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Personality. Session 12. What is Personality?. Those inner psychological characteristics that both determine and reflect how a person responds to his or her environment. Relationship between Personality and Behavior. Temperament. Key Characteristics of Personality Variables.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Personality Session 12

  2. What is Personality? • Those inner psychological characteristics that both determine and reflect how a person responds to his or her environment.

  3. Relationship between Personality and Behavior

  4. Temperament

  5. Key Characteristics of Personality Variables • Individual Differences • Consistent and Enduring • May Change

  6. Predicting Consumer Behavior using Personality

  7. Marketing’s Interest in Personality

  8. Personality & Consumption

  9. Personality & Consumption

  10. Personality & Consumption

  11. Human Biases when Judging Someone’s Personality • Tend to see individuals in limited roles • Student, teacher • Assumption that behavioral differences across individuals in same role is a reflection of their personality.

  12. Do Brands Have a Personality?

  13. Animal Personalities of Corporations

  14. People & Pets

  15. Pets & Dates

  16. Personalities of Pet Owners

  17. Pet FactsIt’s a Big Busines • 60 % of households have a pet (40% more than one) • Spend $23 billion on pet products and services

  18. Consumers & Animals • Humans have had a close relationship with animals for many years • In a 12,000 year old tomb, there were remains of a human and a dog. • The human’s hand was carefully placed on the dog’s shoulder to emphasize the bond between them.

  19. Pet FactsIt’s a Family Thing • 84% of pet owners describe themselves as their pet’s parents • 78% first greet their pets when they come home (only 13% first greet their spouses) • 30% prepare special meals for their pets • One hotel has its chef prepare special meals for pets water • Some are served only bottled water

  20. Pet FactsIt’s a Holiday Thing • 25% prepare birthday cakes • 26% sing Happy Birthday • 25% wrap gifts & 5% send greeting cards • 33% include a picture of their pets in their Holiday Greeting Cards (60% mention their pets in their letters) • 27% get a Santa picture with their pets

  21. Factors Associated with Popularity of Pets • Anthropomorphism • The human tendency to ascribe human qualities to nonhuman entities. • Entrepreneurship class developed a day care center for dogs • Focus groups discussed their discomfort and guilt when leaving their dogs at home • Some turned on the TV or radio to keep their pets entertained.

  22. Doggie Camp www.totallydog.com

  23. Doggie Camp 2

  24. Doggie Camp 3

  25. Neoteny • The tendency of animals to maintain a juvenile appearance into adulthood • Dogs are bred to have foreshortened snouts, curling tails, large brown eyes, hanging ears, short hair, skin folds, and small size. • Persian cats are bred to have large, round eyes, a small, short muzzle, small ears, and a round face. • Goal is for them to have a doll or childlike face.

  26. Pet Health Reaches New Extremes • Braces for dogs ($3,000)[55 certified pet dentists] • $5,000 to cure dog’s skin rash$1,000/week for dialysis • Chemotherapy for cats • Kidney transplant ($25,000)

  27. Where Will It End?

  28. Pet Communications

  29. Trait Theory Approach • Most consumer-oriented personality research uses traits • Assess individual personality differences using a standardized scale • Relate the scale responses to a specific consumer behavior

  30. Personality & TV Viewing • Introverts – Situation Comedies & Music Videos • Extroverts – “Desperate Housewives” • Conscientious Persons – “Cops” • “To have something to talk about” • Aggressive – Situation Comedies to study social interaction • Unpublished U. Florida study by Cynthia Frisby

  31. Reality TV & Personality

  32. Personality ResearchRelating Dogmatism to Innovativeness • Dogmatism – open versus closed minded • Innovativeness - desire to purchase or use new products • Hypothesis – The more dogmatic one is, the less likely one is to be an innovator.

  33. Personality Research - Dogmatism & Innovativeness • Purdue co-eds were given 15 choices of brands & products • Each choice had 5 alternatives • One of the alternatives was predetermined to be an innovative choice (new product, new brand or new style) • Innovativeness score was the number of new items selected (0-15)

  34. Sample of Choices • Lucky Strike • Camels • Marlboro • Virginia Slims • Newport

  35. Sample of Choices • Lucky Strike • Camels • Marlboro • Virginia Slims • Newport Innovative

  36. Personality Research - Dogmatism & Innovativeness • Dogmatism was measured using Rokeach scale (40 statements) • “It is better to be a dead hero than a live coward” • “There is nothing new under the sun” • Scores could range 40 to 280 (midpoint of 160) • 60 Subjects split at the median

  37. Results - Dogmatism & Innovativeness Correlation was -.32

  38. Anheuser-Busch Model

  39. Effect of Environment • Subjectiverts • Focus on inner thoughts and concerns • Little monitoring of the external environment • Poor listener & social mixing • Objectiverts • Focus on the external environment • Sensitive to changes in the world around them • Good listener & social mixing

  40. Effect on Environment • Internalizers • Adjust self to fit in with the environment • Cold? – put on a sweater • Externalizers • Adjust environment to fit in with own needs • Cold? – turn up the thermostat

  41. Explaining Drinking Behavior with Personality

  42. Anheuser-Busch Model PURE TYPES

  43. Anheuser-Busch Model MIXED TYPES

  44. Reparative Drinkers • Generally a middle-aged person of either sex. Has not achieved as much as hoped by that stage of life , though far from being a failure. • Drinking occurs at the end of the work day • Drinking associated with transition from work to nonwork. Self-reward

  45. Reparatives – (Bud-preresearch)

  46. Reparatives – (Miller Time)

  47. Reparatives – (Bud lyrics)

  48. Social Drinkers • A younger adult of either sex. Has yet to attain level of aspiration but still driven by desire to get ahead • Drinking is heaviest on weekends, holidays, and vacations • Drinking associated with friendliness and acceptance of and by others

  49. Social - 1

  50. Social - 2

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