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How the LEED Certification for New Construction is Improving/Affecting Site Ecology

How the LEED Certification for New Construction is Improving/Affecting Site Ecology. By Gilberto Rosado, P.E. EVPP 607. Background. The primary cause of species extinction is habitat destruction (development, agricultura l ) Grasslands now cover only 12% of Earth’s surface (Used to be 42%)

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How the LEED Certification for New Construction is Improving/Affecting Site Ecology

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  1. How the LEED Certification for New Construction is Improving/Affecting Site Ecology By Gilberto Rosado, P.E. EVPP 607

  2. Background • The primary cause of species extinction is habitat destruction (development, agricultural) • Grasslands now cover only 12% of Earth’s surface (Used to be 42%) • Aquatic ecosystems are been affected by runoff that contains contaminants because of decrease in pervious areas • Deforestation has affected biodiversity around the world • Buildings consume more than 13% of all the water produced in the United States any given day.

  3. Background (cont’d) • In the United States, buildings consume 40% of total energy, 72% of electricity, consume 13% of potable water, and produce 39% of CO2 emissions. • 30% of the water produced in a day (26 billion gallons) is destined to outdoor uses and landscaping. (EPA, 2009) • More than 160 million tons of waste is generated by construction activities each year. (EPA, 2007) • Impervious surface coverage is 83,347 square kilometers (75% of the area of the state of Ohio) (NOAA, 2007)

  4. Green Building Trend • During the last 10 years “green buildings” have become very popular • Many systems have been developed worldwide: • LEED • Green Globes • Green Star • BREEAM (Building Research Environment Assessment Method Consultancy)

  5. LEED is the most popular in the United States

  6. What is LEED? • LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) – evaluates the performance of buildings, homes, schools, etc. • Assigns certification levels that translate to environmental friendliness of a facility. • USGBC (United States Green Building Council)

  7. Types of Certification

  8. LEED areas that can affect site ecology

  9. Site Selection • First Division in the LEED process. • Aims to take pressure off green sites. • Gives Priority to brown fields. • Prohibits construction near wetlands, rivers, floodplains.

  10. Site Selection Cases • Chicago Center for Green Technology • Constructed on 17 acres of contaminated soils and debris (after cleaned) • Used as an illegal dump site for chemicals and construction debris

  11. Site Selection Cases • South Waterfront Redevelopment Project • Developed in 130 acres of contaminated site. • One of the biggest redevelopment projects in the United States.

  12. Sustainable Sites • How does it help the Ecology of a site? • Protects green areas and its species. • Helps architects and engineers select sites that can be restored. • New plants and species can be reintroduced. • Gives incentive to select sites away from water bodies.

  13. Protection and Restoration of Habitat • Credit 5.1 limits areas of disturbance around the building constructed. • Master plan should be created to protect plants and species. • Clearly delineates protected areas. • If using a pre-developed site, 50% of the area has to be restored. • Only the use of native species is allowed. • Priority is given to species requiring no irrigation or maintenance. • Help of an Ecologist is “suggested”

  14. Protection and Restoration of Habitat (Cont’d) • George Mason University • 5 Trees were relocated in 2009 from a construction site.

  15. Protection and Restoration of Habitat (Cont’d) • Common measures used in construction: Tree Preservation Detention ponds to prevent soil erosion

  16. Protection and Restoration of Habitat (Cont’d) • How does it help the Ecology of a Site? • Protects areas that are not needed for construction. • Protects trees and species already existing on site. • Creates a plan to identify species that can be reintroduced.

  17. Water Quantity/Quality Control • Credits 6.1 & 6.2 refers to Quantity and Quality Control • Aims to minimize sedimentation in storm water • Minimize the amount of water and the rate in which is discharged • Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans and National Pollution Discharge Elimination Systems are required • Measures Include: • Sedimentation Ponds • Silt Fences • Bio-retention ponds • Sediment Traps

  18. Water Quantity/Quality Control Bio-Retention Swale Silt fence over Inlet Sedimentation Pond

  19. Water Quantity/Quality Control • How does it affect the Ecology of a site? • Reduces turbidity in the water entering streams. • Eliminate contaminants from construction activities. • Reduce the rate of runoff in rainfall events. • Incentivize the use of green areas (i.e. bio-retention swale)

  20. Heat Island effect • Heat Island Effect is the difference in temperature that is caused by materials used in construction as roofing, asphalt, and others. • The difference in temperature between a City and a rural area can be of up to 22 degrees Fahrenheit. • Credits 7.1 & 7.2 deal with minimizing Heat Island Effect • Heat Island Effect causes: • Increase in energy consumption • Elevated emissions and pollution • Change in comfort for human and species • Increase in water runoff temperature

  21. Heat Island Effect

  22. Heat Island Effect • How does LEED try to minimize Heat Island Effect? • Incentivize the use of Green Roofs • Add tree cover to open areas • Use roofing materials with high reflectance index • Use cool pavements.

  23. Heat Island Effect Green Roof Roof with Hi Solar Reflectance Index Cool Pavements

  24. Heat Island Effect • How does it affect the Ecology of a site? • LEED helps architects to provide measures to reduce the temperature of a site, making it more comfortable for birds and insects. • Pollution and Emissions can be reduced in the long run, helping the air quality.

  25. Light Pollution • Light pollution is the excessive or obstructive light that limits the visibility of the night sky. • It interferes with animal physiology. • It affects how insects navigate at night. • Changes pollination in plants that depend on night insects. • For migratory birds, light pollution can cause disorientation. • For sea turtles, it can change the direction in which new hatchings swim once born.

  26. Light Pollution • Measure that LEED suggests: • Reduction of light leakage from the interior of buildings • Reduce the amount of lighting used in common areas • Use light fixtures that redirect its light beam downwards.

  27. Light Pollution

  28. Light Pollution Light poles use for light pollution Light bollards for exterior

  29. Areas that LEED Cover (Cont’d) • Reduction in Water Use (up to 50%) • Reduction of Runoff Water (up to 90%) • Protection of marine habitats • Use of native plants in landscaping • Reintroduction of local species • Material Reuse and Recycling • Certified Wood • FSC – Forest Stewardship Council

  30. Something Missing? • Initial Ecological Assessment • General Assessment of the characteristics of the site. • Check for ecological trends. • Identify regional species and goals

  31. Something Missing? • Plant and Animal List • A tally should be made of all the plant species, and insects that live currently in the area. • Identify how these species will be affected by the construction activities. • Determine if re-introduction of species is feasible/warranted by the type of project.

  32. Something Missing? • Mitigation Plan • Determine local and regional conservation targets. • Analyze if the project can or will have landscape connectivity. • Identify the spatial extent of the areas affected in relation to its surroundings. • Identify the additive impact in habitats caused by the project. • Determine what type of mitigation effort shall be included in the project.

  33. Recommendations • Include Species Inventory in rating system • Incentivize the re-introduction of native animal species • Create a mitigation plan • Include ecological evaluation in every project silver or higher

  34. Conclusion • Construction project will always have an effect in the Ecology of a site. • As determined in a study in the UK, current green building certification programs found: • There is no common approach to assessment of biodiversity across the principal sustainability tools. • Sustainability tools could be improved to assess biodiversity in a more meaningful way, which better assesses the value of habitats that are gained and lost. • Improvements could be made to the tools which focus users on making a genuine contribution to local ecological value, rather than unintentionally encouraging a ‘tickbox’ approach. • Sustainability tools do not encourage the industry to appropriately monitor and therefore meaningfully maintain and manage habitats created through development. • The LEED certification program is a “good start” towards being ecologically conscious. • Effort needs to be put towards developing programs that include ecological assessments.

  35. THANKS!

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