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Moses' Prophetie oder der Urgesang der Menschheit? Psalm 92 und die liturgische Interpretation der Psalmen im Judentum. Moses’ prophecy or the primordial song of humanity? Psalm 92 and the liturgical reading of psalms in Judaism.
Moses' Prophetie oder der Urgesang der Menschheit?Psalm 92 und die liturgische Interpretation der Psalmen im Judentum Moses’ prophecy or the primordial song of humanity?Psalm 92 and the liturgical reading of psalms in Judaism These slides will provideyouwithbackgroundinformationin Hebrewwith English and German translations. (Note theflags) The slidenumberisprinted in thehand out. Diese Folien bieten Ihnen Hintergrundinformationen in Hebräisch mit Englischer und Deutscher Übersetzung. (Suchen Sie die Fahnen) Die Foliennummer finden Sie in der Kopie. Dr Annette M. Boeckler
Übersicht Nutzung der Psalmen 90Pesukei de ZimraShabbat(Shiv’a, Funeral) 91Pesukei de ZimraShabbat(Funeral), evening prayer 92vorAbendgebetErev Shabbat 93vorAbendgebetErev Shabbat /FRIDAY - FREITAG 94WEDNESDAY - MITTWOCH 95Kabbalat Shabbat 96Kabbalat Shabbat 97KabbalatShabbat 98KabbalatShabbat 99Kabbalat Shabbat [9. Av ancient trad.] 100Pesukei de ZimraWeekday 101 _____________________________________________________ 102 ___________________________ V. 28 Yom Kippur 103V. 15-17 Yom Kippur 104ROSH CHODESH 105Pesukei de Zimra quoted in 1 Chron 16:8-36 106Pesukei de Zimra quoted in 1 Chron 16:8-36
Rashi on Ps 90:1 (1040-1105) A prayer of Moses – eleven psalms, from here until “A Psalm of David” [Ps 101], Moses had said them all; corresponding to them he uttered eleven blessings for eleven tribes in (the passage beginning with): “And in this the blessing” (Deut 33). EinGebet des Mose – elf Psalmen, von hierbis “Ein Psalm Davids” (Psalm 101), siealle hat Mosegesagt; ihnenentsprechendsagteer elf Segenssprüchefür elf Stämme in (demAbschnitt, der anfängtmit) “Und dies ist der Segen” (Dtn 32).
Mishnah Tamid 7:4 Lied, das die Leviten im Tempel sangen:am ersten Tag sagten sie Psalm 24;am ersten Tag sagten sie Psalm 48;am ersten Tag sagten sie Psalm 82;am ersten Tag sagten siePsalm 94;am ersten Tag sagten sie Psalm 81;am ersten Tag sagten siePsalm 93;am ersten Tag sagten siePsalm 92. The songthattheLevitessaid in the temple:on the 1st daytheysaid Psalm 24;on the 2nd daythey said Psalm 48;on the 3rd day they said Psalm 82;on the 4th day they said Psalm 94;on the 5th day they said Psalm 81;on the 6th day they said Psalm 93;on Shabbat they said Psalm 92.
Mishnah Berakhot 5:1 Man stelltsichnichthinzumbetenessei den mitEhrfurcht. Die Frommen der alten Zeiten pflegten eine Stunde lang zu meditieren und (dann) beteten sie, um ihr Herz auf Gott auszurichen. One does only stand for praying with a focussed mind. The pious ones of the past used to meditate an hour and (then) prayed, to direct their hearts to God. ...
Saayda ben YosefhaGaon 6 About Enemies Friends Photos Karaits Arabic scholars Work and education Living Sura, Babylonia time in Palestine and Syriasince 921 or 922 in Babyloniasince 928 head of the rabbinic academy in Sura. author of first Hebrew grammar, one of the first prayerbooks, philosopher and halakhic authority TAFZIR on Torah, Isaiah, Mishle, Job, parts of Megillot Basic Information Sa'id ‘ibn Yusuf al-Fayyûmî Born 882 Fayyum, Upper Egypt. Relationships and Family Contact Information Malter, H., Saadia Gaon. His Life and Works, Philadelphia 1921 (Nachdr. Hildesheim 1978) - zurBibelexegesesiehe S. 141-146 u. 308-329 2
reciteddaily in Pesukei de Zimra zitiert täglich in den PesukedeSimra 1 Chron 16:8-36 Acclaimthe Lord, invoke His name, make His deedsknownamong all people. Praisehim in song and in psalm, recallingallof His wonders. Exult in His hallowedname: let His seekersrejoice in theirheart. Seekthe Lord and His strength, seek His Presence always. Children of Israel His servant, chosen people of Jacob, remember the wonders He has wrought, His marvels and His justice. He is the Lord our God; His justice fills the earth. Remember His covenant always, His word to a thousand generations, His covenant with Abraham, His oath to Isaac, His unchanging compact with Jacob, His everlasting promise to Israel: “I will give you the land of Canaan as your inheritance, your possession.” You were very few in number, little more than strangers in the land, wandering from nation to nation, from kingdom to kingdom. He would let no one oppress you, admonishing kings for your sake: “Touch not my anointed, harm not My prophets.”[Ps 105:1-15= first partERSTE HÄLFTE] Sing to the Lord, all the earth; proclaim His triumph day by day. Declare His glory among the nations, His marvels among all peoples. Great is the Lord, and worthy of praise, to be revered beyond all gods. All the pagan gods are mere idols, but the Lord created the heavens. Grandeur and glory attend Him, strength and joy abide in His dwelling. Acclaim the Lord, you families of nations, acclaim His glory and might. Come into His Presence with an offering; worship the Lord in the spendor of holiness. Let all on earth tremble before Him, for he fashioned and steadied the world. Let the heavens rejoice and the earth exult. Let the nations declare: the Lord is King. Let the sea roar, and all that is in it; let the fields exult, and all they contain. Let trees of the forest sing for joy; for the Lord comes to judge the earth.[Psalm 96:1-13, not literally identical; NICHT WÖRTLICH IDENTISCH] It is good to acclaim the Lord, for His love endures for ever.[Psalm 106:1] Declare: “Save us, God of our salvation; gather us and deliver us from oppression, that we may acknowledge Your holiness, that we may take pride in Your praise. Praised be the Lord God of Israel from age to age. And all the people said “Amen” and “Praise the Lord”.[Psalm 106:47-48= end of the 4th book= ENDE DES 4. BUCHS]
BARUKH SHE-AMAR PesukeideZimra Shabbatonly Daily Weekdayonly 1 Chron 16:8-36 Ps 99:5.9; 94:1-2 variousverses < > variousverses Ashrei (Ps 84:5; 144:15; 145) – Ps150 („Daily Hallel“) ... (vayevarech David 1 Chron 28, Neh 9, Ex 14-15) Ps 100 > Ps 19, 34, 90, 91 Ps 135 u. 136 („hallelhagadol“) Ps 33, 92, 93 < YISHTABACH
Rashi About Friends Photos Menachem ben Saruk DunashibnLabrat Living Troyes, Northern France Work and education studied in Mayence, Rhinelandshort time in Worms, Rhineland work: unclear (vintner?) Basic Information Shelomo ben Yizhaq 1040-1105 Relationships and Family Likes married, father of Yocheved, Miriam and Rachel Midrashimto comfort others Contact Information Grossman, A., Rashi. Oxford, Portland OR: Littman Library, 2012Shereshevsky Ezra, Rashi, the Man and his World, New York, NY 1982Gelles, Benjamin J., Peshat and Derash in the Exegesis of Rashi (Étudessur le Judaïsmemédiéval 9), Leiden 1981 347.563.286.565.756.382.197.6
Targum שבחאושירא דאמר אדם קדמאי על יומא דשבתא „Lob und Lied , dass der erste Mensch über den Schabbat Tag sagte.“ „Praise and songthatthefirst human beingsaidabouttheSabbathday.“
11 MidrTehillimon Ps 92:1 “When Adam sinned against the command of the Holy One, blessed be He, God sat in judgment upon him to punish him. [The torah says: When you eat from this fruit, you will die Gen 2:17.] But what was the outcome? [As we know, Adam surprisingly did not die.] You find that Adam was created on the eve of Shabbat: In the firsthour, he came into being as a thought; in the secondhour, God consulted the ministering angels; in the third, God gathered the dust; in the fourth, God kneaded the dust; in the fifth, God made the form; in the sixth, God joined the parts; in the seventh, God blew breath into him; in the eighth, God stood him on his feet; in the ninth, God enjoined him; in the tenth, he sinned; in the eleventh, he was brought to judgment; in the twelfth, he was driven out – driven out because when God was about to decree his destruction, the Shabbatarrivedand brought his expulsion instead. ... When Adam saw the power of the Shabbat [that he was kept alive], he was about to sing a hymn in her honour. But the Shabbat said to Adam: ‘Do you sing a hymn to me? Let us, I and you, sing a hymn to the Holy One, blessed be He.’ Hence it is said: “It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Eternal One”.
Friday evening FREITAG ABEND songs, texts, meditations, prayers, ... (Mincha [Nachmittagsgebet]) (YedidNefesh) Ps 95 – 96 – 97 – 98 – 99– 29 anabekoach LekhaDodi Ps 92 – 93 Barchu – 2 Blessings – Shema – 2 Blessings Amidah Concluding parts
Mishnah Berurah260:3; 263:10 et al.a 19th cent. commentary on ShulkhanArukhOrakhHayimeinKommentarausdem 19. Jh. über Schulchan AruchOrach Chaim Nowadays, early Shabbos begins when the congregation recites mizmorshirl'yom ha-Shabbos in shul. Once that psalm is recited, it is considered as if Shabbos in all its aspects has begun even though it is still bright daylight outside. Ps 92 = der Beginn des Schabbat
16 Liturgical Performance MizmorShirLeYomhaShabbat may be read chanted Western: Adonai MalachMode Eastern MagenAvot Mode sung to a composed melody as a whole or in parts, aloud, mumbled, or in silence
Louis I. Rabinowitz “It is called a Sabbath Psalm not because it sings of the Sabbath and extols its virtues, but because it represents the kind of thoughts which are liable to enter and possess the thoughts of that person who observes the Sabbath in its true spirit. ... Just as of the enslaved children of Israel in Egypt, it is recorded that they rejected the vision of the redemption מקוצר רוח ומעבודה קשה ‘from the shortness of spirit which comes from hard labour,’ so to-day, even though it be not ‘hard labour,’ it takes man away from the contemplation of things of the spirit. He sees only that which is before his eyes. He has not the time, and if he had the time he has not the inclination, for contemplation of things sub specie aeternitatis, under the aspect of eternity. It is only when the Sabbath comes, and he is relieved of material cares, when he makes of the day a day of recreation that in the serenity and tranquil peace of that blessed day he can give himself over to meditation and contemplation. It is then that he can sing of the greatness of God and of the ultimate triumph of right and justice. It is then that he can declare that the Lord is upright, that there is no iniquity in him. He can attune himself to the spirit of God and enter into communion with him, and spiritually refreshed and strengthened in his faith, face the future with confidence and trust. Therein much more than in the enforced abstention from work lies the true value of the Sabbath of the Lord.”