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French Revolution: The Age of napoleon

DO NOW: Answer in notebooks: Napoleon said that he owed his rise to power to “the peculiarities of the time.” What did Napoleon mean by this? (Peculiarity means strangeness) Hint : Think about what was happening in France during the years of the Revolution. .

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French Revolution: The Age of napoleon

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  1. DO NOW: Answer in notebooks: Napoleon said that he owed his rise to power to “the peculiarities of the time.” What did Napoleon mean by this? (Peculiarity means strangeness) Hint: Think about what was happening in France during the years of the Revolution. French Revolution: The Age of napoleon Chapter 19 Section 4 & 5 DAY 1-2 Objective: SWBAT work collaboratively to analyze photographs and paintings and write, and perform part of, a timeline story chronicling events of the Napoleonic Age.

  2. DO NOW: PICK UP HANDOUT GROUP ACTIVITY DIRECTIONS: • View the provided visuals • Answer attached questions independently • Discuss answers with your group • As a group, place visuals/ events in the correct chronological order • What story do these visuals tell? Write the story as a group.

  3. Chapter 19 Sections 4 & 5 (DAY 3-4)DO NOW: COPY TOPIC & OBJECTIVEs TOPIC: French Revolution & Napoleon, 1799-1815 Objectives: • SWBAT identify reforms enacted by Napoleon. • SWBAT explain how Napoleon controlled his empire. • SWBAT explain the causes and effects of Napoleons Russian Campaign. • SWBAT explain the effects of the Congress of Vienna. TEST ON WEDNESDAY !!!!

  4. Napoleon:order, security, efficiency DQ: How is Napoleon’s motto different from the motto of the French Revolution, “Equality, Liberty, Fraternity”? • General in the French Army • Skilled tactician • Victories against Britain, Austria • Captures Northern Italy • Campaign to Egypt & India failed • 1799 overthrows the Directory • Sets up a 3-man Consulate • Writes ANOTHER Constitution • Makes self First Consul • 1802 Consul for Life • Holds PLEBISCITES (ballots) and receives public support

  5. 1. reforms • Economic: • Controlled prices, built roads/ canals, encouraged new industries • Public Schools: trained military officers • Concordat of 1801: peace with R.C. Church • Religious freedom for Catholics • Oath of Loyalty for émigrés • Land rights for peasants who bought church and noble’s lands • Meritocracy: jobs open to “all those with talent” • Napoleonic Code: • Religious toleration • Equality of citizens under the law • Meritocracy  • Women lost rights to citizenship 

  6. 2. napoleon’sempire • Annexed Netherlands, Belgium, parts of Italy & Germany • Abolished Holy Roman Empire & created Confederacy of the Rhine • Created Duchy of Warsaw • Placed friends/ relatives on thrones • Spain – Napoleon’s brother Joseph crowned king • Controlled empire by creating alliances and signing treaties (Continental System) • Result: growth of French nationalism

  7. 3. Napoleonic wars: Britain • 1805 Battle of Trafalgar • French fleet smashed • Economic War: Blockades • France closed European ports to British goods • Britain does the same • BOTH attack neutral ships • France is unable to stop Britain’s trade with Americas and India • Result:

  8. 3. Napoleonic wars: SPAIN • Problems with SPAIN • Problems: loyal to the Catholic Church • Spanish resistance: Guerilla warfare • Growth of Spanish nationalism • Britain helps Spain

  9. 3. Napoleonic wars: Austria • Battle of Austerlitz- 1805 & 1809 Napoleon victorious • Napoleon marries Marie Louise • Creates an alliance with • Austrian royal family

  10. 3.Napoleonic wars: Russia • Czar Alexander I withdraws from the Continental System • 1812: 400,000 troops march to Russia • Russians retreat east and burn villages and crops • September: reach Moscow • October retreat • Only10,000 men survive the 1000 mile trip • Results: • Napoleon weakened, loses support • PRAB: Prussia, Russia, Austria, Britain • 1813 Battle of Nations at Leipzig • 1814 Napoleon abdicates • Louis XVIII king

  11. 3. Napoleonic wars: waterloo • Napoleon is exiled to Elba • Escapes, returns home to support of soldiers • 100 days • 1815 Waterloo • P.R.A.B. victorious • Napoleon exiled • to St.Helena

  12. 4. Congress of Vienna • P.R.A.B. plus France • Goal = to establish a BALANCE OF POWER • Results: Problems: • Redrew the map of Europe….Ignore cultural “borders” • (ex. Germany) • Growth of Nationalism • Restored “legitimate” Return to old order • monarchs • Quadruple Alliance= PRAB Resentment from other • to maintain balance & nations, ex. Rhine • suppress revolutions Confederation controlled by Austria

  13. Closing/ pop quiz: Answer on scrap paper & hand in before end of class: • List and explain 2 reforms enacted by Napoleon . • Name 3 countries that Napoleon conquered or gained control over. • Give one example of how Napoleon controlled European rulers. • What happened as a result of Napoleon’s Russian Campaign? • List and explain 2 outcomes of the Congress of Vienna. Homework: (Journals) Do you think that Napoleon was great or ruthless? What do you think Machiavelli would say about him?

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