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Moment Generating Functions. Lecture X. Definition 2.3.3. Let X be a random variable with cdf F X . The moment generating function (mgf) of X (or F X ), denoted M X (t) , is
Moment Generating Functions Lecture X
Definition 2.3.3. Let X be a random variable with cdf FX. The moment generating function (mgf) of X (or FX), denoted MX(t), is provided that the expectation exists for t in some neighborhood of 0. That is, there is an h>0 such that, for all t in –h<t<h, E[etX] exists.
If the expectation does not exist in a neighborhood of 0, we say that the moment generating function does not exist. • More explicitly, the moment generating function can be defined as:
Theorem 2.3.2: If X has mgf MX(t), then where we define
First note that etx can be approximated around zero using a Taylor series expansion:
Note for any moment n: Thus, as t0
Leibnitz’s Rule: If f(x,θ), a(θ), and b(θ) are differentiable with respect to θ, then
Berger and Casella proof: Assume that we can differentiate under the integral using Leibnitz’s rule, we have
Letting t->0, this integral simply becomes • This proof can be extended for any moment of the distribution function.
Moment Generating Functions for Specific Distributions • Application to the Uniform Distribution:
Letting b=1 and a=0, the last expression becomes: • The first three moments of the uniform distribution are then:
Taking the first derivative with respect to t, we get: • Letting t->0, this becomes:
The second derivative of the moment generating function with respect to t yields: • Again, letting t->0 yields
Let X and Y be independent random variables with moment generating functions MX(t) and MY(t). Consider their sum Z=X+Y and its moment generating function:
We conclude that the moment generating function for two independent random variables is equal to the product of the moment generating functions of each variable.
Skipping ahead slightly, the multivariate normal distribution function can be written as: where Σ is the variance matrix and μ is a vector of means.
In order to derive the moment generating function, we now need a vector t. The moment generating function can then be defined as:
Normal variables are independent if the variance matrix is a diagonal matrix. • Note that if the variance matrix is diagonal, the moment generating function for the normal can be written as: