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1John 2v15-28

1John 2v15-28. Recap: Why did John write this?. John wanted them to continue to grow in their knowledge of God in order that they would have increasing assurance, confidence and certainty in their faith - Walk in the Light with God, able to pick ourselves up should we fall

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1John 2v15-28

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  1. 1John 2v15-28

  2. Recap: Why did John write this? • John wanted them to continue to grow in their knowledge of God in order that they would have increasing assurance, confidence and certainty in their faith -Walk in the Light with God, able to pick ourselves up should we fall - A consequence of walking with God is love for our Christian brothers and sisters (2) John was concerned that (a) Christians were starting to become nominal and (b) false teachers were in the church, teaching Gnosticism, and leading them astray.

  3. Danger is that we are led astray V26 – ‘I am writing these things to you about those who are trying to lead you astray’

  4. Do not Love the World…… • World doesn’t mean creation or people (Jn3v16), but rather the evil world system that is under control of Satan. 1Jn5v19 ‘the whole world is under the control of the evil one’ He is the ‘Prince of this world’: Jn12v31; Jn14v30; Jn 16v11;

  5. Do not Love the World…… (2)Our Response: • Not fear or anxiety (1John4v4; 5v4-5) • In enemy territory: ‘Stand our Ground’ (Eph 6v13) • Not to ‘hate’ the world or try and escape from it… • … Rather don’t let our behaviour be moulded or compromised by the world

  6. Do not Love the World…… (3)Characteristics of Worldliness • ‘Lust of the Flesh’ • The desire starts inside of us • Take appetites beyond the boundary of the Word of God • ‘Lust of the Eyes’ • The desire starts outside of us • Have everything that appeals to us • ‘Pride of Life’ • The result of the doing the things above

  7. Do not Love the World…… (4)Worldly or Godly - Why Important? Love for World impacts our Love for God 1. What is the Source? • From the Father or from the World? (v16) 2. What is the Impact? • Brings me closer to God or not? (v15) 3. What will be the Outcome? • Temporary or Building God’s eternal Kingdom? (v17) ASK JESUS FIRST!

  8. False Teachers/Antichrists • Who/What is the Antichrist? • Antichrist: ‘opposed to’ or ‘instead of’ Christ Two aspects: • Many people with the ‘spirit of Antichrist’ • Within and Outwith the Church • Specific individual just prior to the return of Jesus: 2Thessalonians2v1-12 • Set himself up as ‘God’ – signs and wonders • Held back for now – deceive the nations • Defeated by Jesus

  9. False Teachers/Antichrists (2) Handling False Teaching (v26) • Wait and See (v19) • We all have an anointing from the Holy Spirit - discernment • ‘to know the truth and teach us’ (v21, v26) • what does it say about Jesus – fully God and Man (v22-23) • Walk in the teaching you have already heard (v24) • Remain in Him, walk in the light (v27)

  10. Summary Be wise and aware that we are in a battle and Satan will try and lead us astray… • The World – Stand our Ground with God’s armour. • False Teaching – Anointing from the Holy Spirit … but confident that God has equipped us with all we need to be overcomers!!

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