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BROADSHEET PAPERS. British people watch a lot of television , but this does not mean that they do not reading . They are the world’s third biggest newspaper buyers . . NATIONAL PAPERS. Broadsheets , quality papers. Tabloids , popular papers. For the more educated readers.
British peoplewatch a lot of television, but thisdoes not meanthatthey do not reading . Theyaretheworld’s third biggestnewspaperbuyers.
NATIONAL PAPERS Broadsheets, qualitypapers Tabloids, popular papers For themoreeducatedreaders For the less educatedreaders
Thebroadsheetsaretwice as large as thetabloids, so readersneedskills of paper-folding!
Newspaperpublicationisdominated by the national press. Therearemorethaneightylocaldailypapers, but thetotalcirculation of all of themtogetheris much less thenthecombinedcirculation of the national dailies.
Most localpressdon’tappear on Sundays, so on thatdaythedominance of the national pressisabsolute. TheSundaypaperssellmorecopiesthenthe national dailes and arethicker.
Paperboys and papergirlsdelieverthenewspaper to over 60 percent of British familieseverymorning. Teenagersgetupathalf-past five everyday to earn a bit of extra pocketmoney.
THE END By: -Laura Opalska -Aleksandra Kościelniak -Marzena Boroń