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2008 Standards and Guidelines for the Accreditation of Educational Programs in Medical Assisting

2008 Standards and Guidelines for the Accreditation of Educational Programs in Medical Assisting. Standard I Sponsorship. I. Sponsorship. A. Sponsoring Educational Institution must be one of the following: 1. a postsecondary academic institution

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2008 Standards and Guidelines for the Accreditation of Educational Programs in Medical Assisting

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  1. 2008 Standards and Guidelines for the Accreditation of Educational Programs in Medical Assisting

  2. Standard I Sponsorship

  3. I. Sponsorship A. Sponsoring Educational Institution mustbe oneof the following: 1. a postsecondary academic institution accredited by an institutional accrediting agency recognized by the US Department of Education or 2. a foreign post-secondary academic institution acceptable to CAAHEP, • Institution is authorized under applicable law or other acceptable authority to provide a post-secondary program, which awards a minimum of a diploma/certificate at the completion of the program 2008 Standards

  4. I. Sponsorship B. Consortium Sponsor 1. Consists of two or more members for the purpose of operating an educational program. At least one of the members of the consortiummustmeet the requirements of a sponsoring educational institution as described in I.A. 2 Responsibilities of each member of the consortium mustbe clearly documented as a formal affiliation agreement or memorandum of understanding, which include governance and lines of authority. 2008 Standards

  5. Sponsorship • Example of a consortium: Rad Tech students take part of the courses at the school and part at the hospital in the Radiology department. 2008 Standards

  6. I. Sponsorship Multiple Program Options • Programs with multiple options • Program mustsubmit separateself-studies • Surveyor mustcomplete separate (2) on-site reports. • Callif get to site and unexpectedly find multiple programs 2008 Standards

  7. I. Sponsorship C. Responsibilities of Sponsor • mustassure that the provisions of these Standards are met. 2008 Standards

  8. I. Sponsorship – Evidence Self Study Report– found in dividers A-1 through A-4 1. Institutional accreditation letter 2. Organizational chart 3. Narrative of program On Site Institutional certificate/letter- check for current dates • If any questions arise regarding accreditation status, check with the college administration or call the Accreditation Department at 1-800-228-2262, identify self, state conducting on site survey 2008 Standards

  9. Questions About Sponsorship? 2008 Standards

  10. Standard II Program Goals 2008 Standards

  11. II. Program Goals • Program Goals and Outcomes must be • a written statement of the program’s goals and learning domains 2008 Standards

  12. II. Program Goals • Program Goals and Outcomes must be • consistent with and responsive to the demonstrated needs and expectations of the various communities of interest served by the educational program. • The communities of interest (COI) that are served by the program must include, but are not limited to, students, graduates, faculty, sponsor administration, employers, physicians, and the public 2008 Standards

  13. II. Program Goals A. Program-specific statements of goals and learning domains • provide the basis for program planning, implementation and evaluation • Goalsmustbe • based upon the substantiated needs of health care providers, employers, and the educational needs of the student. • compatible with both the mission of the sponsoring institution(s) and the expectations of the communities of interest and nationally accepted standards of roles and functions 2008 Standards

  14. II. Program Goals B. Appropriateness of Goals and Learning Domains The program must regularly assess its goals and learning domains. Program personnel must identify and respond to changes in the needs and/or expectations of its communities of interest. 2008 Standards

  15. II. Program Goals B. Appropriateness of Goals and Learning Domains • An advisory committee, which is representative of the communities of interest,must • be designated and charged with the responsibility of meeting atLEAST ANNUALLY • assist program and sponsor personnel in formulating and periodically revising appropriate goals and learning domains 2008 Standards

  16. II. Program Goals • Definition: Communities of Interest are an approach whereby various constituents come together for the purpose of meaningful exchange, and doing so collaboratively across the community of people who share a common interest. Examples: Public, student 2008 Standards

  17. II. Program Goals B. Appropriateness of Goals and Learning Domains • An advisory committee, which is representative of these communities of interest, must • monitor needs and expectations • ensure program responsiveness to change. 2008 Standards

  18. II. Program Goals C. Minimum Expectations • Must have the following goal defining minimum expectations: “To prepare competent entry-level medical assistants in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains.” 2008 Standards

  19. II. Program Goals C. Minimum Expectations • educational goals beyond entry-level competence must • clearly delineate this intent • provide evidence that all students have achieved the basic competencies prior to entry into the field 2008 Standards

  20. II. Program Goals - Evidence Self Study Report - Dividers B1 through B-4, E1, 1. College mission statement - catalog 2. Statement of program goals and expected learning outcomes for the 3 domains – catalog, handbook or syllabi 3. Check advisory committee meeting minutes for meeting at least annually, all communities of interest represented, and responsiveness to goals and needs of program. On Site Discuss any concerns with the above findings. 2008 Standards

  21. Program Goals Questions? 2008 Standards

  22. Standard III Resources 2008 Standards

  23. III. Resources A. Type and Amount Program resources must • be sufficient to ensure the achievement of the program’s goals and outcomes. 2008 Standards

  24. III. Resources A. Type and Amount Program resources mustinclude, but are not limited to 2008 Standards

  25. III. Resources - Evidence Self Study Report - Dividers D-4 through D-7 and Form F1, F 5-8 • Check list of resources that include equipment, supplies, instructional reference materials, finances (budget), facilities, and continuing education for staff and faculty. • Review budget for adequate monies to maintain program On Site • Tour Facilities • Check classrooms, labs, offices, equipment, supplies, computers, printers, instructional reference materials, and any other resources made available to students and faculty. • Interview faculty to verify resources meet their needs • Interview students to verify supplies/equipment are in working order and adequate numbers 2008 Standards

  26. Resources - Physical Questions? 2008 Standards

  27. III. Resources B. Personnel The sponsormust • Appoint sufficient faculty and staff with the • Necessary qualifications to perform functions identified in documented job descriptions and to • To achieve program’s stated goals and outcomes 2008 Standards

  28. III. Resources B.1. Program Director a. Responsibilities Must: • Be responsible for the effectiveness of the program including outcomes, organization, administration, continuous review, planning and development 2008 Standards

  29. III. Resources B.1. Program Director b. Qualifications - Must have minimum of anassociate degree instruction in educational theory and techniques credential in medical assisting by a nationally accredited credentialing organization accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) Unless a full-time medical assisting faculty member is so credentialed aminimum of 3 years experience in healthcare, including a minimum of 40 hours of experience in an ambulatory health care setting performing or observing administrative and clinical procedures of medical assisting 2008 Standards

  30. III. Resources Persons approved as program directors under previous Standardswill continue to be approved in that position. If a person leaves his/her current position and takes another position with another program the person would not be approved in the new position. It is not transferable. 2008 Standards

  31. III. Resources - Evidence Self Study Report - Divider C1 and Form F6 1. Job Descriptions for program director 2. CV for program director – Resume On Site • Interview PD to verify responsibilities on job description are what is expected of PD • Verify college transcript and credential certificate • Verify 3 years of healthcare work experience • Verify 40 hours of ambulatory experience • Verify transcripts/certificates in ed theory and techniques 2008 Standards

  32. III. Resources Program Director Qualification Guideline: Instruction in educational theory and techniques may include college courses, seminars, workshops, or in-service on topics such as learning theory instructional design test construction teaching methodology or assessment techniques 2008 Standards

  33. Instruction in Educational Theory and Techniques continued What it does not include… • How to take attendance • How to complete department paperwork • How to refer students for counseling • How to use college equipment such as copiers, faxes, printers, AV, etc. • How to post grades • How to use power point 2008 Standards

  34. III. Resources B.2. Faculty and/or Instructional Staff a. Responsibilities must • utilize instructional plans, • direct and assess student progress in achieving theory and performance requirements of the program. 2008 Standards

  35. III. Resources B.2. Faculty and/or Instructional Staff b. Qualifications mustbe • knowledgeable in course content as evidenced by education and/or experience • effective in directing and evaluating student learning and laboratory performance, • prepared in educational theory and techniques. 2008 Standards

  36. III. Resources - Evidence Self Study Report - Divider C2 and Form F8 • Faculty job description • CV for faculty On Site • Interview faculty to verify education and/or experience relates to courses taught and faculty meet qualifications and responsibilities listed on job description • Verify that faculty use an instructional plan and evaluate and assess student learning • Verify all faculty are prepared in educational theory and techniques • Verify CMA, RMA, NCMA, and CCMA credential for full-time faculty member if contributing to qualifications of PD 2008 Standards

  37. III. Resources B.3. Practicum Coordinator a. Responsibilities The practicum coordinator must Select and approve sites Provide orientation for site supervisors Provide oversight of the experience including on-site assessment of student experiences and the quality of the learning opportunities at least once during each assigned hours that students are assigned to the site. 2008 Standards

  38. III. Resources B.3. Practicum Coordinator b. Qualifications The coordinator must be knowledgeable in program curriculum as evidenced by education or experience and effective in evaluating student learning and performance 2008 Standards

  39. Guideline The responsibilities of the Practicum Coordinator may be fulfilled by the Program Director, faculty member(s), or other qualified designee. 2008 Standards

  40. III. Resources- Evidence Self Study Report – Dividers C3 and Form F7 • Practicum Coordinator job description • Practicum Coordinator’s CV On Site • Review supervisor and student evaluations of externship • Interview practicum students and recent graduates to determine effectiveness of student learning and performance by practicum coordinator • Interview facility supervisors to verify on site assessment of students and supervisor orientation conducted by practicum coordinator 2008 Standards

  41. Resources – Evidence On site Continued • Verify coordinator selects sites • Verify supervisor orientation • Verify practicum coordinator has made at least one on-site visit to facility • Verify affiliation agreements for each site • Verify student practicum objectives are met 2008 Standards

  42. Resources - Personnel 2008 Standards

  43. III. Resources C. Curriculum The curriculum must • ensure the achievement of program goals and learning domains. 2008 Standards

  44. III. Resources Instruction mustbe an appropriate sequence of classroom, laboratory and clinical activities, based on clearly written course syllabi that include • course description • course objectives • methods of evaluation • topic outline and • competencies required for graduation which must be provided prior to implementation of each segment of the curriculum 2008 Standards

  45. III. Resources C. Curriculum 1. Content and Competencies The program mustdemonstrate that the content and competencies included in the program’s curriculum meet or exceed those stated in the latest edition of the MAERB Core Curriculum (Appendix B) 2008 Standards

  46. III. Resources • Program length (Guideline) Ensures student achievement of the MAERB Core Curriculum • Program sequence (Guideline) Defined as logical progression of learning (content before practice, skill set before externship) 2008 Standards

  47. III. Resources – Curriculum Evidence Self Study Report – Dividers C4, Form F2, F3, F4, F4a • Review course syllabi for description, objectives, methods of evaluation including pass score, topic outline, and competencies to be achieved in the course. On Site Program director will supply an official roster for the most recently graduated cohort. 2008 Standards

  48. Curriculum Evidence Continued Cognitive Domain • To verify the program teaches all of the objectives, review blank exams that cover each of the objectives in the 11 cognitive areas. Each exam must have the questions highlighted that pertains to each objective. • To verify the graduates have achieved the cognitive objectives, check transcripts or grade books for a final grade of the most recently graduated cohort in all the courses where the objectives are taught. 2008 Standards

  49. Resources – Curriculum - Evidence On SiteContinued • To verify the competencies in the psychomotor and affective domains have been taught, check the blank assessment tool (check off sheet or work product) for each of the assigned competencies in each of the 11 domains. The accreditation department will provide a list of the ones to check. • To verify the graduates have achieved the competencies, review a master sheet (individual or class) for the most recently graduated cohort showing the grade for each competency. If the competencies are a component of the final grade in the course, a transcript is another option. 2008 Standards

  50. Resources - Curriculum Questions 2008 Standards

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