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Student Data System XML Business Transactions

Student Data System XML Business Transactions. Saskatchewan Learning Trent Reifferscheid Bonnie Stecyk. General XML Notes Avoiding validation errors. Pass application specific Id’s as the transaction RefId Eg) RefId=“{application student no}”

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Student Data System XML Business Transactions

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  1. Student Data SystemXML Business Transactions Saskatchewan Learning Trent Reifferscheid Bonnie Stecyk

  2. General XML NotesAvoiding validation errors • Pass application specific Id’s as the transaction RefId Eg) RefId=“{application student no}” • Include the XML header to correctly encode/decode special characters <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> • Encode special characters as symbols Eg) “&” as “&amp;”, “Qu’appelle” as “Qu&apos; appelle” • Pass only numeric data for numeric elements: DeptAssignedPersonId, DeptAssignedCourseId, SchoolId, EducatorCertificateNumber & SchoolMark • Pass element code definitions exactly as defined in the XML specification: Eg) Use <EntryType Code=“01”/> vs <EntryType Code=“1”/> • Use Schema Validation Tools (such as XMLSpy) to validate the contents of your XML document if you are running into XML validation issues.

  3. Enrolment Transactions Enrolment Transaction Types: • Add a new student enrolment (assign a DeptAssignedPersonId from the response). • Grade advancement for a student previously enrolled. • Student withdrawal for a student leaving the school.

  4. Add a New Student Enrolment <!– Use this transaction to add a new individual to your school --> <SL_EventObject ObjectName="StudentSchoolEnrollment" Action="Add"> <StudentSchoolEnrollment RefId="350001378"> <StudentIdentification> <BirthDate>1989-10-31</BirthDate> </StudentIdentification> <StudentInfo> … </StudentInfo> <SchoolId>2163404</SchoolId> <SchoolEnrollmentInfo> <EntryDate>2004-08-28</EntryDate> <EntryType Code="01"/> <Grade Code="09"/> </SchoolEnrollmentInfo> <DeptAssignedProgramId>10</DeptAssignedProgramId> <ProgramEnrollmentInfo> <EntryDate>2004-08-28</EntryDate> </ProgramEnrollmentInfo> </StudentSchoolEnrollment> • Notes / Keypoints • Set Action=“Add” for a new student enrolment (No DeptAssignedPersonId). • Supply Student Demographic information in StudentInfo section. • Set EntryDate to the date the individual enrolled in the current school year. • Set the Grade to the grade as of the entry date. • Supply the DeptAssignedProgramId and ProgramEnrollmentInfo:EntryDate for the Program Enrolment. • The students assigned DeptAssignedPersonId will returned in the XML Response file.

  5. Student Grade Advancement <!– Use this transaction to advance the grade for a student already enrolled in the school--> <SL_EventObject ObjectName="StudentSchoolEnrollment" Action=“Change"> <StudentSchoolEnrollment RefId="350001378"> <StudentIdentification> <DeptAssignedPersonId>123456789</DeptAssignedPersonId> <BirthDate>1989-10-31</BirthDate> </StudentIdentification> <StudentInfo> … </StudentInfo> <SchoolId>2163404</SchoolId> <SchoolEnrollmentInfo> <Grade Code="09"/> </SchoolEnrollmentInfo> </StudentSchoolEnrollment> • Notes / Keypoints • Set Action=“Change” as the DeptAssignedPersonId is known. • StudentInfo is only required if the individual’s personal information has changed. • Set the Grade for the individual for this school year.

  6. Withdraw a Student from your School <!– Use this transaction to withdraw an individual from your school --> <SL_EventObject ObjectName="StudentSchoolEnrollment" Action=“Change"> <StudentSchoolEnrollment RefId="350001378"> <StudentIdentification> <DeptAssignedPersonId>123456789</DeptAssignedPersonId> <BirthDate>1989-10-31</BirthDate> </StudentIdentification> <StudentInfo/> <SchoolId>2163404</SchoolId> <SchoolEnrollmentInfo> <ExitDate>2004-06-28</ExitDate> <ExitType Code="01"/> </SchoolEnrollmentInfo> </StudentSchoolEnrollment> • Notes / Keypoints • Set Action=“Change” as the DeptAssignedPersonId is known. • StudentInfo section is not required. • Set ExitDate to the date the individual withdrew (the end of the school year). • Set the ExitType for the exit reason.

  7. Class Registration Transactions Class Registration Transaction Types: • Create a school class • Register a student in a 100% school class (accredited teacher) • Register a student in a blended class (60% school / 40% dept mark) • Register a student in a departmental exam • Drop a student from the class • Submit school marks for a registered student • Change a school mark for a registered student

  8. Add a New School Class <!-- Add a class for the school --> <SL_EventObject ObjectName="SchoolClass" Action="Add"> <SchoolClass RefId="1"> <ClassIdentification> <SchoolId>4154902</SchoolId> <ClassId>C10NS-12</ClassId> <StartDate>2004-09-01</StartDate> <EndDate>2005-06-28</EndDate> </ClassIdentification> <ClassInfo> <DeptAssignedCourseId>4994</DeptAssignedCourseId> <EducatorCertificateNumber>1234567</EducatorCertificateNumber> <ModeOfInstruction Code="Class"/> </ClassInfo> </SchoolClass> </SL_EventObject> • Notes / Keypoints • Set Action=“Add” for a new school class, Action=“Change” can be used to change EndDate only 2. Make ClassId/StartDate/EndDate identifier unique and unchanging, as this is required for matching during class registrations. 3. Supply an EducatorCertificateNumber as this is required for mark submissions.

  9. Register a Student in a 100% School Class <!—Register a student in a 100% school / accredited class --> <StudentClassEnrollment RefId="FJB42"> <StudentIdentification> <DeptAssignedPersonId>123456789</DeptAssignedPersonId> <BirthDate>1989-11-03</BirthDate> </StudentIdentification> <ClassIdentification> <SchoolId>4825103</SchoolId> <ClassId>TIN 10a</ClassId> <StartDate>2004-08-26</StartDate> <EndDate>2005-06-30</EndDate> </ClassIdentification> <ClassEnrollmentInfo/> </StudentClassEnrollment> • Notes / Keypoints • Set Action=“Add” for a new registration, Action=“Change” to modify an existing registration • Supply a DeptAssignedPersonId • Supply the ClassIdentification from the SchoolClass transaction

  10. Register a Student in a Blended Class <!-- Register a student in a blended course (60% School / 40% Deptartmental) --> <SL_EventObject ObjectName="StudentClassEnrollment" Action=“Add"> <StudentClassEnrollment RefId="BJC-51-"> <StudentIdentification> <DeptAssignedPersonId>123456789</DeptAssignedPersonId> <BirthDate>1987-04-15</BirthDate> </StudentIdentification> <ClassIdentification> <SchoolId>4825103</SchoolId> <ClassId>ANGA30a</ClassId> <StartDate>2005-01-19</StartDate> <EndDate>2005-06-28</EndDate> </ClassIdentification> <ClassEnrollmentInfo> <MarkSource Code="Blended"/> </ClassEnrollmentInfo> <ExamRegistrationInfo Type="Class"> <ExamPeriodEndDate>2005-06-28</ExamPeriodEndDate> </ExamRegistrationInfo> </StudentClassEnrollment> • Notes / Keypoints • Set Action=“Add” for a new registration, Action=“Change” to modify an existing registration. • Set MarkSource to Blended. • Include the ExamRegistrationInfo section for the departmental portion of the class, set the ExamPeriodEndDate to the published exam date.

  11. Register a Student for a Departmental Exam <!-- Register a student for a departmental exam --> <SL_EventObject ObjectName="StudentExamRegistration" Action="Change"> <StudentExamRegistration RefId="1"> <StudentIdentification> <DeptAssignedPersonId>123456789</DeptAssignedPersonId> <BirthDate>1986-02-12</BirthDate> </StudentIdentification> <DeptAssignedCourseId>8404</DeptAssignedCourseId> <ExamRegistrationInfo Type="Class"> <ExamPeriodEndDate>2005-01-28</ExamPeriodEndDate> </ExamRegistrationInfo> <ExamLocation> <SchoolId>1234567</SchoolId> </ExamLocation> </StudentExamRegistration> • Notes / Keypoints • Set Action=“Add” for a new registration, Action=“Change” to modify an existing registration. • Set the ExamPeriodEndDate to the published exam date. • Set the SchoolId to the Writing Center #.

  12. Drop a Student from a Class <!– Drop a student from a class --> <SL_EventObject ObjectName="StudentClassEnrollment" Action="Change"> <StudentClassEnrollment RefId="132-003700692"> <StudentIdentification> <DeptAssignedPersonId>123456789</DeptAssignedPersonId> <BirthDate>1988-11-29</BirthDate> </StudentIdentification> <ClassIdentification> <SchoolId>4155004</SchoolId> <ClassId>BA20NS-02</ClassId> <StartDate>2004-09-01</StartDate> <EndDate>2005-06-28</EndDate> </ClassIdentification> <ClassEnrollmentInfo> <Dropped Code="Yes"/> </ClassEnrollmentInfo> </StudentClassEnrollment> </SL_EventObject> • Notes / Keypoints • Set Action=“Change” to modify a existing registration. • Set the DeptAssignedPersonId. • Set the ClassIdentification. • Set the Dropped Code=“Yes” to drop the student from a class.

  13. Submit school marks for a registered student <!– Send a school mark in for a student registered in a class --> <SL_EventObject ObjectName="StudentClassMark" Action="Add"> <StudentClassMark RefId="1"> <StudentIdentification> <DeptAssignedPersonId>123456789</DeptAssignedPersonId> <BirthDate>1987-06-16</BirthDate> </StudentIdentification> <ClassIdentification> <SchoolId>4154902</SchoolId> <ClassId>CL30-11</ClassId> <StartDate>2004-09-01</StartDate> <EndDate>2004-11-21</EndDate> </ClassIdentification> <SchoolMarkInfo> <SchoolMark>95</SchoolMark> </SchoolMarkInfo> </StudentClassMark> </SL_EventObject> • Notes / Keypoints • Set Action=“Add” for a new mark. • Set the DeptAssignedPersonId. • Set the ClassIdentification. • Set the SchoolMark for the student (number between 1 and 100).

  14. Change a school mark for a student <!– Change a school mark for a student registered in a class --> <SL_EventObject ObjectName="StudentClassMark" Action=“Change"> <StudentClassMark RefId="1"> <StudentIdentification> <DeptAssignedPersonId>123456789</DeptAssignedPersonId> <BirthDate>1987-06-16</BirthDate> </StudentIdentification> <ClassIdentification> <SchoolId>4154902</SchoolId> <ClassId>CL30-11</ClassId> <StartDate>2004-09-01</StartDate> <EndDate>2004-11-21</EndDate> </ClassIdentification> <SchoolMarkInfo CorrectionCode=“Yes"> <SchoolMark>94</SchoolMark> </SchoolMarkInfo> </StudentClassMark> </SL_EventObject> • Notes / Keypoints • Set Action=“Change” to change a mark. • Set the DeptAssignedPersonId. • Set the ClassIdentification. • Set the CorrectionCode to Yes. • Set the SchoolMark for the student (number between 1 and 100).

  15. Response Files Response file types: • XML Validation Errors • Your XML document does not pass validation against the XML schema definition file. • Processing Errors and Warnings • Each transaction is processed independently. • Enrolment response, returning DeptAssignedPersonId

  16. Sample XML Reponse <SL_Response> <SL_Header> <SL_MsgId>EDTEMR.20041216.144705.0000000608</SL_MsgId> <SL_Date>2004-12-16</SL_Date> <SL_Time Zone="UTC-06:00">14:47:05</SL_Time> <SL_SourceId>8888888</SL_SourceId> </SL_Header> <SL_Ack> <SL_OriginalMsgId>.20041216.145048</SL_OriginalMsgId> <SL_OriginalSourceId>4154902</SL_OriginalSourceId> <SL_Status> <SL_StatusCode>Errors</SL_StatusCode> <SL_StatusMsg>XML processing error {Summary: Transactions:2 Successful:1 Errors:1 Warnings:0}</SL_StatusMsg> </SL_Status> <SL_Error ObjectName="StudentSchoolEnrollment" RefId=“1"> <SL_ErrorSeverity>Informational</SL_ErrorSeverity> <SL_ErrorCode>0</SL_ErrorCode> <SL_ErrorMsg>Transaction Successful</SL_ErrorMsg> </SL_Error> <SL_Error ObjectName="StudentSchoolEnrollment" RefId=“2"> <SL_ErrorSeverity>Error</SL_ErrorSeverity> <SL_ErrorCode>53908</SL_ErrorCode> <SL_ErrorMsg>Student cannot be enrolled twice in same school at same time</SL_ErrorMsg> </SL_Error> </SL_Ack>

  17. XML Reponse Sample Page 2 <SL_ObjectData> <SL_EventObject ObjectName="StudentPersonal"> <StudentPersonal RefId=“1"> <StudentIdentification> <DeptAssignedPersonId>123456789</DeptAssignedPersonId>   <BirthDate>1983-03-09</BirthDate>   </StudentIdentification> <StudentInfo>   <SchoolAssignedPersonId>900016</SchoolAssignedPersonId> </StudentInfo>   </StudentPersonal>   </SL_EventObject> </SL_Response>

  18. Support Documentation • SDS XML web site http://www.sasked.gov.sk.ca/sds/xml/ • SDS application help. • Support email address student.records@sasked.gov.sk.ca

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