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How to obtain funds from IEEE Foundation

The IEEE Foundation Grants Program offers funding for innovative projects in electrotechnology. Learn about the grant application process, areas of interest, review and approval process, and important considerations for project selection.

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How to obtain funds from IEEE Foundation

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  1. How to obtain funds from IEEE Foundation The IEEE Foundation Grants Program Antonio C. Bastos, 2011 Vice President, Grants Regional Meeting April 6 – 9, 2011

  2. Mission of the IEEE Foundation and the Grants Committee To further the scientific and educational purposes of the IEEE by supporting activities in selected areas of interest

  3. Goal The IEEE Foundation seeks to be a catalyst and provide seed money to units that have an interest in creating programs and projects that will make a lasting impression on electrotechnology and related fields.

  4. Call for Grant Applications • The IEEE Foundation accepts grant applications from charitable organizations, for new and innovative projects in January, April and September each year. • The next date for grant applications is 22 April. Please submit your grant application using the online form. • . Regional Technical Activities Committee - Action Plan

  5. Grants Applications submission • Three Cycles each year

  6. Areas of Interest (I) The IEEE Foundation considers projects that: • Use technology for humanitarian causes • Improve math, science and technology education from pre-college through continuing education • Introduce pre-college students to engineering and science Regional Technical Activities Committee - Action Plan

  7. Areas of Interest (II) • Support professional development and conference participation for university students; • Preserve and promote the history of IEEE associated technologies; • Recognize major contributions to IEEE associated technologies.  Regional Technical Activities Committee - Action Plan

  8. Grants Review & Approval process • Grant Applications are reviewed by a joint committee of the IEEE Foundation Board of Directors and the IEEE Life Members Committee; • Approval of grants and funding arrangements are announced within one month of each IEEE Foundation Board meeting or IEEE Life Members Committee meeting. Regional Technical Activities Committee - Action Plan

  9. 2011 Joint Foundation / Life Members Grants Committee Adrian Pais – Foundation Rep; Fiorenza Albert-Howard – Life Members Rep; George McClure – Life Member Comm Chair; Kristi Brooks – Foundation Rep; Lyle Feisel – Foundation Rep; Robert Dawson– Life Members Rep; Antonio Bastos – Foundation VP Grants (Chair) Staff support – Glenys Gotthardt

  10. Grants Review Process (cont) After submission deadline, the Joint Foundation / LM Grants Committee members: • review the GA’s received; • make a funding recommendation; • provide comments supporting their recommendation; • rank the recommended GA’s; • recommend if the GA must be funded by Foundation or Life Members Committee;

  11. Grants Review Process (Continued) • Vice President Grants reviews the results of the Joint Grants Comm’s assessment; • GA’s recommended for Foundation funding are included on the BoD meeting agenda for approval; • GA’s recommended for Life Member funding are included on the LM meeting agenda for approval;

  12. Grants Review Process (Continued) • GA’s not recommended for funding are submitted by VP Grants to the Foundation ExCom which has an opportunity for objection. It doesn’t require Board approval. • If an objection is received, the GA concerned is placed on the BoD meeting agenda for discussion and decision whether or not to approve funding.

  13. Important Considerations in Selecting Projects for Support • It is outside of IEEE normal operations; • It is related to IEEE expertise; • It would make a noticeable difference; • It is attractive to members and donors; • It would have worldwide long term impact; • It involves IEEE members.

  14. Important Considerations (Continued) IEEE Foundation does not provide funds for: • Costs associated with the regular, ongoing business of IEEE or applying entity; • Supplemental funds to the normal budgeting process; • Overhead Expenses, Bricks and Mortar or Capital Equipment; • Travel expenses (unless they clearly support the goals of the project);

  15. Important Considerations (cont.) • The IEEE Foundation expects that the principals involved in the project will volunteer their efforts. • This does not preclude the purchase of special effort from vendors when and if needed.

  16. Guidelines for Funding Requests • Grant Applications (GA) web forms are submitted to IEEE Foundation or the Life Members Committee; • GAs are received by staff, formatted, and added to the web site Index of Projects found in the “Directors’ Resources” section of the website; • Please review the IEEE Foundation's grant guidelines and direct your questions to foundation-office@ieee.org.

  17. Grants guidelines and success stories • You can review grants guidelines on How to apply for grants http://www.ieee.org/organizations/foundation/grants.html • You can review examples of success projects on Success stories http://www.ieee.org/organizations/foundation/success.html

  18. Any Questions ? Regional Technical Activities Committee - Action Plan

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