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Life-Cycle, Money, Space, and the Allocation of Time. by David Levinson, University of California, Berkeley. Levinson, David (1999) Title: Space, Money, Life-cycle, and the Allocation of Time . Transportation 26: 141-171. http://nexus.umn.edu/Papers/LifeCycle.pdf. Outline. Introduction Data
Life-Cycle, Money, Space, and the Allocation of Time by David Levinson, University of California, Berkeley Levinson, David (1999) Title: Space, Money, Life-cycle, and the Allocation of Time. Transportation 26: 141-171. http://nexus.umn.edu/Papers/LifeCycle.pdf
Outline • Introduction • Data • Travel Duration • Correlations • Activity Duration • Choice Model • Conclusions
Introduction • Travel and Activity are Two Sides of the Same Coin • Time in Travel = f (Time at Activity) • Time at Activity = f (Life-Cycle, Money, Space, Temporal Factors, Constraints) • Activities Considered (Home, Work, Shop, Other) • Daily Activity Budget (24 hrs)
Data • 1990/91 Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey • Survey Inverted to Get Activity Diary • 21800 Households, 47000 individuals, 150000 Trips • Individuals whose total activities did not add to 1440 minutes, excluded • This study looks only at adults (18-65)
Travel Duration • Travel Duration = f( Activity Duration & Frequency) • TDi = ß0 + ß1 * ADi + ß2 * AFi • Transport Planning Models Only Consider Activity Frequency, not Duration • ADi positive & significant in 6 of 9 activity categories, negative & significant for 1 of 9 (home) [ Staying Home is Substitute for Travel ]
Correlations: Activity Complements or Substitutes • Non-Travel Activities are Substitutes • Travel is Complementary to Like Activity & Travel to Home; Substitutes for Other Activities.
Activity Duration • Space (density, metro area, region) • Money (income, work-status, gender) • Life-Cycle (age, gender, household size, # adults, age of oldest child)
Choice Model • Logit model to predict share of time between 4 activities (incl. travel to act.) for individuals who undertook all four • Greatest part of explanatory power is in Activity Specific Constant. • 2nd most sig = activity frequency
Conclusions • Activity Duration a key factor explaining travel duration • Activities are substitutes • Travel is complement only to like activity & return trip • Activity Duration is fairly constant between groups, with large individual variations which are not easily predicted