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In A Titre Spot. The teacher needs to get a life and make a real joke production. Today’s Lesson. 30 minutes to complete your experiment or your write up. For the rest of the lesson, we will be learning how to complete a titration.
In A Titre Spot The teacher needs to get a life and make a real joke production
Today’s Lesson • 30 minutes to complete your experiment or your write up. • For the rest of the lesson, we will be learning how to complete a titration. • This PPT, along with all other sheets/PPT’s can be found at this address: http://isis8science.wikispaces.com • Look under 10L Notes, PPT’s and Worksheets
The Mole • The Mole is used to tell chemists (yes – that’s you!) how much of a particular substance or chemical is in a solution. • One mole tells us the mass of a particular element or compound. For example, one mole (or mol) or Sodium has a mass of 22.90 grams. • Look for the molecular mass (分子質量/분자 질량) for an atoms weight in grams. • There are 6.02 X 10^23 atoms in a mol.
Today’s Lesson • For today, we will be using Vinegar (acetic acid or CH3COOH) and Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH). Each solution will have a strength of 1 mol. • Our reaction will be below: • CH3COOH + NaOH = NaCH3COO + H2O • Water and salt have been made through the reaction. Notice that it is a balanced equation
Titration Basics • We are using Acid Burettes. This means we always use acids in the burette, and use bases/alkali’s in the conical flask • Always wash the burette and pipette with the liquid you are using, as this cleans them. For today, we will use vinegar. • Make sure the tap is closed, and always left the glass funnel when filling the burette
Things to also know • You will not be marked on today’s work • Today’s work will not be on the test, but is important to know in science • Please weak goggles, as both liquids can hurt your eyes • When getting close to the end of the titration, slow down the amount of liquid coming out of the tap. This will increase your accuracy. • You can write your experiment write up if you are waiting today (multi-task – work smarter, not harder!!)