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Class Cephalopoda

Class Cephalopoda. “ Head/ Foot” Octopus, Squid, Nautilus, Cuttlefish. Rings of tentacles project from the anterior of the head region. Tentacles function to capture prey, for defense, in reproduction, and in locomotion . . * Range from ¾ inch to 59 feet long.

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Class Cephalopoda

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Class Cephalopoda “ Head/ Foot” Octopus, Squid, Nautilus, Cuttlefish

  2. Rings of tentacles project from the anterior of the head region.Tentacles function to capture prey, for defense, in reproduction, and in locomotion.

  3. * Range from ¾ inch to 59 feet long Most have internal shell. Ex. Squid Others have no shell. Ex. Octopus Nautiloids have large shell

  4. 2 TYPES OF CEPHALOPODS • 1. Nautiloids: covered by shell

  5. Produce large, coiled shells with chambers separated into sections called SEPTA. • Chambers are filled with gas and helps with buoyancy for swimming.

  6. 2. COLEOIDS: squid, octopus, cuttlefish

  7. CUTTLEFISH: • bulky body • fins • 10 appendages (8 short arms, 2 long tentacles). • Small internal shell

  8. SQUID: • Large, cylindrical body • Paired fins that come from mantle tissue • Have 8 arms and 2 longer tentacles • Arms have cup-like suckers used to hold prey during capture. • Internal strip of hard protein within the squid called a PEN. It is extra support for the mantle.

  9. When disturbed- they cloud water with inky fluid. • Ink gland produces dark fluid called SEPIA which contains pigment called MELANIN.

  10. MOVEMENT • Swim by jet propulsion produced by forcing water through a siphon.

  11. COMMUNICATION • They have a very complex nervous system. • Octopus can be trained to do simple tasks. Remember: the octopus opening the jar. • They can change shape and color for camouflage. • They communicate with others by coloration changes because they have CHROMATOPHORES (color changing cells).

  12. FEEDING AND NUTRITION • Cephalopods are carnivores. • Their diet depends on the habitat. • To remove gastropods from their shells- octopods drill a hole through the shell with their RADULA and inject poison in them. • Squids tear prey with jaws

  13. REPRODUCTION • Sexes are separate and courtship is common. • Male squid have a modified arm that packages sperm and is used to put sperm into the females mantle cavity. • Once the egg is fertilized, it is released into the water column by oviduct. • Cephalopods usually only reproduce once in their lifetimes and then they die.

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