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1) Topics 2) Course outline & Evaluation Strategy 3) References 4) Homework Problems(#1, 2, 3) and term projects 5) Exam : Problems & answers 6) Etc. Contents. 0 Course Logistics. 계정 등록 안내. EE573 Homepage http://sonata.kaist.ac.kr/course/ee573/ee573.html 계정 등록 절차
1) Topics 2) Course outline & Evaluation Strategy 3) References 4) Homework Problems(#1, 2, 3) and term projects 5) Exam : Problems & answers 6) Etc. Contents 0 Course Logistics Introduction to VLSI Systems
계정 등록 안내 • EE573 Homepage • http://sonata.kaist.ac.kr/course/ee573/ee573.html • 계정 등록 절차 • homepage에서 “계정 등록” icon을 click • 이름,학과,학번,e-mail,계정이름 등을 기입 • 등록 후 reload하여 등록이 되었는지 확인 • 과목과 관련된 사항은 모두 homepage에 공지될 예정임 Introduction to VLSI Systems
Lecture #1 : 0. Course Logistics Lecture #1 : 1. Motivation & Objectives(1) Lecture #2 : 2. ASIC Design Methodology(2) Lecture #3-6 : 3. Process & Device Physics(3) Lecture #7-9 : 4. Circuit Characterization(3) Lecture #10-15 : 5. CMOS Logic Basics(5) Lecture #16-17 : 6. ALU Blocks & Control(3.5) Lecture #18 : 12. Special topic 1:완전설계(1) Lecture #19-22 : 7. Memory Subsystem(3.5) Lecture #23-24 : 8. Timing Issues(2) Lecture #25-26 : 9. Interconnects(2) Lecture #27 : 11. Low Power Techniques(1) Lecture #28 : 10. Testing(1) Exam. (2) 1) Topics(# of course units) EE573 Introduction to VLSI Systems Total (31) Introduction to VLSI Systems
2) Course Outline and Evaluation Strategy 1. Lecturer : Prof. Chong-Min Kyung(慶 宗 旻), Dept. Electrical Eng. KAIST 2. Teaching Assistants : Y.S.Chang & B.I.Park Tel:866-0848(05-848) 3. Web site : http://sonata.kaist.ac.kr/~kyung/ Students are encouraged to preview the lecture note from the web site : it will be available at least one week before the lecture. 4. Evaluation(each 25%) 1) Home work : issued every Wednesday, due next Wed.(25%) 2) Term Project : design of circuit or modules/CAD algorithm or tools(25%) 3) Mid-term Exam(25%) 4) Final Exam(25%) Introduction to VLSI Systems
3) References(in the order of expected frequency of reference) 1. Jan. M. Rabaey, Digital Integrated Circuits ; A Design Perspective, Prentice-Hall, 1996 2. Michael J. S. Smith, Application-Specific Integrated Circuits, Addison Wesley, 1997 3. Neil H. E. Weste & Kamran Eshraghian, Principles of CMOS VLSI Design ; A Systems Perspective, Addison Wesley, 1992 4. Gary K. Yeap. Practical Low Power Digital VLSI Design, Kluwer, 1998 5. 경종민, VLSI 시스템 설계 강의노트, 1993 6. H. B. Bakoglu, Circuits, Interconnections and Packaging for VLSI, Addison Wesley, 1990 7. SIA, National Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors, 1997 Introduction to VLSI Systems
Contents 1 Motivation and Objectives 1) Historical Perspective • Change of Human Life & Major Industry • History of IC Development • Korean History 2) Role of IC’s in present & future 3) SIA Technology Roadmap 4) Future Challenges Introduction to VLSI Systems
1) Historical Perspective Change of Human Life & Major Industry Phase I Phase II Phase III » ? ? Phase Duration(years) Major Industry Achievement Activity Domain I 104~103 (several thousand years) Hunting, Fishing Feeding raw material(m) Cattle Breeding Stable Feeding domesticated m Agriculture Stable Feeding domesticated m II 103~102 (several hundred years) Machinery Mass Production m deformation (with energy) Chemistry, Nuclear Environment Pollution new material & new energy III 102~ ? (several ten years?) Electronics Information Control, Computing and Communication Information, idea Introduction to VLSI Systems
Questions thereof • Between phase I&II, how much mass is needed to store/produce some energy, E ? • Between phase II&III, the question is, how much energy is needed to store/transmit/transform some information, I ? • What is the bottleneck(most limiting resource) in information age, among(Mass, Energy and Idea) ? “Amount of information is proportional to exp(population), and so is value of idea. Probability of coming up with the best idea is exp-1 (population).” E = mc2(Einstein) E = ln I(Shannon) I = exp(energy, mass, or population) Introduction to VLSI Systems
History of IC Development Mechanical Computing Device 1642, Pascal : Counter Wheel Calculator for(+, -) 1671, Leibniz : Counter Wheel for(+, -) and Chain & Pulley for( ) 1823, Babbage : Difference Engine for Table Construction using Finite Difference 1834, Babbage : Analytical Engine performing four operations, conditional branch. data Mill (ALU) Store (Counter Wheels) Card Punch instructions Operation Cards (+, -, ) Variable Cards Program Introduction to VLSI Systems
Electromechanical Computing Device(magnetic relay & wheels) 1941, Zuse : first operational general-purpose computer 1944, Aiken : Harvard Mark I(3 sec for 10-digit multiplication) • Electronic Computers(vacuum tubes) 1943-1946, Maughly & Eckert : ENIAC(for computing artillery trajectory) • 18,000 tubes, 30 tons • decimal(rather than binary) computing using one hot coding (10 vacuum tubes for one digit number) • reliability, power consumption problems Introduction to VLSI Systems
Bipolar Transistor before 1947 : semiconductor used only for thermistors, photodiode, and rectifiers 1948, Bardeen & Brattain : point-contact transistor 1949, Schockley : Junction diode and Bipolar Junction Transistor(BJT) theory published • MOSFET(IGFET, MISFET) 1930, Lilienfeld & Heil : proposed the principle 1960, Kahng(강 대원) & Atalla : first demo. of MOSFET (Silicon planar process) • Logic gate 1956, Harris : bipolar digital logic gate 1960, Fairchild, Inc : commercial logic gate IC(Fairchild Micrologic) 1962, Beeson : TTL(Transistor-Transistor Logic) 1974, Masaki : ECL(Emitter-Coupled Logic) 1972, Hart : I2L(Integrated-Injection Logic) Introduction to VLSI Systems
Microprocessor & Memories(Technology Leader & Champion Product) 1972, Intel : 4004 microprocessor 1974, Intel 8080 1970, Hoff : 4 kbit MOS memory • CMOS technology • Weimer patent on CMOS flip-flop(1962 filed-1965 issued) • Wanlass(Fairchild) Patent on CMOS concept & inverter, NAND and NOR gates • CMOS initially used only for low-power applications such as wrist watch chip, due to process & area overhead • CMOS acceptance widened as VLSI era comes in to solve the power consumption problem. • Others : BiCMOS, GaAs, SiGe, Superconducting, etc. Introduction to VLSI Systems
Korean IC History • ~ 1960 : Signetics, Fairchild, Motorola Korea, Anam : IC assembly • 1972 : 한국반도체(부천:강기동사장) by Applewine Paradise, Inc. • Sold to Samsung in 1976 ; Produced CMOS Watch Chips • ~ 1970 : KIST 반도체장치실(김만진박사) ; moved to 구미, KIET in 1978(?) • 1975 : KAIST 반도체연구실(김충기교수) 발족 • 1976 : 대한전선 반도체 사업 투자 ; sold to 금성반도체 ; merged KIET facility in Kumi in 1980(?) • 1983. 12 : Samsung developed 64K DRAM with Micron’s mask • 1985 : Hyundai joined DRAM race with 삼성, LG • 1993-1995 : All three highly profitable due to good DRAM market. • 1995/2H : DRAM price fall begins. • Now : System industries as well as semiconductor industries rely on non-memory IC for their future. Introduction to VLSI Systems
2) Role of IC’s in Present & Future • Product value is mostly increased by putting more idea, rather than mass, or energy, recently. • 자동차 기술(연료소모량) : 약 100년간 20배 향상 • 100년 전 : 1Km/liter now : 20Km/liter • Battery( charge storage efficiency ) : 5 - 8 fold improvement in 200 years • 200 years ago : 25 W.H/Kg (Lead) • 30 years ago : 50 W.H/Kg (NiCd) 125 W.H/Kg (Alkaline) • 10 years later : 200 W.H/Kg (Lithium Polymer) • mass • idea • energy Introduction to VLSI Systems
Semiconductor IC technology • CPU speed : 100-fold increase in 10 years • Memory storage density : 4-fold increase in every 3 years • IC is the most efficient means for the storage(memory), processing(ASIC, processor), and transmission(communication chip) of information. • Ever more intelligence is being put into almost all things : • Car : from mechanical stuff, to a system with various control, computing, communication occurring within . • Building : from a chunk of steel-concrete, to a system with various control, computing, communication occurring within. • People : equipped with various monitoring, computing, communicating and actuating device connected via wireless human body network(?) Introduction to VLSI Systems
IC performs information processing being connected with other IC’s through interconnection within a Board, and possibly running software downloaded from a memory module. Board CHIP #2 CHIP #1 CHIP #3 Memory (SW) Introduction to VLSI Systems
IC Design Environment System Specification & Verification Interconnection IC ( Hardware ) Software Library CAD Device & Int. model Process Integration Material Lithography Introduction to VLSI Systems
Seven Focus TWG’s Design & Test Process Integration, Device & Structures Front End Process Lithography Interconnect Factory Integration Assembly & Packaging From Cross-out TWG’s ESH(Environment, Safety and Health) Defect reduction Metrology Modeling & Simulation 3) 1997 SIA Technology Roadmap • Semiconductor Industry Association initiative • version 1992, 1994 & 1997 • objective : Setting up goals for the future work and effort of each technologist(equipment manufacturer, material provider, process integration experts, CAD & test expert, etc) to maintain the growth rate based on Moore’s law. Introduction to VLSI Systems
Roadmap Technology Characteristics 1/4 Year 1997 1999 2001 2003 2006 2009 2012 DRAM Half-pitch(nm) 250 180 150 130 100 70 50 MPU Gate Length(nm) 200 140 120 100 70 50 35 DRAM samples 256M 1G 4G 16G 64G 256G DRAM production 64M 256M 1G 1G 4G 4G 64G DRAM bits/cm2 96M 270M 380M 770M 2.2B 6.1B 17B High-Vol. Logic transistors/cm2 3.7M 6.2M 10M 18M 39M 84M 180M ASIC Usable transistors/cm2 8M 14M 16M 24M 40M 64M 100M Introduction to VLSI Systems
Roadmap Technology Characteristics 2/4 Year 1997 1999 2001 2003 2006 2009 2012 Number of Chip I/O’s( high perf.) 1450 2000 2400 3000 4000 5400 7300 Number of Chip I/O’s( low cost) 800 975 1195 1460 1970 2655 3585 Number of Package Pins/Balls(P) 600 810 900 1100 1500 2000 2700 Number of Package Pins (ASIC) 1100 1500 1800 2200 3000 4100 5500 On-chip local clock(MHz) 750 1250 1500 2100 3500 6000 10000 Chip to board(off-chip) clock(MHz) reduced-width, multiplexed bus 750 1200 1400 1600 2000 2500 3000 Chip to board(off-chip) clock(MHz) peripheral buses 250 480 785 885 1035 1285 1540 Introduction to VLSI Systems
Roadmap Technology Characteristics 3/4 Year 1997 1999 2001 2003 2006 2009 2012 Chip Size(DRAM) mm2 280 400 445 560 790 1120 1580 Chip Size(Microprocessor) mm2 300 340 385 430 520 620 750 Chip Size(ASIC)[max litho field ] 480 800 850 900 1000 1100 1300 Lithographic Field Size(mm2) 22x22 484 25x32 800 25x34 850 25x36 900 25x40 1000 25x44 1100 25x52 1300 Maximum Number Wiring Levels 6 6-7 7 7 7-8 8-9 9 Introduction to VLSI Systems
Roadmap Technology Characteristics 4/4 Year 1997 1999 2001 2003 2006 2009 2012 Minimum mask count 22 22/24 23 24 24/26 26/28 28 Substrate Diameter(mm2) Bulk or epitaxial or SOI wafer 200 300 300 300 300 450 450 Power Supply, Vdd(V) 1.8-2.5 1.5-1.8 1.2-1.5 1.2-.15 0.9-1.2 0.6-0.9 0.5-0.6 Max. Power High-performance with heat sink(W) 70 90 110 130 160 170 175 Max Power Battery(W)--(Hand-held) 1.2 1.4 1.7 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2 Introduction to VLSI Systems
Resources for addressing the Roadmap(ex:litho.) Year 1997 1999 2001 2003 2006 pitch(nm) 250 180 150 130 100 DUV DUV DUV EUV, E-beam, Ion-beam Prox. X-ray Solutions existing few no known Risk limited moderate high Industry internal industry coop. sematech R&D fund SRC & university focus centers Federal program integration development research production Introduction to VLSI Systems
4) Grand Challenges • Ability to continue scaling according to Moore’s law ( new material, technologies, approaches must be invented ) • Lithography below 100nm • No materials exist that are optically transparent for <= 193nm through-the-lens exposure scheme impossible totally new scheme needed • New materials and structures • high conductivity interconnection (copper) • low- dielectric • good contact material • GHz frequency operation • 10 GHz : = 3cm comparable to chip size (treating circuit & packaging as a whole) • Metrology and test • R & D challenge (due to down-sizing) similarly for packaging Introduction to VLSI Systems