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A Comparative Look at Secondary School Life in the Czech Republic and the United States. by Wendy M. Ehnert Fulbright High School Teacher 2001/02. Kids are basically the same all over, but there are several differences in the way they are educated
A Comparative Look at Secondary School Life in the Czech Republic and the United States by Wendy M. Ehnert Fulbright High School Teacher 2001/02
Kids are basically the same all over, but there are several differences in the way they are educated in the Czech Republic and the U.S.
Gymnazium City inthe Czech Republic (population 100,000) 1000+ students Ages 12-20 Student population homogeneous Students come from all over the surrounding area 100+ teachers High School City in the USA (population 65,000) 1300+ students Ages 14-18 Student population diverse Students come from the neighborhood around the school 90-100 teachers The Schools
4, 6 and 8-year programs Students study 10-12 subjects 45-minute lessons A 2 or 3 foreign languages (German, French, Spanish, Russian) All study biology, chemistry, physics Focus on 2-3 subjects (in addition to Czech and English) in final 2 years Grand Finale- Maturita exams in 5 subjects. 4-year program, all in English Students study 4-6 subjects 80-minute lessons Foreign language (German, Spanish, French, Japanese) is available and encouraged At least 3 years of science AP classes available Grand Finale-- Pass graduation qualifying exam in reading, writing, and math and successfully complete 22 credits of coursework. Curriculum
Take notes from each lecture, work on practice problems during practice sessions. Little written homework and few projects Study notes each night in preparation for oral examination Science labs and activities are very limited due to time, space, equipment and financial restraints. Marks are determined based on oral examinations and 2-3 written examinations each semester. Take notes from lectures, participate in class discussions and activities. Written homework nightly No oral examinations given that count towards student’s grade Science labs and activities are an integral part of the lesson and are done weekly. Most of a student’s grade will be calculated based on homework, lab reports, written quizzes and tests. Expectations of Students
Be prepared for each lesson. Mark students orally. Number of student marks/semester must equal or exceed number of days/week the class meets. “Dozor”-Hall duty (4-6 times/wk.) Mark student absences and lesson topic in class register each day. Be at school when you are scheduled to teach or have duty. No substitute teachers Teachers’ union is mostly a social group. Be prepared for each lesson. Assign homework, give tests, and prepare information sheet on grading strategy for students. No hall or lunch duty required. Take attendance; submit weekly lesson plans to department head. Be at school from 7:15 until 2:45. Planning for substitutes! Teachers’ union very active politically Expectations of Teachers
Students spend their entire time at school with the same class. Class cohesion and support; tough if you don’t fit in Most lessons are taught in the students’ classroom-- the teacher travels throughout the day. Few electives are offered-- the students of one class all study the same subjects. Very few clubs and no school-sponsored after-school sports One well-known chorus group performs musical productions Composition of each class varies No class cohesion, but peer groups for kids of different interests The teacher has a room--students travel throughout the day. Many electives (or choices for required subjects) are available. After-school clubs and sports teams are a large part of life at Lathrop. Sporting competitions, concerts, and plays are a source of school spirit and community participation in the school. Life at School
Students stand when the teacher enters the room to start class. Lots of talking Cell phones Cheating on tests No blatantly disruptive behavior Students are mostly on time to the lesson. Many students have multiple absences. Students enjoy dance lessons! Talking can be a problem Some students can be disruptive Many students come late to class. Consequences for absences and tardies Hall passes required Parent contact Student Behavior
Students have broad-based education Students become fluent in a second language Students of equal abilities Bonding of classmates Form teacher Individualized education plan Opportunities to work with students of differing abilities and backgrounds Availability of technology Able to explore/expand non-academic talents Strengths
Lack of funding for supplies Short lesson periods Subjects meet only 2-3 times/wk. Students have to learn many subjects at once. Students are learning in a second language. Lack of available technology Most talented students not challenged to their ability level Lots of paperwork! Many meetings Students of widely different abilities in one class Parental issues Priority issues (academics, clubs, sports) Competition for grades regarding scholarships, etc. High drop-out rate Hard to track individual students Challenges