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How do you use energy?. Your life – How do you use energy? Rank order the energy use by highest to lowest amount. Rank order them in GHG emissions How do you use electricity?. READ: U.S. DOE Energy Perspectives http://www.eia.gov/emeu/aer/pdf/perspectives_2009.pdf.
How do you use energy? • Your life – • How do you use energy? • Rank order the energy use by highest to lowest amount. • Rank order them in GHG emissions • How do you use electricity? READ: U.S. DOE Energy Perspectives http://www.eia.gov/emeu/aer/pdf/perspectives_2009.pdf
How we use Electricity Other Equipment Household Electricity 3% Consumption Laundry Appliances Air-Conditioning 7% 17% Home Electronics 8% Lighting Space Heating 10% 11% HVAC Appliances Water Heating 5% 10% Kitchen Appliances 29% Per average household Electricity is 42% of home energy use
U.S. Total Residential Energy Use 25 20 Grand Total Direct Use 15 Direct Electricity Use Energy Use (quadrllion Btus) 10 Electrical system energy losses 5 0 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Source: Energy Information Administration/Monthly Energy Review December 2007; www.eia.doe.gov
Definitions Energy: A measure of the ability to do work. Power: The rate at which energy is used.
Key Point ! POWER ≠ ENERGY Work= Force x Distance (Joules) Work= Energy Power = Energy (J/s = Watts) Time So Energy = Power x time(kWh)
What is ENERGY efficiency? Other outputs (non-useful) Process Input Output < 1.0
Light Bulb Energy Use Consider a 100 watt light-bulb: 100 watts for one hour is 100 watt-hours or 0.1 kWh Since 1 kWh costs approximately 17 cents, your 100 watt bulb costs about 1.7 cents to operate for an hour $31/y if on 5 h/d; 365 d/y How can you decrease your cost?
Heat (thermal energy) (not useful energy) Light (radiant) Useable energy Electricity (electric)
Turn the light OFF • Replace bulb with CFL Conservation Efficiency
Focus on Efficiency Other energy outputs (non-useful) (e.g., heat) • Less than 1/4 energy used in stove reaches food • Waste heat from US power plants could power the Japanese economy • 15% of energy in gasoline reaches wheels of a car • 2.7 mpg increase in light vehicle fleet would displace Persian Gulf imports Useful Energy Out Process Energy in (Amory Lovins)
Focus on Increased efficiency Carbon capture – retrofit coal power plants Carbon capture – new coal power plants Fuel efficient commercial vehicles Efficient water heating Fuel efficient vehicles Switch – coal to gas power plants Sugar cane ethanol Cellulosic ethanol Insulation improvements Efficient lighting Forestation Cost of Carbon Savings (Euros/tonne CO2) Solar Wind 50 0 -50 -100 -150 (The Economist June 2, 2007)
What Makes our Energy Use “Efficient”? • Most of energy input converted into most useable form of output. • Our use of the process is “efficient” • The technological product itself is efficient • The production of the energy we use is efficient
What makes a system NOT efficient • Heat related • Seals not shut tightly • Poorly insulated • Power / electronics • Not turned off when done • Conversion process creates un-useable forms of energy • Heat • Vibration • Noise • Phantom loads • To fix inefficiencies • Change the user habits • Change to better technology
“Losses” “Losses” “Losses” Efficiency of electricity generation • Electricity is a Secondary Energy Source • Coal electricity home = very inefficient Energy Flows Conversion to Extraction Fossil fuel engine, processing combustion Thermal electricity Fossil turbine turbine electricity Mechanical energy fuel energy ?? MJ 100 MJ Energy Efficiency of power plants: Coal 30-46% NG 33-53% Residual Oil 35% Biomass 32-40% Did You Know? A pound of coal supplies enough electricity to power ten 100-watt light bulbs for about an hour.
Estimating CO2 emissions 2750 kg CO2 990 kg CO2/MWh CO2 ?? kg/MWh Electricity ?? MWh Coal 75% Carbon 30,000 kJ/kg 1000 kg 2.78 MWh Coal-fired Power Plant 33.3% efficient
IPCC Estimation Approaches • Tier 1: • All C atoms in fuel eventually ends up as CO2 • CH4 and N2O from IPCC default emission factors that vary by technology and fuel • Tier 2: Region-specific Emission Factors • Primary fuel X emission X equivalency consumed factor factor (GWP) = mass CO2eq./energy value • Emission factors vary • by fuel • technology used to consume fuel • therefore, by country, region • Emission factors from IPCC and other sources http://www.ipcc-nggip.iges.or.jp/public/2006gl/pdf/2_Volume2/V2_1_Ch1_Introduction.pdf
CO2 emissions - various fuels Coal (anthracite) Coal (lignite) Coal (subbituminous) Coal (bituminous) Wood and wood waste Fuel oil Kerosene Automobile gasoline Aviation gasoline Propane Liquefied petroleum gas Natural Gas 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 CO2 emitted (g/106J fuel combusted)
Hydroelectricity What are the consequences of fuel choice on GHG emissions? Electricity from Coal ? Nuclear Electricity
Example – CO2from Electricity • Questions: • How much GHGs do you generate with electricity use? • Does it matter where you live? • Explain Why or Why not • What can you conclude about New York State? • Procedure: • Explore fuels used and resulting CO2 emissions • http://epa.gov/powerprofiler Your home town (or school) East Hampton NY 11937 Chicago IL 60601 Boston MA 02129 Kansas City MO 64101 Seattle WA 98101 Atlanta GA 30301 Los Angeles CA 90001 Denver CO 80012 Columbus OH 43201 Honolulu HI 96801
U.S. Total http://cfpub.epa.gov/egridweb/reports.cfm - summary tables - 2005
What is a lifecycle perspective? • Typical approach • Reduce environmental impacts in one component • Create new and different environmental impacts in another component • Better approach • Consider the whole systems rather than small and isolated parts of a system
Spills to Water/Soil Electric Power Transmission Nuclear fuel mining Nuclear Electricity and processing Air Emissions Air Emissions Electricity from Coal Water Use Transportation Hydroelectricity Electric car Fuel Use Fuel Use Coal from mining Air Emissions Electricity Use Water Water Water Use Use Use Petroleum Fuel
Coal Lifecycle Emission Factors (g/million Btu)
Emission Factors for NY Clean Air Cool Planet - http://www.cleanair-coolplanet.org/toolkit/inv-calculator.php
Energy/GHG - Key Points • Energy demand and GHG emissions continue to grow • US relies a great deal for generating electricity on coal - (~50%) on the worst fossil fuel in terms of CO2 emissions • Efficiency of our energy systems low • What do we do to “fix” this?
Defining Priorities • What sector(s) should we focus on? • Why?
Further reading • EPA • Energy and You • http://www.epa.gov/cleanenergy/energy-and-you/index.html • DOE • Energy and the Environment • http://www.eia.doe.gov/energyexplained/index.cfm?page=environment_where_ghg_come_from • World Resources Institute • Climate Analysis Indicator Tool • http://cait.wri.org/