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Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). SAFE 210. Goals. Protect human health and environment from the potential hazards of waste disposal Conserve energy and natural resources Reduce the amount of waste generated Ensure that wastes are managed in an environmentally sound manner.

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Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)

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  1. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) SAFE 210

  2. Goals • Protect human health and environment from the potential hazards of waste disposal • Conserve energy and natural resources • Reduce the amount of waste generated • Ensure that wastes are managed in an environmentally sound manner

  3. Major Amendments • Enacted in 1976 (as an amendment to the Solid Waste Disposal Act of 1965) • 1984 – Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA)

  4. Major Programs/Subtitles • Subtitle C: Hazardous Waste • Subtitle D: Solid Waste • Subtitle I: Underground storage tanks

  5. Subtitle C: Hazardous Waste Management Program

  6. What is Hazardous Waste? • Solid waste – Any garbage, refuse, sludge from a waste treatment plant, water supply treat • Hazardous waste – A solid waste or combination of solid wastes that lead to an increase in illness or mortality or poses a hazard (or potential hazard) to human health or environment when improperly stored, treated, transported or disposed.

  7. Some Excluded Hazardous Waste • Domestic sewage • Irrigation waters or industrial discharges allowed under the CWA • Nuclear material regulated by the Atomic Energy Act • Household wastes • Certain mining and mineral processing wastes

  8. What is Hazardous Waste? • Listed wastes • F, K, P, and U lists • Characteristic wastes • Ignitability • Corrosivity • Reactivity • Toxicity

  9. Chemical manufacturers Vehicle maintenance shops Printing industry Paper industry Metal manufacturing Acids, bases, reactive & ignitable wastes Paint wastes, ignitable wastes, spent solvents Heavy metals, inks Ignitable & corrosive wastes, inks Acids/bases,, cyanide wastes, sludges containing heavy metals Typical Wastes Generated by Industries

  10. “Cradle to Grave” Applies to those who: • generate • recycle • transport • treat • store • dispose

  11. Generators - Classifications • Large Quantity Generator • Generates greater than 1000 kg/mo (5 drums) • Small Quantity Generator • Generates 100 kg/mo to 1000 kg/mo (1/2 drum - 5 drums) • Conditionally Exempt SQG • Generates less than 100 kg/mo (1/2 drum)

  12. Generators - Responsibilities • Tracking • Identification number • Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest • Package/mark/label waste • File biennial reports (LQG)

  13. Specific Generator Responsibilities • Large quantity generator • 90 day storage limit • Contingency plan • Documented training • 45 day exception reports • Small quantity generator • 180 day storage limit (270 days if >200 miles) • Undocumented training • 60 day exception reports

  14. Transporters • Comply with DOT provisions for labeling, marking, placarding, and using proper containers • EPA ID Number • Maintain manifests • Spill cleanup

  15. Treatment, Storage, and Disposal (TSD) Facilities • Some requirements include: • EPA ID number • Permit • Physical and chemical analysis • Security • Inspection plan • Training • Equipment • Contingency plan • Manifests • Biennial reports • Closure/post closure

  16. Tracking & Permitting Systems Tracking System • EPA Identification Number • Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest Permitting System • Precautions to manage waste

  17. Land Disposal Restrictions Requires treatment before land disposal Types of land disposal include: - Landfills - Surface impoundments - Underground injection wells - Waste piles

  18. The State’s Role • Oversee hazardous waste tracking system • Operate the permitting system • Ensure public participation requirements are met • Act as enforcement

  19. Subtitle D: MSW and Industrial Solid Waste • Municipal solid waste (MSW) • Trash generated homes, industries, and commercial and institutional offices • Industrial solid waste/industrial hazardous waste • Wastes and wastewaters generated by manufacturing processes that are not considered hazardous

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