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Newsletter September 7 KA Mrs Nixon. The children have been busy as they continue to settle into their new school routine. We have now met all of the specialist teachers and the children are enjoying the
Newsletter September 7 KA Mrs Nixon. The children have been busy as they continue to settle into their new school routine. We have now met all of the specialist teachers and the children are enjoying the different experiences. In music they have Mrs Earley, ask the children to sing you ‘See you later Aligator!’ Mrs Whalen is our PE teacher and has had the children moving like different animals and using a swinging beam like a gymnast. Mrs Middleton is our librarian. We are able to borrow two books each library day. There are so many to choose from! The computer lab. is near our classroom and Ms Patty showed us how to take our picture with the computer and how to draw our own face. As the children begin to adjust to being part of a group of sixteen children we have taken the opportunity to discuss some of our class values. We read “The Rainbow Fish” by Marcus Pfister and we talked together about what it means to share. What does it mean to share? Sophia Share a toy. Henri I share a cup with Mum and Dad. We need to share all our things. Andrew Share some books and playdough. Chung Wing Share the kitchen. Aidan All the things in the kitchen. Sophia You should share not fight. Solenne Share the animals. Hiro We could share the lego. Henry I share the cars. The illustrations in the book inspired the children while using pencil and different collage papers, to create their own Rainbow Fish.
In the story the Rainbow Fish learnt how to make friends. We discussed friendship as a group and the children all had a lot of great ideas. • What do good friends do? • Kiki Snack together. • Brandon W Play together in the kitchen. • Andrew I play with the fishes in the water and share the play dough • We talked about how good it was when Justin shared his dinosaur with Hiro and • Charlotte and Shannon laugh with their friend Kiki on the see saw. Chloe and Solenne showed us how friends can play a game with the fairies together and Brandon H, Hiro and Henry talk about what they want to build with the lego and then work together. • Dates to remember. • Next week the children do not come to school on Thursday 13 and Friday 14 • September due to professional development for the teachers. • Our open house for KA parents is Thursday September 20 at 7pm. • I hope you can all come along and find out more about our program. • Reminders. • Please send only healthy snacks, no chocolate. • Every child needs a change of clothes as they often get wet at water play. • Liz Nixon and Eva Lee
Getting along with our new friends! Harry Potter games! Outdoors Aidan and Andrew was able to blow the hugest bubbles.