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Water Related Research in EC Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development. Historical Perspective: FP5 and FP6 Framework Programme 7 (2006-2013). Pierre Mathy Head of Unit Natural Resources Management. FP6 – GLOBAL CHANGE AND ECOSYSTEMS.
Water Related Research in EC Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development • Historical Perspective: FP5 and FP6 • Framework Programme 7 (2006-2013) Pierre MathyHead of UnitNatural Resources Management
FP6 – GLOBAL CHANGE AND ECOSYSTEMS Water cycle and soil-related aspects the objective is to understand the mechanisms and assess the impact of global change and in particular climate change on the water cycle, water quality and availability, as well as soil functions and quality to provide the bases for management tools for water systems to mitigate the impacts. Budget: ~760 M€ Duration: 4 years
EU Water Research: FP5 vs FP6 • FP5 : ~62.5 M€/year • FP6: ~47 M€/year • Overall results of the FP6 area ”Water cycle and Soil-related aspects”:
Euro-limpacs : Integrated Project to Evaluate the Impacts of Global Change on European Freshwater Ecosystemshttp://www.eurolimpacs.ucl.ac.uk Total costs : € 19,000,000 EC funding : € 12,500,000 37 partners Examples of Flagship Projects in FP5-FP6
It addresses impacts of future climate change on freshwaters – direct and indirect More specifically, main topics are : Euro-Limpacs • Direct impacts of CC on streams, lakes, wetlands, DOC • Interactions with hydromorphology • Climate – eutrophication interactions • Climate-acidification Interactions • Climate – toxic substances interaction • Integrated catchment analysis and modelling • Indicators of ecosystem health • Reference conditions and restoration targets • Catchment Management and Decision Support • Dissemination and training
Examples of flagship projects in FP5-FP6 The CATCHMOD Cluster Harmonising Catchment Modelling Tools for Integrated Water Resources Management HarmoniCA (concerted action for Cluster co-ordination) Methodologies Modelling benchmarking River Basin Case Studies BMW (Integrated modelling benchmarking) EUROHARP (Nutrient modelling optimisation) TempQSim (Modelling ephemeral water bodies) CLIME (Modelling climate change impact on lakes) TiszaRiverProject (Integrated modelling applied to a large wetland-rich catchment) HarmoniRiB (Experimental river basin network for model testing and for data uncertainty analysis) TRANSCAT (Integrated water management in transboundary catchments) HarmonIT (IT tools for a Open Modelling Environment) HarmoniQuA (Quality Assurance in modelling) HarmoniCOP (Methodologies of Collaborative Planning)
EU Water InitiativeResearch Component http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/water-initiative/index_en.html
The EUWI is an ambitious commitment to help achieve the MDG and WSSD targets on water and sanitation. A premise of the EUWI is that more could be achieved if the EU MS, partner countries and other donors, could better harmonise their practices. As the EU collectively provides around €1.4 billion annually to water and sanitation, this has the potential to generate significant results on the ground. Through the EU Water Initiative and the €500m ACP-EU Water Facility, the EU is demonstrating its commitment to providing more, new, resources to poverty reduction through improved management of water and increased access to water and sanitation. EU Water Initiative
Key elements : Reinforce political commitment to action Promote better water governance arrangements Improve co-ordination & co-operation Encourage regional and sub-regional co-operation on water management Catalyse additional funding EU Water Initiative
EU Water Initiative - A Quick Overview Johannesburg and Water related MDGs Geographical Components and Thematic • AFRICA (sub-Saharan) • EECCA • MEDITERRANEAN (North Africa & Middle East) • LATIN AMERICA others to follow... • Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) • Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM...including transboundary resources) Horizontal Financing Research Monitoring
Objectives and Expected Results of the Research Component Co-ordination, coherence and complementarity of European efforts to enhance IMPACT of co-operation in water research for Developing Countries • Critical mass and strategic partnerships • Feedback mechanisms for joint research policy and implementation review based on lessons learnt and good practices • Integrated research approaches for strategic water management sectors • Awareness, proactive stakeholders’ participation, development of human resources and better knowledge and innovation management in developing countries • Integrating further and synchronising research with development co-operation efforts !!!! PERFORMANCE INDICATOR !!! TIMELY AND EFFECTIVE TRANSFER OF THE CO-ORDINATION PROCESS AT LOCAL LEVEL (REGIONAL AND NATIONAL)
International Research Co-operation 6th Research Framework Programme (2002-2006) Global Budget International Research INCO 315 mi EURO Thematic Priorities 285 mi EURO Human Resources and Mobility Training for researchers from Partner countries EUROPEAN RESEARCHAREA (ERA) Within the6th FP, International Water Research and Scientific Co-operationcan be funded both through Specific Actions in support of International Co-operation (INCO) and Thematic Priorities
River Basin ‘Twinning’ between Europe and Developing Countries
7th Framework Programme of the European Community for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration Activities (2007-2013) State of Play and Perspectives September 2006
European Parliament The Council’s Common Position was recently adopted (September 2006) FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME 7
Strengthening the scientific and technological basis of the Community industry Ensuring a high level of competitiveness at international level Contributing to social, cultural and economic progress of the Community and its Member States FP7 OVERALL OBJECTIVES
Sustainable economic growth More and better jobs and greater social cohesion” FP7 OVERALL OBJECTIVES The central role of research as recognised by the 2000 Spring European Council in Lisbon was re-affirmed: “The Union to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of:
Trans-national cooperation on policy-defined themes –“Cooperation” - Investigator-driven research based on the initiative of the research community – “Ideas”– Support to individual researchers –“People” – Support to research capacities –“Capacities”– FP7 OVERALL OBJECTIVES In order to achieve FP7 objectives, 4 activity types will be promoted:
FP7: 10 Themes are Identified on the Basis of their Contribution to Community Objectives • Health • Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology • Information and Communication Technologies • Nanotechnologies, Materials and Production Technologies • Energy • Environment, including Climate Change • Transports and Aeronautics • Socio-Economics • Space • Security
6.Environment (incl. climate change) Climate Change, Pollution and Risks • Environment and health: Interaction of environmental stressors with human health including identification of sources, links to indoor environment, and impact and emerging risk factors; integrated risk assessment methods for toxic substances including alternatives to animal testing; quantification and cost-benefit analysis of environmental health risks and indicators for prevention strategies. • Pressures on environment and climate: Functioning of climate and the earth system; adaptation and mitigation measures; pollution in air, soil and water; changes in atmospheric composition and water cycle; interactions between climate, land surface and the ocean; and impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, GLOBAL CHANGE AND ECOSYSTEMS
6.Environment (incl. climate change) Sustainable Management of Resources • Conservation and sustainable management of natural and man-made resources: ecosystems; water resources management; waste management and prevention; protection and management of biodiversity, soil protection, seabed, lagoons and coastal areas protection, approaches against desertification and land degradation; forest management; sustainable management and planning of urban environment, data management and information services; assessment and foresight relating to natural processes. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, GLOBAL CHANGE AND ECOSYSTEMS
Ideas – Frontier Research ERC – European Research Council Commission Scientific Council* • Approval of work programme, as defined by the Scientific Council • Instruction to implement work programme • Approval of annual implementation report • Information to programme committee • Preparation of work programme • Set up of peer review: pool of reviewers, nomination of review panels, evaluation guidelines • Oversight of the evaluation procedure • Annual scientific report Externalised tasks** • Information and support to applicants • Reception / eligibility of proposals • Organisation and execution of evaluation • Selection decision • Scientific and financial follow-up of contracts • Annual implementation report * Created by Commission decision * * Under the responsibility of the Commission
The 7th Framework Programme is tailored to better meet industry’s needs Where industrially relevant, definition of work programmes will draw on the strategic research agendas developed by industry-led technology platforms. These strategic research agendas, presenting the European dimension of research challenges, also influence national research programmes. Furthermore, by always looking at the market potential of new inventions, they help to overcome Europe’s weakness in commercialising the results of research. FP7
Watsan Technology Platform Multi-stakeholder forum bringing together various public, private and non-state actors in order to coordinate actions in a the Watsan technological area Define the future strategic research agenda and address barriers in the dissemination of relevant technologies, including also developing countries needs Identify potential interfaces with the EU Water Initiative
Regarding water-related environmental technologies, water priorities derived from the Strategic Research Agenda of the WSSTP 5 priority research areas: Balancing demand and supply Ensuring appropriate quality and security of water supply and sewerage services Reducing negative environmental impacts Novel approaches to the design, construction and operation of water infrastructure assets Establishment of an enabling framework
6 “Pilot Actions” proposed: Mitigation of water stress in coastal areas Sustainable water management in urban areas Sustainable water management for agricultural areas Sustainable water management for industries Restoration of degraded water resources Adaptation and mitigation of extreme hydro-climatic events
Broad consultation: Advisory Group Technology Platform (Watsan Technology Platform) Currently in preparation To be discussed with the Member State Representatives (Programme Committee) Probable call for proposals by the end of 2006 2007 Work Programme Development
Climate Change and Impacts and Adaptation Strategies in Water Policies Effectiveness of Adaptation and Mitigation Measures Related to Changes of the Hydrological Cycle and its Extremes Assessing the Ecological Status of Water Bodies River Basin Twinning Initiatives as a Tool to Implement EU Water Initiatives Temporary Water Bodies Management Possible Topics for Inclusion in 2007 Work Programme
Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Water Use in Industries Technologies for Measuring and Monitoring Networks Improving Observing Systems for Water Resource Management Possible Topics for Inclusion in 2007 Work Programme contd.
Assessing the Behaviour of River Basins Water Quantity and Quality: Long-Term Scenarios Models for Integrated Management of Water Resources Water Monitoring System Restoration of Degraded Water Resources Groundwater Protection and Remediation Development of Improved Centralised and Decentralised Low Cost Sustainable Solutions for Water Supply and Sanitation in Peri-Urban Areas in Developing Countries Advanced Technologies for Soil Erosion and Shallow Mass Movements Assessment and Monitoring Emerging Threats for Soil/Groundwater Contamination in Europe: Available Technologies and Research Needs Possible Topics for Calls After 2007
Sources of information: EUROPA server: http://ec.europa.eu/research/index_en.cfm CORDIS server: FP6: http://cordis.europa.eu/sustdev/environment/home.html FP7: http://cordis.europa.eu.int/fp7/ CIRCA server FP5 and FP6: http://www.forum.europa.eu.int/Public/irc/rtd/eesdwatkeact/home Newsletter “Water and Soils Times” http://forum.europa.eu.int/Public/irc/rtd/eesdwatkeact/info/data/index.htm Thank you for your attention