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THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA. Social Development Sector Presentation at the Local Govt Budget Framework Paper (LGBFPs) Regional Consultative Workshop for FY 2014/15 Budget. Outline of the presentation. 1 Introduction; Demonstration of sector IPFs for FY2013/14
THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA Social Development SectorPresentation at the Local Govt Budget Framework Paper (LGBFPs) Regional Consultative Workshop for FY 2014/15 Budget Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development
Outline of the presentation 1 Introduction; • Demonstration of sector IPFs for FY2013/14 • Pertinent issues to consider during the Budget of FY 2014/15; • Youth Livelihood Programme; • Expanding Social Protection (ESP); • Progress on the issues raised during the agreement made between Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development and Local Governments; and • Conclusion. Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development
1.0 Introduction/Background 1.1 The Background The Social Development Sector - Empowers community, protects and promotes the rights of specified vulnerable groups for social protection and gender responsive development. - Plays a pivital role in mobilising and empowering communities for modernisation and social transformation Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development
1.0 Introduction Cont.. 1.2 SDS Grants to Local Governments 1.2.1 Through the Budget • Functional Adult Literacy (FAL); • Council’s Grants (Youth, Women’s and Disability); • Community Development Workers (Non-Wage); • Special Grant for PWDs; • Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR); and • Public Libraries. Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development
1.0 Introduction Cont.. 1.2.2 Off- Budget • Expanding Social Protection (ESP) in Uganda; • GoU-UNFPA Gender Component (GBV) and • Gender Based Violence (GBV) Busoga Region Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development
1.0 Introduction Cont.. 1.3 Access to Grants 1.3.1 Accessed by few HLGs - Community Based Rehabilitation Program - Public Libraries; • Expanding Social Production • Gender Based Violence Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development
Access to Grants 1.3.2Accessed by all HLGs - District Functional Adult Literacy; - Community Development Workers (CDW) Grant Non- Wage; - Councils (Women, Youth, PWDs) Grant; - Special Grant for People With Disabilities (SGPWD) Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development
2.0 Demonstration of Sector IPFs for FY2014/15 • It means that country wide: • 33% of the total grant would be for the Illiterate population (Ip) • 22% of the total grant would be for the population (NP) • 6% of the grant would be for Area in Square Kms (AKM); • 20% of the grant would be for the Number of lower, local governments (sub counties and division in the districts and Municipalities respectively) (NLLG); and • 19% of the grant will be for the number of village councils (NVC) Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development
2.0 Demonstration of sector IPFs for FY2014/15 Cont... The formula is applicable to all grants that are disbursed to all the districts. For those grants that do not cover all the LGs; i) CBR -allocation is based on the number of sub counties while; ii) Libraries Grant -allocation is based on those amounts that were being disbursed at the time of decentralisation. Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development
3.0 Pertinent issues to consider during the Budget of FY 2014/15 • The funds for the interest group councils (Women’s, Youth and PWDs) grants shall be disbursed under one line item 321437 and shall be shared in the following ratio: • Women 40%, • Youth 40% • Disability 20% The funds are not for the Local to share. Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development
3.0 Pertinent issues to consider during the Budget of FY 2014/15 Cont.. • The funds for the Community Based Rehabilitation and Community Development Workers Grant shall be disbursed the same line item 321434. • No Grants for the PCY during the FY 2014/15 Budget; instead • Introduction of Youth Livelihood Programme Grants for districts. Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development
4.0 THE YOUTH LIVELIHOOD PROGRAMME • The Youth Livelihoods Programme (YLP), is Government of Uganda funded directly from Consolidated Fund. The total amount of the programme is estimated at Uganda shillings 265 billions over a five year period FY 2013/14 -2017/18. Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development
4.1 Objective • YLP is to empower the youth to harness their potential for improved standard of living through wealth creation. It is intended to contribute to sustainable production which ultimately leads to national development. Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development
4.2 Categories of the target group The principle target beneficiaries of the Programme will be the unemployed youth aged between 18 to 30 years. Specifically, the Programme will target: • Dropouts from school and training institutions; • Youth living in slums, city streets, high risk and impoverished communities; • Youth without opportunity to attend formal education; • Single parent youth; • Youth with disability; and • Youth who have completed secondary school or tertiary Institutions Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development
4.3 Resource allocation criteria The Fund will be allocated among the components as follows: • Livelihoods Support Fund (50%). • Skills Development Fund (30%) • Institutional Development Fund (10%) • Project Management (10%) The District and Sub County resource allocations for the Livelihoods Support Component and Vocational Skills Development Fund (i.e. LS and VS) will be based on three weighted parameters as follows: • Poverty count (40% weight); • Population (45% weight); and • Land area (15% weight). Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development
5.0 Expanding Social Protection • The Expanding Social Protection (ESP) Programme is led by the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, collaborating with the wider Government. The purpose of the Programme is to embed a national social protection system, including Direct Income Support for the poorest and most vulnerable, as a core element of Uganda’ national planning and budegting processes. Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development
5.1 Selection of the Programme districts • The following districts are covered by the Programme: Amudat, Apac, Kaberamaido, Katakwi, Kiboga, Kole, Kyankwanzi, Kyegegwa, Kyenjojo, Moroto, Nakapiripirit, Napak, Nebbi and Zombo. Initially 8 districts were selected for the pilot. However, the 8 have since given birth to another 6. Yumbe has also been added on the pilot districts. The selection of the initial 8 districts was based on the following criteria: • Share of children in the entire population; • Share of elderly persons in the entire population; • Share of orphans and vulnerable children in the child population; • Share of risky births; • Proportion of households living more than 5Km from health facilities; and • Share of children (6-12 years) not attending school. Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development
5.1 Selection of the programme districts cont... • The highest scoring districts per region were selected. But since this is a national Programme, selection was also dependent on having a representative selection of districts accross all sub-regions in the country. Due to the higher incidence of poverty in the Northern and Eastern Uganda one additional pilot district was proposed for each of these two regions. Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development
6.0 Progress on the issues raised during the agreement made between Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development and Local Governments Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development
ProgressAgreement still stands Agreed that: The MGLSD shall roll out to more Local Governments after the expiry of the pilot phase if funds for the roll out are provided. Issue Grant for organized groups of elderly persons outside SAGE Project to Promote active aging
ProgressThe guidelines targeting FY2014/15 for which this agreement was made will be revised and disseminated to all parties mentioned Agreed that: • The MGLSD shall revise the guidelines to cater for districts, sub-counties, municipalities, divisions and town councils. • The sharing of the funds shall be in line with the Local Government Act (CAP 243). • MGLSD shall disseminate the revised guidelines to all local governments and other stakeholders. Issue Community Development Officers (CDOs) Non-Wage Grant
ProgressThere have been few emerging issues and the Ministry together with the NGO have called for a meeting to integrate these issues so that the document can be re-printed Agreed that: • The MGLSD shall re-disseminate the Guidelines for NGOs undertaking complementary initiatives/activities in the Social Development Sector widely to all stakeholders. • Local Governments shall cascade the dissemination of the Guidelines and enforce compliance. Issue Weak Coordination between Established Government Structures
ProgressA copy of the assessment tool and the Strategy on Street Children are available on the Ministry websitewww.mglsd.go.ug Agreed that: • The MGLSD shall disseminate the Assessment Tool and Guidelines for homes and orphanages to stakeholders especially local governments. • The MGLSD shall also share the Strategy on Street Children with local governments. Issue Overwhelming and ever Increasing Number/burden of Orphans
ProgressAgreement still stands Agreed that: • The MGLSD shall continue to lobby the JLOS and Ministry of Justice to set aside special courts for juveniles to handle their cases expeditiously. • MGLSD to follow up the request with JLOS for a waiver of the Court charges Issue Government Policy on all Civil Cases
ProgressThe Acts and regulations are available on the Ministry website: www.mglsd.go.ug Agreed that: The MGLSD shall continue to disseminate the NCD Act, PWD Act, UN Convention on the Rights of the disabled, DVA and DVR to the LGs and other stakeholders Issue Information sharing
ProgressBy mid-term review, the Position Paper shall be ready Agreed that: The MGLSD shall develop a Position paper by mid-term review in April 2014. The position paper shall articulate properly the comprehensive community development vision and plan in the country. This will guide the community development agenda in the vision of transforming the country into a modern and prosperous country. Issue Support to Probation and Labour sub sectors by MGLSD
Conclusion • Effective implementation of public Programmes requires adherence to the regulations and guidelines. Although the MGLSD has developed a series of guidelines in the past, monitoring and evaluation activities have always identified implementation challenges which require remedial action Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development
Thank you Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development