, Peter. Kill and eat." 14 "Surely not, Lord!" Peter replied. "I have never eaten anything impure or unclean." 17While Peter was wondering about the meaning of the vision… follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 • Peter surely was confused… • Why was this vision such a mystery to Kepha? • Surely Elohim was telling him to eat unclean meats? • It is clear from this passage that YHWH now gave Kepha the okay to eat anything! follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 • Peter surely was confused… • Why was this vision such a mystery to Kepha? • Surely Elohim was telling him to eat unclean meats? • It is clear from this passage that YHWH now gave Kepha the okay to eat anything! Or is it? follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 Let me bring this vision into a modern day perspective... follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 Let me bring this vision into a modern day perspective... What you are about to undergo is what Kephaexperienced on that rooftop… follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 Let me bring this vision into a modern day perspective... What you are about to undergo is what Kephaexperienced on that rooftop … You see a bunch of children in a white sheet descending from Heaven and you hear YHWH saying: "Take your machine gun, rise, shoot, kill them and eat them". follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 Let me bring this vision into a modern day perspective... If YHWH commands you THREE TIMES in a direct instruction, would you blatantly ignore Him? Well Kepha did exactly that and was greatly perplexed! follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 Let me bring this vision into a modern day perspective... If YHWH commands you THREE TIMES in a direct instruction, would you blatantly ignore Him? Well Kepha did exactly that and was greatly perplexed! Kepha was not rebellious at all, lets see... follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 Y’shua’s disciplined Disciples follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 Y’shua’s disciplined Disciples You need to understand that the dietary laws of Leviticus 11 was such a big part of Kepha’s life and that he, in his wildest dreams, would never ever "think" to slaughter a pig and to eat it, because this is exactly what he heard! follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 Y’shua’s disciplined Disciples You need to understand that the dietary laws of Leviticus 11 was such a big part of Kepha’s life and that he, in his wildest dreams, would never ever "think" to slaughter a pig and to eat it, because this is exactly what he heard! It was incomprehensible, unheard and uncalled for him that YHWH would EVER say something such as this. Kepha was at this point bewildered and all shaken up! follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 Y’shua’s disciplined Disciples Kepha and the Disciples were grounded in the Torah and sat for years at Y’shua’s feet listening painstakingly at His teachings and following their Rabbi’s way. (Fact 1) follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 Y’shua’s disciplined Disciples Kepha and the Disciples were grounded in the Torah and sat for years at Y’shua’s feet listening painstakingly at His teachings and following their Rabbi’s way. (Fact 1) Y’shua also set the example for them to not eat anything unclean. (Fact 2) follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 Y’shua’s disciplined Disciples Kepha and the Disciples were grounded in the Torah and sat for years at Y’shua’s feet listening painstakingly at His teachings and following their Rabbi’s way. (Fact 1) Y’shua also set the example for them to not eat anything unclean. (Fact 2) On top of that, this was only 10 YEARS after Y’shua’s death and resurrection, and Y’shua’s lifestyle was still vividly remembered in Kepha’s life. (Fact 3) follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 So why did Peter refuse YHWH? follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 So why did Peter refuse YHWH? Kepha was testing the vision according to Deut 13, to see whether it was of Elohim (God) or not. The voice could not contradict Torah! follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 So why did Peter refuse YHWH? Kepha was testing the vision according to Deut 13, to see whether it was of Elohim (God) or not. The voice could not contradict Torah! YHWH would never, ever instruct Kephato do anything that violates His own rules, the Torah, think about that... follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 So why did Peter refuse YHWH? Again, as the many Torah teachings before this teaching, it all boils down to… interpretation throughcontext! follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 For the correct approach – use the Hebraic Tools! follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 For the correct approach – use the Hebraic Tools! What was Acts chapter 10 all about? follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 For the correct approach – use the Hebraic Tools! What was Acts chapter 10 all about? Well, we as Hebrew Rooted people insist that Scripture explains Scripture and do not listen to "man’s" opinions; for that you apply the golden rule, "keep on reading". The answer is in verse 28 and so easy any child could understand it: follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 The Hebraic Answer does not violate Torah! 28 He said to them: "You are well aware that it is against our law for a Jew to associate with a Gentile or visit him. But God has shown methat I should not call any man impure or unclean. (NIV) The sheet descending from Heaven is the Tallit (Jewish prayershawl), meaning, everybody has a place in YHWH’s Tabernacle if you come into Covenant. follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 The Hebraic Answer does not violate Torah! 28 And he said to them, "You know that a Yehudite man is not allowed to associate with, or go to one of another race. But Elohim has shown me that I should not call any man common or unclean. (The Scripture) follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 The Hebraic Answer does not violate Torah! 28 And he said to them, "You know that a Yehudite man is not allowed to associate with, or go to one of another race. But Elohim has shown me that I should not call any man common or unclean. (The Scripture) Meaning the context was never about eating rats, snakes and pigs, but about gentile human beings! How more misled can you get? So very sad… follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 It mystifies a Torah Teacher… How Christians can twist YHWH’s Word to promote eating a pig, a scavenger which YHWH created to clean the earth and which was never ever classified as "food", is beyond our thinking capacity… follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;
HRTI ZEALOUS FOR TRUTH Torah Foundational Truth Part 5 It mystifies a Torah Teacher… How Christians can twist YHWH’s Word to promote eating a pig, a scavenger which YHWH created to clean the earth and which was never ever classified as "food", is beyond our thinking capacity… when YHWH clearly says"and the pig, though it has a split hoof, completely divided, yet does not chew the cud, it is unclean to you" because"they are an abomination to you"!(Lev 11:7, 10) follow Torah, where truth is simple… Y’shua’s Torah exposes lies and paganism;