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Security Issues & Paradigms in Mobile Computing Science & Networking

Security Issues & Paradigms in Mobile Computing Science & Networking. Michel Riguidel Tel : +33 1 45 81 73 02 riguidel@enst.fr. Les exigences de QoS, mobilité et de configurabilité. Information Technology evolution. Before 80 : Middle Age, Computing Sc. belongs to fiefs (IBM, …), no network

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Security Issues & Paradigms in Mobile Computing Science & Networking

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  1. Security Issues & Paradigmsin Mobile Computing Science & Networking Michel Riguidel Tel : +33 1 45 81 73 02 riguidel@enst.fr

  2. Les exigences de QoS, mobilité et de configurabilité

  3. Information Technology evolution • Before 80 : Middle Age, Computing Sc. belongs to fiefs (IBM, …), no network • All proprietary, no flow : All is parchment or proprietary spreadsheet • 80s : All is transparent for a computer scientist • All is file : UNIX (/dev/null, /dev/lpr, ...) • a file is a set of characters which can be manipulated by C language • 85s : All is readable on a desk (or a PC) for anybody • All is document (no more interoperability & transparency) • 95s: All is an available object on the network for communication • All is document, readable everywhere (HTML page) or executable everywhere (Java) • Privilege to information access : kiosk, server • 00s : All is a digital, fluid & live stream distributed over networks • Nomadic user, virtual presence (user or sw/content move), Virtual Machine & JavaBeans • Ubiquitous IT (networked planet grid) & Mobile computing infrastructure (Xeo satellites) • 05s : All is program, alive on ad hoc networks • An entity on the network is a Java Program (Jini Concept) • Intentional architecture

  4. The new Paradigm of IT Towards a Convergence Telecom - Multimedia - IT For a seamless IT with mobility, configurability in zero-administration within an heterogeneous world Hardware Distributed Multimedia Data end-user Profile, smart card software object, Agent Application, Service Telephone, Set Top Box, PDA PC, Server, Printer Trusted Third Party Router, Switch Home Network, Local Network Virtual Private Network for Businesses, Internet Software «Middleware Infrastructure» of dynamically configurable distributed IT Content Individuals Communicating, autonomous, configurable, mobile, automatically plugged ENTITIES onto an interoperable secured, Plug & Play, scaleable dynamically INFRASTRUCTURE, All being distributedly managed by various Actors, according several point of view

  5. Distributed Multimedia Data Java Applet Interface : XML Protocol: IP Infrastructure of a IS:Urbanization of an Information System Infrastructure with QoS, mobility & security Multimedia Hyperdocument New Services Intelligent Routers & Switchers Configurability Active & Ad hocNetworks Mobile/fix, wired/wireless Extra/Inter/Intranet Mobile Terminals Network Computers New Services & Usage biometric Authentication Adaptive & multi-modal Human Interface Speech recognition Adaptability & customization of applications according terminal configuration & end-user’s services New Services Indexation by content Protection of digital Objects Navigation, Search engine information filtering

  6. Software Intensive System:Architecture is a key issue Broadcast & Access New OSI Layers System Architecture Usage, cooperation: teleworking, videoconference, real time negotiation information & documents performance QoS interoperability security mobility heterogeneity distribution dependability maintainability applications: configurable, downloadable distribution & services: M2M, P2P Middleware, XML, Corba & mobile Code communication convergence IP & ATM Multimedia Cross media, video, image, mobile code, hyperdocument transmission: wired & wireless Content Communication Properties

  7. Ad hoc IEEE802.11 Bluetooth Core Network UMTS Urbanization :Versatility in Access NetworksHeterogeneity, Global roaming, QoS, Value Added Services Access / Intermediation IPv6

  8. Common challenges to be solved: . Plug & play . Configurability . Management . Quality of Service . Upgradeability . Adaptability . Security, privacy . Stability, safety . Costs Global Interconnection : « seamless »Heterogeneity, Multimedia, macroMobility LANs Interconnection of Local Networks Private Internet Connections Enterprise Telecom Operators & Internet Cooperation Cooperative Work Mobiles Remote Access • More Heterogeneity • Interoperability through different networks • No Esperanto : W-Corba, JavaRMI, J2EE, agents, … do not fit • M2M (middleware to middleware) • Selectivity, Resource management, … Public Networks Connections Global Roaming

  9. Dynamic Links :heterogeneity & mobility WAP GSM Telecom Operators & Internet • More Dynamicity • Changes depending upon • Policy, Traffic, … • Opportunities, locations, context, resource Global Handover

  10. New Services, Contents, Middleware,Network Service ProvidersClient-server => intermediation architecture Multimedia Content-based Search Engine, Agent Platform, etc Content Provider Achilles Barbara Personal Area Network • More Content : Rich Content & Cross-Content • VoIP, "QoS" real time, critical flows, audio-video streaming • Content processing (searching, watermarking, …) « QoS »

  11. The digital World: Architecture & Urbanization • Ubiquity of computing & storing resources • communication anytime, anywhere, anyhow • concept of datagrid (metacomputing) • Externalization of General resources • Mips • Storage • Trust content (secret keys available everywhere) • Communicating Objects & Subjects • Objects are dynamically connected • Devices are permanently connected (IP v6) • Subjects have representations over the network (avatars) • Customization of its own Virtual Private Network & Community • Key technology • Cellular Mobile Telecommunications, Mobility, roaming • Internet, Data Grid, Cache Architecture • Satellite, Broadcast

  12. The digital World:Architecture & Urbanization • Customization • of its own Virtual Private Network & Community • Subjects have representations over the network (avatars) • Devices are permanently connected (IP v6) • Layer 2 : Data link • Communicating Objects & Subjects • Objects are dynamically connected • Communication anytime, anywhere, anyhow • Versatile medium access • Layer 7 : Bottom of Application Layer • Ubiquity of computing & storing resources • concept of datagrid (metacomputing) • Externalization of General resources • Mips, Storage, Trust content (secret keys available everywhere) • Semantic socket, « pluget » • Quality of communication (QoS, Security) • Nature of content • Negotiated resources

  13. The past & emergence of new context • Information on Years 80s & 90s • Simple and it works … • Not enough mips … • Proprietary • Dedicated entities with specific intelligence & engine • Assumptions which are no more verified for Years 00s • Catalogues of fix Applications • Bill Gates' concept is obsolete • Dedicated Infrastructure • Need of Global Interoperability & Roaming • For "Beyond 3G networks", Routes do not exist any more • The OSI model is no more "the" reference • Herzian spectrum : static allocation by ranges • Spectrum must be shared differently (new rules, UWB, …)

  14. The Future :Open, Smart & Configurable Networks • Non Functional Properties are essential • Policy aware networks • Mobility, QoS, interoperability, security • Configurability : changes versus time & space • Management issues, proactive & reactive mgt • Potential solution • Virtualization • Openness • Hw Trivial (not simple !) & Sw Virtual • More Intelligence in the network • Pros & Cons • Performance • Business models • Technological issues • Complexity reduction • Software engineering does not follow

  15. Long Term Vision • Vision • Hw & Sw separation and independence • Smart intelligence within the open network • Radio block (General Management of the Radio Resource) • Lower layers (UMTS MAC layer) • Upper Layers & Downloadable Applications • Relationship between the layers • Articulation between the architecture styles • Implementation of these architectures are different • Management • subsidiarity • Orientation • Open Network (Next seism in Computing & networking) • Software radio, software Terminal, "Software Network" : Ad hoc & Active Networks • New Architectures : P2P, M2M, …

  16. Convergence :Virtualization & Externalization • Wireless • Mobility & autonomy • Adaptation, Configurability • Depending of the context • Ambient Networks • Embedded Internet, Desegregating terminals • Disappearing computing, pervasive computing • ubiquity of access • communicating objects and devices • remote work (medicine, surgery) • Augmented reality • Data Grid & MetaComputing • Global computation (Genomes, cryptography, astrophysics, …) • Managing & securing Chain Value

  17. Conclusions • Convergence / Divergence dialectic • Merging wired & wireless • high date rate core networks • diversity of access to the network • New Content: multimedia, art creation • exploration of the content cosmos • Different Scales & heterogeneity • Bluetooth, WLan (802.xx), UMTS, Internet • Decentralization • Not a revolution but smooth & permanent changes • migration of standards • IPv4 versus IPv6 • de facto: Windows towards Linux (open software) • GSM to GPRS • Etc.

  18. Computing &/or Networking Computer Network Management of Time/Space & I/O Management of Space & I/O Semantic : Turing Machine Semantic : Store & Forward Bandwidth PC & Server Router & Switch Erlang Data rate QoS Mips & Gigabytes Bottleneck : I/O Bottleneck : the last Mile, …, centimeter Space : not x,y,z but structured addresses

  19. Gilder’s versus Moore’s law 2x/3-6 months 1M 1000 x WAN/MAN Bandwidth 10,000 Log Growth Processor Performance 100 2x/18 months 97 9 9 01 03 05 07 Greg Papadopoulos, Sun Microsystems

  20. Mobile Context & Digital World • More Mobility • Nomadic people (with terminals) • Mobile services, content (caches), infrastructure (satellite constellation) • Downloading applications, agent framework, liquid software, VHE, … Personalization Mobility “Ambience” Contextualization : communication infrastructure, equipment, environment Localization

  21. Evolution of mobile networks :from vertical to horizontal segmentation Today Specific Network with unique service Old : Binding services with communication technology Tomorrow Multi-service/client-server Network New: SP competition over open Infrastructure Services Portal Servers Content Content Mobile Internet High rate Internet backbone network by packets PLMN PSTN/ISDN Data/IP Networks CATV Mobile Access by packets High rate Packets Access Circuit Access 2G/RTC/ISDN Clients Access Network, Transport & Switch Network From Ericsson

  22. Communication Providers Dynamic Provision of Services to Users End user Private Value Added Service Provider Directory Services Calling Services Voice Services Value Added Services Information Shopping Banking Telecom Operator & ISP Culture Entertainment Automation Devices Services

  23. Quality of Service • QoS defined by UIT-T E.800 norm Ease of use Accessibility Degree of satisfaction of the service user Audrey Continuity Service Logistics Security Integrity

  24. INFORMATION DOCUMENTS Analysis Simulation Sensors Decision Actuators Information Flows, Streams & Cachesefficiency of the whole Loop : Content Delivery Networks, ... More Intelligence at the periphery of IS More Knowledge and reactivity in the Loop STREAMS STREAMS EXECUTION MANAGEMENT TRANSMISSIONS TRANSMISSIONS More irrigation in IS by differentiated Information Flows Data <= Data Fusion Broadcast => Sensors& Actuators Synthesis

  25. The ecology of networks • Social networks • who knows who => Virtual Private Communities • Knowledge networks • who knows what => Knowledge Management • Information networks • who informs what => “à la Internet” • Work networks • who works where => GroupWare • Competency networks • what is where => Knowledge with time and space • Inter-organizational network • organizational linkages => Semantic Interoperability

  26. PAN-Bluetooth-WLan-UMTS-Internet Mobility & InfospheresEvolution of Spaces : regular & intelligent From K. M. Carley CMU permanent links through IPv6 As spaces become intelligent individual's infospheres grow, changes occur in the and in which people are embedded. Infospheres : circles interaction : bold lines knowledge network : dashed line

  27. Application Presentation Session Transport Network Link Physics The Seven OSI Layers Dynamic Multimode Browser & Players Between TCP & UDP, there are thousands of upper transport protocols Active Networks : computation within Nodes Ad hoc Networks : moving nodes, No fix Routes Turbocode Wireless & Optics

  28. Communication Infrastructure : Client-server is dead =>Policy Aware Networks Horizontal unbalance of the semantic distribution in networks: network entities are efficient “lifts” for the OSI layered modelextremities (client & server) bearing the whole intelligence Connection between A and B secure interoperable protocols Pab & Pba with adaptive QoS A: client Towards Active & Ad hoc Networks Network infrastructure More intelligence: memory, visibility, flexibility B: server

  29. NodeOS Router Active Network Model APIs Application Program Interfaces • Execution Environment • Execution Machine • Interfaces to program the network EE 1 Java (Capsule) EE 2 (IPv4) EE 3 (IPv6) EE 4 Asm Intel • Open Operating system (Node OS) • Resource management • Open APIs towards EEs • Infrastructure for Security Functions Trivial Hw (Physical Resource)

  30. Réseaux actifs : défis • Ouvrir le réseau aux (fournisseurs de) services • Modification dynamique du comportement du réseau • par les utilisateurs, applications, et opérateurs • Définir une interface (API) de programmation des réseaux Un réseau programmable est un réseaude transmission de paquets ouvert et extensible disposant d'une infrastructure dédiée à l'intégration et à la mise en œuvre rapide de nouveaux services Réseau extensible qui offre des facilités pour changer dynamiquement son comportement (tel qu’il est perçu par l’usager) Ouvrir le réseau Virtualiser les composants Configurer dynamiquement Le Réseau devient une machine virtuelle programmable

  31. Application Presentation Session Transport Application Network Link Physics Active Networks • To keep the Network proprietary ! over an Open Infrastructure • To distribute intelligence within the Network • DiffServ is a straightforward Active Network ! • The Java Packet program is a constant (flow header) • MPLS is an elegant simple Active Network ! • The program is a stack of constant (shim header) which is run over the entry and exit nodes to create Tunnels • More to come • Filtering, …

  32. Spontaneous Device Networking :self-organizing, ad-hoc • Wireless : no route • Access control ? • Net etymology : mesh, graph • How to find his own way ? • Some Issues • Service discovery • Spectrum coexistence • Management • Security

  33. Ad hoc Networks • Each node can be a router and/or a terminal • Astrid cannot talk to Charlotte (hidden nodes) • Basil : potential collisions • C can reach the cell A via B A B C D Radio range

  34. Application Presentation Session Transport Network Link Physics Ad hoc Networks • No more Routes • No more Topology • Blind search • Search with Reminiscence • Extension to Self organizing Network

  35. Zimmermann’s open interconnection model End-to-end Application Application Presentation Presentation Session Session Top-down Transport Transport Network Network Link QoS Link • From top to bottom and from A to B • Seven layers model: isotropic, no time and space • Homology to win interoperability • Vertical software engineering • To shred any content into packets, datagrams, frames, and finally bits • We ignore content semantics Physics Physics QoS QoS

  36. emission reception Theory of communicationShannon & Weaver model (1949) • Linear & unidirectional model • Neither the relationship between the actors nor the situation are taken into consideration • Eliminate semantics • J Lacan (seminar II, 1954), R Barthes (ethos, logos, pathos) message

  37. Les exigences de sécurité dans un univers mobile

  38. Security issues in a mobile world • Specification of policies compatible with the Content and the Container • Set up of a context-oriented, plural, configurable policy • Design of new encryption protocols • Placing cryptology and steganography in perspective • Introducing security in an open world

  39. Challenges • Years 2001 • Distorting reality prism with • Internet (asynchronous messages & meshes of routers) and • GSM (voice content & cellular architecture with Base stations) • Security & mobility • Use of infrastructures • Need of geographical references • Need of protecting the spatial structure • Fix infrastructure : articulation of mobile part and fix part via a cryptographic protocol • Mobile part (ad hoc networks) : search for invariant structures • Use of history of movements • Traceability of moving objects and subjects • Building alibis • Ontologies are moving in these virtual spaces • Identification and then confirming their existence in a defined location using alibis

  40. New situation : no more deterrence • Before 11th September (QQ33N) • Symbolic attack : no more • undetectable or discrete attack • balance between investment protection cost & risk to lose assets • After 11th September (QQ33N) • The whole communities can lose confidence • Security against on cyberwar • at a greater scale for large infrastructure • Main threat • Denial of service for a long time with multiple accidental coincidences • Basic security • Audit, accountability (identification & authentication)

  41. Classical Security solutions • PKIs, Certificates (X509), SSL, IPSec, Firewalls • Security classical cryptography model • Audrey & Basil share a secret • can be used to scramble the message (cryptography) • can be used to insert a subliminal mark in order to leave a trace (steganography) Point to point Cryptography Trusted third party

  42. Security Solutions IT today : 2 focal key points S/MIME PGP Security with proxy Content Security P3P FIPA security WAP security XML SSL/TLS/LIPKEY Articulation : distributed security Infrastructure Network Boundary IPsec IP IKE/ISAKMP BitStream Ciphering Route Security A lot of “standard” solutions Utilization often complex One protocol does not eliminate all the threats

  43. Digital era :vulnerability & customized security Buyer 01000011 1100101001010101000011 011000101100 01010101000011 00101100 order 01001010101000011 110010100101000011 Seller 0101100 1100101001010 vulnerable 1011000011101001 Mobile only clones payment Bank Intelligent : can be adjusted and personalized

  44. Mobility within a Convergence world • Open or closed ? • Both : Möbius ribbon • Historical world : footprint & witness • We must authenticate the scene, the situation • We must trust a witness located at t = t0 and at x = x0 • Audrey & Basil know each other • Local confidence • Mobility introduces new threats • a subject S is going to travel : trajectory x(t) • S is not alone • S leaves traces, depends upon the « ambience » • S wants to trust the object O • S and O are going to create alibis depending upon time and space • Alibis • are trusted relationships between the infrastructure, S & O • E.g. : the individual is going to sign with the station base that he/she was present in this cell

  45. Security policy depending upon space & time • User point of view • he/she defines his/her own security policy for comfort • Service access if the user in inside a perimeter • One restricts on his own our mobile phone usage inside a given zone for a certain period of time • One asks for a control from the telecom operator • Secret shared with the operator • Service Provider point of view • Creation of a cryptographic protocol to sign the user ID with the location ID (here the base station name) • Buyer may be anonymous but one knows that he was here at t = t0 • It is no more a virtual world

  46. Object traceability • Trust model • Content security (end-to-end) • Container security (depending upon operator, Internet, etc) • The whole system has a memory • Audit function (.log files to record events) • Historical signature • Digital signature of the content : integrity • Digital signature of the traces • Labeling, watermarking • Ephemeral watermarking

  47. Security functions in a mobile universe • Identification • Biometry, smart card, trusted entity • Anonymous • need to find a witness for the situation • capture a secret depending upon the situation • Authentication • Of the scene: • to exchange a secret with someone that we will see again • Audit • History of the objects /subjects trajectory • Ephemeral watermarking • Data Protection • Both Cryptography & steganography

  48. Architecture : Projection of constraints • Architecture • Expression of constraints • Design : Projection of the specification onto an implementation • The expression of the constraints (QoS, Security, mobility, interoperability) must be incarnate and instantiate through • The network architecture • The protocol specification • The applications • Some expressions will be through markers • In a clear world

  49. Reconstruction of space, time and trust • Network models • Anarchical model • Internet, WLAN, WPAN • Master-slave • WLAN • Hierarchical • Cellular networks • Semantics of protocols • Oligarchic • PKIs • Architectures of Applications • Client server architecture model • Audrey & Basil are living in an isotropic world • Producer & consumer of content • Administration • « management » : very often a bureaucracy • Others

  50. The new paradigms :the focal point is not IP • Computation ubiquity (bottom of layer 7) • Horizontal software engineering (M2M, P2P), Agents • XML metalanguage • To find an Esperanto (interoperability) • Allows to describe policies, rules, intentions, predicates • Metacomputation: « grid » • Swarm of computers (10 6) running one single application • Issue : the semantical socket at the bottom of the application layer • Access ubiquity (layer 2 – MAC) • Vertical software engineering • High data rate Internet (digital divide) • Urbanization • Construction of an Harlequin mantle (802.11, 802.15, UMTS, …) • Dialectic of usages

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