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From HyJN sermon Everything is related in Creation
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Sunday School 2011 Eight steps to True Love
Eight horizontal and eight vertical stages • Individual foundation • Family foundation • Tribal foundation • Society foundation • Nation foundation • World foundation • Cosmic foundation • God foundation
Eight Vertical And Horizontal Stages Has your body freed itself from the control of Satan and attained oneness with God? You cannot overcome Satan if you cannot completely deny yourself. Therefore, you must go through suffering for three and a half years. You should start from the position of a beggar and a slave of slaves, and then rise up. From a slave of slaves to a slave, adopted son, illegitimate son, child in direct lineage, next mother, father, God – this makes eight stages vertically.
Moreover, there are also eight stages horizontally: individual, family, tribe, race, nation, world, universe and God. In this way, there are eight stages horizontally and eight stages vertically. This is the Principle point of view. These are not my words. God, Satan and I are the only ones who know. I am the one who controls it. This cannot be done by God or Satan. (1989.4.1. Belvedere)
Eight horizontal and eight vertical stages • Individual foundation • Standing in the position of Gods pure son and daughter • We need: • Gods truth • The power of love • Grow to peak of Growth level
Eight horizontal and eight vertical stages • 2. Family foundation • Holy Wine ceremony • The Blessing • Therapy
The love these saints expressed on earth, though mature, did not reach beyond the fraternal realm of heart. Love of neighbour, love of humanity and loving one’s enemy are all extensions of brotherly/sisterly love.
Eight horizontal and eight vertical stages 3. Tribal foundation
Eight horizontal and eight vertical stages 4. Society foundation
Eight horizontal and eight vertical stages 5. National foundation 1st Israel 2nd Israel Christianity 3rd Israel = Korea
Eight horizontal and eight vertical stages • 6. World foundation • Abel UN • Cain UN
Eight horizontal and eight vertical stages 7. Cosmic foundation
Eight horizontal and eight vertical stages 8. Gods foundation
Introduction Everyone, without exception, wants to be happy. People feel happy when their desires are fulfilled. However, the desires which result in injustice or harm do not bring enduring joy, free from the pangs of conscience. Our conscience repels the evil desires that result in unrighteousness, and longs to satisfy only good desires that lead to true happiness. Yet, since the beginning of time, people have failed to follow strictly the good desires of the conscience, mainly because of ignorance. What kind of knowledge is essential to happiness? Science? Power? Wealth? No -- the knowledge of true love.
Introduction The following seven steps to happiness and fulfillment are not esoteric but are based on common sense and a clear understanding of the dimensions of love. You need not accomplish all seven steps in order to enjoy the fruits of taking just one, although each step leads to the next. This booklet will empower you with knowledge that, if applied, will improve your life.
The Dimensions of Love Children's Love As a baby you are not capable of giving much. All you can do is receive. You are completely selfish. This is not wrong for infants. Your cuteness itself is by design, for it powerfully motivates your parents to love you. It is essential that you receive abundant love at this stage so that you can give love at the higher stages. Brother-Sister Love Here we begin to learn the concept of sharing. If you do someone a favor, that someone win return a favor. A milestone in the development of brother-sister love is the realization that you ought to initiate the reciprocation by giving first. Perfect love is the ability to give without receiving. This enables us to have a successful marriage. Conjugal Love A major component of happiness in life is the ability to share intimate love with a spouse. Through complete self-giving, physically and spiritually, the divine substantially enters our fives and establishes the power to five in joy and happiness. True marriage is eternal and absolute. Parental Love The highest love is that which parents give their children. It is unconditional, marked by sacrifice and investment, all for the sake of the other. We experience sublime joy through this type of love.
Step 1 Live for the Greater Whole This principle is learned in the family, from childhood. When you followed your parent's guidance to share with your siblings, you realized that there are people other than yourself. And when you shared, you felt the joy of approval from your parents, appreciation from the one with whom you shared, and satisfaction from a good conscience.
Step 1 Live for the Greater Whole This principle is learned in the family, from childhood. When you followed your parent's guidance to share with your siblings, you realized that there are people other than yourself. And when you shared, you felt the joy of approval from your parents, appreciation from the one with whom you shared, and satisfaction from a good conscience. Obedience to parents is a preparation for harmony in society. Through the extended family, one learns to love one's elders. Elders can be regarded as aunts, uncles and grandparents. Society becomes an extension of the family. This ability to love all people, developed through adolescence and adulthood, brings peace to yourself and your surroundings.
Step 1 Live for the Greater Whole This principle is learned in the family, from childhood. When you followed your parent's guidance to share with your siblings, you realized that there are people other than yourself. And when you shared, you felt the joy of approval from your parents, appreciation from the one with whom you shared, and satisfaction from a good conscience. Obedience to parents is a preparation for harmony in society. Through the extended family, one learns to love one's elders. Elders can be regarded as aunts, uncles and grandparents. Society becomes an extension of the family. This ability to love all people, developed through adolescence and adulthood, brings peace to yourself and your surroundings. Although you received tangible rewards and approval as a child, you graduate to higher levels of serving where the rewards are not so tangible. As you grow, you gain the ability to commit to greater causes: ideals of goodness, truth and beauty, even at a sacrifice. This culminates in a life full of meaning, and prepares you to serve God, whom you cannot see but to whom you are learning to ultimately relate.
Step 2 Attend to the Life of the Spirit As you grow, you wonder about eternity, about the origin of the universe, and about the nature of the Creator. Awareness of the invisible Creator and the ability to work in harmony with Him is a profound experience. Why would people such as St. Francis, Buddha and Moses give up an opulent lifestyle for a life of simplicity and humility? They discovered that the pleasures of the flesh pale in comparison to the bliss that enraptures the mind through union with God.
Step 2 Attend to the Life of the Spirit As you grow, you wonder about eternity, about the origin of the universe, and about the nature of the Creator. Awareness of the invisible Creator and the ability to work in harmony with Him is a profound experience. Why would people such as St. Francis, Buddha and Moses give up an opulent lifestyle for a life of simplicity and humility? They discovered that the pleasures of the flesh pale in comparison to the bliss that enraptures the mind through union with God. The Psalmist conveys this yearning for God in its essence when he writes, "As the deer longs for flowing streams, my soul longs for God." St. Augustine pines for God, "My soul is restless, until it rests in you, O Lord!" It is then no wonder that we feel empty and spiritually unsettled when we do not find God.
Step 2 Attend to the Life of the Spirit As you grow, you wonder about eternity, about the origin of the universe, and about the nature of the Creator. Awareness of the invisible Creator and the ability to work in harmony with Him is a profound experience. Why would people such as St. Francis, Buddha and Moses give up an opulent lifestyle for a life of simplicity and humility? They discovered that the pleasures of the flesh pale in comparison to the bliss that enraptures the mind through union with God. The Psalmist conveys this yearning for God in its essence when he writes, "As the deer longs for flowing streams, my soul longs for God." St. Augustine pines for God, "My soul is restless, until it rests in you, O Lord!" It is then no wonder that we feel empty and spiritually unsettled when we do not find God. God's parental love was always manifested through our parents' love. And yet, they did not create this impulse to love. The source of love is God. That God exists and loves us as our Parent is the greatest discovery one can make. Blessed are those who find God early in their life and walk in His footsteps.
Step 3 Develop Good Character through self-control The key to good character is self-control. As hard as you may try, you cannot suppress your physical desires. On the contrary, physical desires are God-given and are to be satisfied in a principled way. Complete happiness arises only through the fulfillment of both the physical and spiritual desires. The problem comes when you allow your physical desires to dominate you. This opens the door to bad habits and vices. Alcoholism, compulsive gambling, and drug abuse are just some of the symptoms of a person whose body is not under control.
Step 4 Protect Your Sexual Purity Today we are taught to question everything, including the traditional wisdom that sexual activity is safest and most enjoyable within faithful marriage. By now, however, it is common knowledge that the misuse of love carries serious consequences. Sexual activity with multiple partners brings high risk of sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS. But the consequences to the spirit are even more destructive. There is the guilt which haunts you when you abuse your sexuality. Lowered self-esteem and regret may last a lifetime. But even that is mild compared to the danger that accompanies the fury of a jilted lover. Jealousy can turn deadly in someone who cannot deal with rejection. Countless crimes are committed as a consequence of infidelity.
Step 4 Protect Your Sexual Purity Today we are taught to question everything, including the traditional wisdom that sexual activity is safest and most enjoyable within faithful marriage. By now, however, it is common knowledge that the misuse of love carries serious consequences. Sexual activity with multiple partners brings high risk of sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS. But the consequences to the spirit are even more destructive. There is the guilt which haunts you when you abuse your sexuality. Lowered self-esteem and regret may last a lifetime. But even that is mild compared to the danger that accompanies the fury of a jilted lover. Jealousy can turn deadly in someone who cannot deal with rejection. Countless crimes are committed as a consequence of infidelity. The brief pleasures of infidelity have nothing to do with love. True love is about doing things which benefit the people for whom you care. Adultery, on the contrary, shatters the family. Every member suffers, all because you did not learn to put aside the urge of the moment. Simply recall the shattered fives of some of the tele-evangelists. Sexual promiscuity even destroys nations: Rome is but one example; America may turn into another. Lack of common-sense or self-discipline can lead to a lifetime of sorrow.
Step 5 Commit to Your Family The family is meant to be the place where everyone is concerned to practice true love. Family life is essential for our wen-being. The love between husband and wife is the foundation for happiness in life. Studies show that sex is far more enjoyable in marriage than in cavalier pre-marital or extra-marital affairs. Plan to have a family with at least two children, so that you and your children will benefit from all familial relationships.
Step 5 Commit to Your Family The family is meant to be the place where everyone is concerned to practice true love. Family life is essential for our wen-being. The love between husband and wife is the foundation for happiness in life. Studies show that sex is far more enjoyable in marriage than in cavalier pre-marital or extra-marital affairs. Plan to have a family with at least two children, so that you and your children will benefit from all familial relationships. Needless to say, a family where there is love between father and mother provides the strongest security for the children. Studies also show that most criminals come from dysfunctional, broken homes. When families are wholesome, crime rates, drug abuse, unwanted pregnancies, abortions and neuroses naturally decline. Everyone in society benefits.
Step 6 Commit Your Family to Serving Society The happiness you feel at home ends at the doorstep of your house if society is in turmoil. Innocent children are hit by stray bullets during gun battles between youth gangs. Anywhere you go, you are in danger of becoming a victim of a crime. Your joy ends where the problems of society begin. Therefore, your work for the peace and safety of society benefits you and your family.
Step 6 Commit Your Family to Serving Society The happiness you feel at home ends at the doorstep of your house if society is in turmoil. Innocent children are hit by stray bullets during gun battles between youth gangs. Anywhere you go, you are in danger of becoming a victim of a crime. Your joy ends where the problems of society begin. Therefore, your work for the peace and safety of society benefits you and your family. The family provides the resources for social healing. In the family is the need for a judge, peacemaker, counselor and decision maker. When siblings quarrel, the parent judges and ends the quarrel. It is both loving and efficient, and prompts our spiritual growth as parents. You may by mistake judge unfairly. In that case, will you not try to make up for the unfairness, and even overcompensate? This helps the child who was wronged to overcome his resentment and practice forgiveness. It helps the parent to be more patient and wise.
Step 6 Commit Your Family to Serving Society The happiness you feel at home ends at the doorstep of your house if society is in turmoil. Innocent children are hit by stray bullets during gun battles between youth gangs. Anywhere you go, you are in danger of becoming a victim of a crime. Your joy ends where the problems of society begin. Therefore, your work for the peace and safety of society benefits you and your family. The family provides the resources for social healing. In the family is the need for a judge, peacemaker, counselor and decision maker. When siblings quarrel, the parent judges and ends the quarrel. It is both loving and efficient, and prompts our spiritual growth as parents. You may by mistake judge unfairly. In that case, will you not try to make up for the unfairness, and even overcompensate? This helps the child who was wronged to overcome his resentment and practice forgiveness. It helps the parent to be more patient and wise. In society, we must strive to maintain morality, civility and justice with the same parental heart.
Step 7 Align with Heaven to Receive the Blessing of Marriage If you disobey physical laws, you will harm yourself and others. When you harmonize with nature and her laws, you stay healthy and enjoy the creation. Likewise, if you disregard spiritual laws, the way of Heaven, you jeopardize your spiritual health. As the body hungers for physical food, the spirit hungers for spiritual food. Service and sacrifice are the basic nourishment for the spirit. Through living for the sake of others, your spirit grows. You move into alignment with Heaven.