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Zechariah: Jehovah Remembers Prophet

Dive into the life and prophecies of Zechariah, a prophet who preached zealously for Zion. Explore his visions, messages, and relevance for today. Uncover lessons on faith, diligence, and returning to the Lord.

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Zechariah: Jehovah Remembers Prophet

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  1. Zechariah “I Am Zealous for Zion” Part 1

  2. Zechariah the Prophet • Zechariah means “Jehovah remembers” • Zechariah may have been murdered between the altar and the temple (Mt.23:35; Lk.11:51) • Zechariah was contemporary with Haggai (Ezra 4:24; 5:1-2; 6:14-15). He returned with Zerubbabel ( Neh.12:1,4,16)

  3. Zechariah the Prophet • Zechariah preached from 520 B.C. (Zech.1:1,7) to 518 B.C. (Zech.7:1); after the 70-year captivity (Zech. 1:12; 7:5) • Zechariah began his work in the 8th month, between Haggai’s 2nd and 3rd sermon (comp. Zech.1:1 with Hag. 1:1, 15; 2:1, 10, 20).

  4. Zechariah the Prophet • The audience and occasion for preaching are the same for Zechariah as for Haggai. God’s people needed stirring up to rebuild the Temple. • Zechariah worked with Haggai to motivate the people to finish building the temple (there was no building from 536 to 520 B.C.).

  5. Zechariah the Prophet • Haggai focused on the past and the present – primarily a negative message. Zechariah focused on the present and the future – primarily a positive message. • Theme of Zechariah: “I am zealous for Zion” (1:14; 8:1). God was zealous to have his house completed and his people live right.

  6. Zechariah the Prophet • His message is the longest of the Minor Prophets. He uses the apocalyptic style (visions with vivid imagery and symbols) of writing like Ezekiel, Daniel and Revelation, making it the most challenging of the Minor Prophets to interpret.

  7. Zechariah the Prophet • Zechariah, like Isaiah, gives many specific prophecies of the coming Messiah. He has more to say about the Christ than any other Minor Prophet. • Zech.9:9 is quoted in Mt.21:5 Zech.11:12 is fulfilled in Mt.26:15 Zech.12:10 is referred to in Rev.1:7 Zech.13:7 is quoted in Mt.26:31 and Mk.14:27

  8. Outline Introduction (1:1-6) Call of Zechariah (1:1) Call to repentance (1:2-6) Visions of Zechariah (1:7 - 6:15) #1 Vision of the horses (1:7-17): the temple will be built

  9. Outline Visions of Zechariah (1:7 - 6:15) #2 Vision of the four horns (1:18-21): Israel’s enemies will be cast down #3 Vision of the measuring line (2:1-13): Jerusalem will be inhabited #4 Vision of the cleansing of Joshua (3:1-10): the priesthood is cleansed

  10. Outline Visions of Zechariah (1:7 - 6:15) #5 Vision of the gold candlestick and two olive trees (4:1-14): temple rebuilt #6 Vision of the flying roll (5:1-4): dishonesty is punished #7 Vision of the woman in the ephah (5:5-11): wickedness is punished

  11. Outline Visions of Zechariah (1:7 - 6:15) #8 Vision of the four chariots (6:1-8): the earth is protected by God’s providence Climax of the visions (6:9-15): Joshua is crowned to symbolize the coronation of the coming Messiah

  12. Outline Questions of Zechariah (7:1 - 8:23) Questions about fasting (7:1-7) First answer from the Lord (7:8-14) Second answer from the Lord (8:1-23)

  13. Outline Burdens of Zechariah (9:1 - 14:21) Burden against Israel’s enemies (9:1 - 11:17) Israel’s enemies destroyed & Israel delivered (9-10) Allegory of the good and bad shepherd (11)

  14. Outline Burdens of Zechariah (9:1 - 14:21) Burden against Israel: “In that day…” (12:1 - 14:21) Israel delivered and defended (12) Israel cleansed and refined (13) Israel safe and holy (14)

  15. Lessons for Today • Quit procrastinating; finish what you started (Rev. 3:2) • Zeal for the Lord’s house is needed today (Jn. 2:17; 2 Cor. 11:2) • The need to return to the Lord; not just return to a place (Jas. 4:8)

  16. Lessons for Today • Don’t be like your unbelieving ancestors (1 Pet. 1:18) • The Lord’s word always comes to pass and outlasts mankind (1 Pet. 1:25)

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