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Why buy travel insurance? Travel insurance is the most important investment due to unforeseen events happening on a daily basis. Here, in this piece, we will put light on the importance of buying travel insurance while travelling because it is better to be safe than sorry.
WHY YOU SHOULD BUY TRAVEL INSURANCE Why buy travel insurance? T r a vel insurance is the m o s t important investment due to unforeseen events happening on a d a ily ba s i s. We are not s a y i n g t hat it is c om m on but we can’t be s ure a b out the n ext moment and w hat l ife has prepared f o r our w ell planned trip. Hence, travel insurance is necessary, especially in c ase of abroad trips w h ich h ave high-risk involvement and insurance covers all of those r is k s .
W HAT IS T R A VEL INSURANCE? Travelinsuranceisthefriendin need,andcanrescueyouinany unexpectedtravelemergencies. Itprotectsyoufromany financialdistressduringtravel. I t i s a w i s e d e c i s i o n t o b u yt h i s insuranceforyoursafety.Now let’smovetowardsthepointof whybuytravelinsurance? T r a vel insureance covers medical emergencies abroad, flight cancellation, l os t ba g g a g e, delayed flights, 2 4 /7 assistance e tc
HOW D OES T R A VEL INSURANCE W OR K ? To buy the insurance policy f or travel, you n eed to provide all t he personal information and trip- related information including t he length of s t ay. A ft er t ha t, y ou h ave to s e le ct the b est policy according to y our budget a nd needs.The policy w ill be effective on the day of departure of your trip. Therefore, it is not a m a g i c w and but it can g ive you p ea ce of m ind w h ile traveling.
HE L PS IN ANY K IND OF MEDICAL EMERGENCY T his medical coverage includes any emergency before traveling w h ich c a u sed the flight cancellation, t hen this cancellation or c h a nge in departure schedule w ill b e totally refundable. Besides this, if you get s ick while traveling t hen a l so, t his travel insurance w ill c o ver all t he treatment expenses and l ow e r the overall c ost of t he treatment.
F L IG HT DE L A YS OR CANCELLATIONS F li g ht delays or sometimes cancellations are c om m on at the t ime of r ush period or s ome natural calamity, and a t t hat ti m e, refund is p r o v i d e d by the airlines itself. But that refund is not the actual money transfer, it is in t h e f orm of vouchers or coupon c o des or s ome offer on t h e n ext flight. T his creates a disappointment in t he passengers and t hey fe e l discouragedwhilebookinga flight.
L OST LUGGAGE The complaint of the lo s t lu g g a ge is under t he department of t he airlines and it is t h e o r y d uty to get y our ba g g a g e s a fe ly at y our address. But sometimes t he company avoids a nd doesn’t t a ke responsibility of t he ba g g a ge report a nd refuses to compensate in c ase of the l os t scenario.Hence,toget b a g g a g e a l o n g w i t ht h e compensationtravel insurancepolicyisa must.