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Biology: Semester 1 Room 143 Mrs. J. Langley

Biology: Semester 1 Room 143 Mrs. J. Langley. Check your schedule and be sure you are in the right class! Should you be in Mr . Langley’s class? Check the room number!. Introductions:. Mrs. Langley room 143 – No I am NOT married to Mr. Langley who is in room 144. Are you in the right room?

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Biology: Semester 1 Room 143 Mrs. J. Langley

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  1. Biology: Semester 1Room 143Mrs. J. Langley Check your schedule and be sure you are in the right class! Should you be in Mr. Langley’s class? Check the room number!

  2. Introductions: • Mrs. Langley room 143 – No I am NOT married to Mr. Langley who is in room 144. • Are you in the right room? • This is Biology Semester 1 • This is a college prep class. • If you complete semesters 1 & 2 you will fulfill 1 year of the D section of the A-G requirements for U.C. admission. 2 years are required for section D, 3 are recommended. • To meet this D requirement, this is a Laboratory class and completing the Lab assignments are required. • Other classes in Science Dept that meet this requirement are: Chem, Physics, A&P

  3. What to expect each day when you come in: • Each day when you come into class you will find a slide up with the agenda, due dates, reminders and a Warm-up question. • You are to be working by the time the bell rings. • If you are not IN your seat and working when the bell rings, you may be marked TARDY.

  4. Aug 12, 2009 • Today’s Agenda • Attendance • Assign Seating • Introduction • Profile • Reminders & Due Dates • 8/17: Safety Test • 8/19: Signed Requirements Signed Safety Contract • 8/19: Notebook Check Warm-Up: Warm-up for today will be to complete profile sheet.

  5. Unit 1: Due Dates & Reminders

  6. Requirements: Rules • Be in your seat and prepared for class when the bell rings. • Only items on your desk shall be what are needed for class. All bags, backpacks, purses need to be stored under your desk for safety. No other items should be on your desk or lap. • Be courteous to others • Respecting others • Many people are sensitive to smells and airborne particles. Do not use scented items in class. This includes perfume, lotions, hairspray, etc. • Maintain a safe environment. • Leave all food, drink, or gum outside of our classroom. • This is a laboratory room. NO FOOD, DRINK or GUM will be tolerated.

  7. Grading • Your grades will be weighted and calculated as follows: Tests: 60% Assignments: 40% • Each assignment receives a point value. Your grade is determined as a percentage of the total points possible. A = 90 - 100 % B = 80 - 89 % C = 70 - 79 % D = 60 - 69 % I do not give + or – grades. No A+, no D- It does not affect your GPA and I do NOT do them.

  8. Grades • Grade Check Forms – I will not sign them during class or passing periods. Appointments can be made for after school or during the first lunch period. • Must bring completed work for the week. • Student Grades – Student grades are available on Infinite Campus. • I do not GIVE you a grade. You EARN your grade. It is yours, and yours alone.

  9. Understanding your grade Number of Assignments 20 Current Events 20 Warm ups 6 NB/Voc Checks 6 Labs 6 Tests

  10. Assignments • Due at the beginning of the period. • Have them ready when you come in. Stapled & ready by the time the bell rings. • Any time after I pick them up, they are late. • Notebook • Arranged by UNIT • Per layout given • Conduct • 50 points automatically • Lose points for poor conduct

  11. Table of Contents • New one for each unit of study • Record the assignments and due date for each • Oral Report • Required during 4th quarter. • Not doing the report gets an automatic “F” in the class

  12. Materials • Leave your book at home! • Spiral notebook • 3 ring binder • 8.5” x 11” Paper • Pencil • Pen • Geek bag recommended

  13. Units this Semester Intro to Science Chemistry Basics Cell Structure Cell Division Molecular Genetics Mendelian Genetics

  14. Warm-ups • Cannot be made up • Must be completed EVERYDAY. • Done during first 5 minutes. • Will be turned in every Friday. • Worth 10 points per week. • Must follow format given to you • Quizzes • Occasionally the warm up will be a quiz • On your warm up page, you must write in “Quiz” • Cannot be made up

  15. Vocabulary • Must be on index cards (flash cards) • Side 1: • Word & drawing • Drawing must be something that can remind you of the word or definition. It should NOT be a scientific drawing. • You may use ½ of a 3x5” card for each word • Side 2: • Definition • Complete and detailed. In your own words…do not copy from the book.

  16. Vocab example Homologous Having the same position, value, or structure. A pair that is similar, but does not have to be identical. Examples: Shoes, hands

  17. Lab reports • The ONLY assignment allowed for Interdisciplinary Portfolio • Must follow format given. • More on this before the first lab is due.

  18. Current Event • Due every Thursday • 20 for the semester • Articles may be NO MORE THAN 1 year old • One of the very few chances for extra credit • Only assignment that may be emailed. • Must use Gaggle to email. • Must be in my inbox by 7AM on Thursday • NAME: • PERIOD: • DUE DATE: • TITLE OF THE ARTICLE • SOURCE: Name of the newspaper or entire website URL • DATE on newspaper or that site was accessed & article • written •  EXTRA CREDIT: On your report tell me which Content Standard this article relates to. Write out the entire Standard. • Paragraph summary - Write a paragraph in which you tell what the article is about in your • own words. • Paragraph critique - Write a short paragraph in which you answer the following questions • about the article: • 1. Why is this article important? • 2. What further questions does this article cause • you to ask? • 3. What is your opinion of the article?

  19. Stickers • All students will receive 3 “Late/Restroom” stickers per quarter. These stickers may be used either to turn in a late assignment OR for a restroom pass • Late assignments • If a “Late” sticker is not on the late work, it will not be graded. All late assignments lose 10% of the possible points. No work is accepted that is 5 days or more late. This includes the due date. This means that the last day to turn in a late Current Event is the following Wednesday.

  20. Make-up work • For excused absecense • Extracurricular activities are not excused absences • 1 day for each day out • All things due while out, due day return • Check VVHS website for handouts

  21. Standards of written work • Neat - No torn edges, smears, food stains, etc. This means NO spiral notebook pages, even trimmed. • Ink must be black or blue. I will not grade any other color of ink. • Each page shall have your name, period, and due date. • It must be legible (If I cannot read it, I cannot grade it!) • All pages must have a title at the top in the center. • Follow rules for citing references and bibliographies. (Failure to do so is plagiarism!) • ***Failure to meet these standards will result in no grade for the assignment.***

  22. BOTH get a zero Possible referal Possible parent contact Cheating

  23. Tardies • Sweeps everyday? • Fill out clipboard, leave pass in box

  24. Electronics in the Classroom – • Per school policy ALL electronic devices such as cell phones and MP3 players will be confiscated and given to administration to await parent pick up. These are not to be released to the student and will require a parent picks them up during school hours. Please heed the rule that states “All electronic devices must be turned OFF and put away.”

  25. Available times – • I am available Monday & Tuesday, from 3:15-4:00 PM • This may change due to meetings, adjunct duties, etc. • Available during 1st lunch, in room 144. • Mr. Langley available 2nd lunch also. • I am NOT available before school.

  26. Labs & Safety • It is mandatory that all students take and pass the department safety test each semester. • You will not be allowed to participate in any lab activities until the test is passed and a safety contract is signed by a parent. • We will take this test in class only 1 time. If you do not pass, you will be required to come after school to retake it. • This is a college prep laboratory class. • You are required to perform labs in this class. • You will be assigned to lab groups. • It is your responsibility to work with your group to perform all labs. ALL members must participate.

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