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Application of Speech Technology to Language Learning in China

Application of Speech Technology to Language Learning in China. Wen He Education Technology Co. Ltd August 2007. Overview. Context & Problems of Spoken English Training in China Use of Speech Technology by Wen He Spoken English Software Service Results. Current Situation in China.

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Application of Speech Technology to Language Learning in China

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  1. Application of Speech Technology to Language Learning in China Wen He Education Technology Co. Ltd August 2007

  2. Overview Context & Problems of Spoken English Training in China Use of Speech Technology by Wen He Spoken English Software Service Results

  3. Current Situation in China Over 220 million K-12 students English training mandatory from grade 3 Less than 2% of English teachers can speak English Class size typically 40 to 60 students To address the task effectively, millions of native English teachers would be required at a cost of billions of dollars annually

  4. Problems We Address High cost, low margin, low quality, non-scalable processes characterize spoken English instruction Extraordinary expenditures in the private sector, but very poor results for students Traditional approaches are generally inefficient, excessively costly, and too time-consuming…

  5. Our Mission Improve people’s lives and opportunities through engaging, widely accessible education

  6. Wen He Education Set up based on “IT-based English Teaching and Learning System” project by the Ministry of Education of China. The project was set up to improve spoken English training, practice, and testing through technology, particularly speech technology. A key part of Wen He’s mission is to empower students, teachers, parents, and schools, with its training and performance management system. Currently operating in over 5 cities, Wen He expects to operate in over 40 cities next year.

  7. Module offers context-based conversational practice in English (ASR) Character speaks English to student and student must respond by speaking English Module helps student speak by reading aloud (ASR) Virtual teacher listens for correct pronunciation Module used to learn phrases and words Neurolinguistic programming using multimodal interaction exercises / multiple associations (ASR & mouse) Text, sound & graphics Only highly scalable spoken English testing service (ASR & mouse) Module provides a variety of reports to students, parents, teachers & administrators Based on the interaction of using any or all WH modules. Current Online Services

  8. Value Proposition for End Users Engaging & Fun! Multiple Games & Stories Convenience is Critical Cost-Effective Tailored to Individual Needs Feedback & Assessment Accountability Mechanism Proven to Work Thousands of conversations, high frequency of use

  9. Primary School Courses: Vocabulary, Conversation, Review, Games…

  10. Middle School

  11. Features of the Program Portfolio of pedagogies Relevant English Hollywood writers for editing Practical Native Speakers Hollywood actors for voice casting Professional Human — Computer Interaction Easy for users to follow Interactive Excellent evaluation system to track progress Actionable feedback Reporting System Various motivational approaches for learning Fun Practice your spoken English at anytime anywhere Convenience

  12. Case Study Purpose – compare the performance of sixth grade students in China learning to speak English using either software from Wen He (WH) or traditional classroom methods, including exposure to trained native English speakers. Goal – determine the relative effectiveness of both methods on measures of spoken English skills, cost effectiveness, ease of implementation, and scalability. Methodology – pretest-post-test comparison of students with traditional classroom instruction (including native English speaking teachers) and students who study spoken English using the WH software. Tests taken – same tests of spoken English, listening, reading, and writing for both pretest and post-test for the two groups Duration – 8 weeks Participants – 121 Grade Six students at Dawang International School

  13. Results • Sponsor – China Education Television • Co-sponsor – Shandong Education Commission of Ministry of Education of China (MOE) • Location – Dawang International School, Shandong Province, China

  14. Conclusions WH software program engenders a higher degree of interactivity – audio and tactile stimulation – hence a higher degree of experience with spoken English. because of the engaging materials on which the WH software program is based, it also provides a much higher degree of motivation to master spoken English than do traditional classroom methods. Even though the WH software is designed primarily to teach spoken English, the effectiveness of the program carries over to other areas of English language learning, including reading and writing skills.

  15. Comparison – Scalability Traditional Classroom Instruction – Low Average of 10 students/teacher/class A total of 50 students/teacher/day. Thus for over 200 million students in China, over 4 million native English teachers would be required. – This exceeds the number of all teachers in the USA. – Training non-native English teachers to meet the requirement would take far too long considering the objectives of the various education institutions in China. WH English Software Program – High China manufactures tens of millions of PC’s, that it currently is the second largest PC market in the world and is the second largest Internet market in the world WH software clearly provides a scalable solution for teaching spoken English as a Second Language.

  16. Comparison – Cost Traditional Classroom Instruction – High Average monthly salary for ESL teachers is about $2,500, and rising. With travel, recruiting, and housing costs added, the total cost per month per teacher becomes $3,500. The monthly cost per student becomes about $70 per month with trained teachers. Cost per hour of time on task - $35 Schools do not have the resources to pay WH English Software Program – Low Monthly cost of the service - $12.50 Cost per hour of time on task - $1.25 PC ownership in households with children varies from 30% to 90% Parents (and extended family) have the resources

  17. Comparison – Ease of Implementation Traditional Classroom Instruction – Low If trained English-speaking teachers, adequate classrooms, and sufficient funds are available, implementation is relatively straightforward. However, there are not adequate funds or classrooms, and there are nowhere near the number of required trained native English teachers. Thus extremely difficult to implement on any widespread basis. WH English Software Program – High The time necessary to implement WH spoken English software services is typically a couple of hours Students are enrolled and assigned login names and passwords. Both PC's and Internet connectivity are readily available in China

  18. Study Summary The software program scores much higher than the traditional classroom method on effectiveness, scalability, cost, and ease of implementation. The traditional school classroom approach is simply not scalable, while the software can be widely deployed now. The cost of the software service is over 95% lower than the classroom costs. The current version of Wen He software now provides student feedback and reporting for teachers and parents, further enhancing the advantage the software has over traditional classroom instruction.

  19. Summary Large challenges in spoken English education in China Application of speech technology in the educational industry — significant impact on lives Key is to understand how applications can provide value to schools, teachers, parents, and students Manage expectations Our customers smile using our speech applications Wide-scale proven effectiveness

  20. Thank You! dtopolewski@englishxchange.com

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