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Classification by temperature

Classification by temperature. Psychro philes grow at temperatures below 25°C. Meso philes grow at temperatures between 25 - 45°C. Thermo philes grow at temperatures between 45 and 60°C. Classification by growth environment. Suspended growth Activated sludge Attached growth

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Classification by temperature

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Classification by temperature • Psychrophiles • grow at temperatures below 25°C. • Mesophiles • grow at temperatures between 25 - 45°C. • Thermophiles • grow at temperatures between 45 and 60°C.

  2. Classification by growth environment • Suspended growth • Activated sludge • Attached growth • Trickling filter • Rotating biological contactor

  3. Ten Growth Requirements • Carbon source • Energy source • Terminal electron acceptor • Macro nutrients: C, N, H, O, P, K, S • Micro nutrients: Fe, Ni, Co, Mb, Zn, etc.

  4. Ten Growth Requirements 6. Moisture 7. Appropriate temperature 8. Appropriate pH 9. Absence of inhibition 10. Mixing/contact

  5. Boone wastewater treatment plant

  6. Boone wastewater treatment plant

  7. Boone wastewater treatment plant

  8. Wastewater treatment plants

  9. Wastewater treatment plants

  10. Back River WWTP

  11. Back River WWTP

  12. Back River WWTP

  13. Back River WWTP

  14. Abu Dhabi WWTP

  15. Abu Dhabi WWTP

  16. Abu Dhabi WWTP

  17. Abu Dhabi WWTP

  18. Abu Dhabi WWTP

  19. Budapest WWTP

  20. Lake Balaton WWTP

  21. Lake Balaton WWTP

  22. Lake Balaton WWTP

  23. Lake Balaton WWTP

  24. Wastewater Treatment in Developing Countries Community Biogas Plant in China

  25. Settling Problem in Activated Sludge

  26. Summary of sludge processing

  27. Filter Press http://www.metlabsolutions.com/Shriver%20Press%20-%20side.JPG

  28. View of machine used to aerate compost placed in windrows.

  29. Overview of windrow composting operation

  30. Schematic of static aerated compost pile

  31. Biosolids land application

  32. Placement of geomembrane liner in area-type landfill

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