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International Centre for Dispute Resolution. El Centro Internacional para la Resolución de Disputas es la división internacional de la Asociación Americana de Arbitraje
International Centre for Dispute Resolution El Centro Internacional para la Resolución de Disputas es la división internacional de la Asociación Americana de Arbitraje Le Centre International pour la Résolution des Différendsest la brancheinternationale de l'AssociationAméricained'Arbitrage 国际争议解决中心是美国仲裁协会的国际业务部 Das InternationaleZentrumfürStreitbeilegungist die internationaleAbteilungderAmerikanischenVereinigungfürSchiedsgerichtsbarkeit المركــــز الدولى لفض النزاع وهو الفرع الدولى لاتحاد التحكيم الدولى O Centro Internacional para Resolução de Disputas é a divisão internacional da Associação Americana de Arbitragem
ICDR Case Filing Trends Trends: Global Leader of “INTERNATIONAL” Cases since 20012011 ICDR Cases=994,2011 ICC Cases= 794,ICDR Mediations=95, ICDR Webfile= 163
Ethical Questions in International Arbitration There were 44 Challenges of Arbitrators in the 994 ICDR 2011 Caseload (about 4%). • 35 at Appointment Disclosure Stage • 21 Removed (60%) • 14 Reaffirmed (40%) • 9 at Pre-hearing/Award stage • 2 Removed (20%) • 7 Reaffirmed (80%)
Cordelia Regan Goneril King Lear
Arbitrator Arbitrator Arbitrator Party Institution
Ethical Questions in International Arbitration What did the King want to hear or in other words, what do institutions and parties want to have in arbitrator disclosures? Should the two sisters or party-appointed arbitrators need to clarify their partiality, if any, to the parties in the case? • What should have Cordelia disclosed to King Lear or to what degree do arbitrators need to disclose information? Are there qualified arbitrators that are not used because of inconsequential disclosures?
Claimant Jose Martinez 6 John Smith X Ricardo Suarez X Antonio San Martin 3 James Jones X Linda Cruz 4 Charles Brown 10 Ramon Gonzales X Francisco Jimenez 2 George Webber 5 Esteban Garza 7 Barry Lewis 9 Mercedes Sala 1 Nathaniel Peters X Sarah Durham 8 Respondent Jose MartinezX John Smith 1 Ricardo Suarez 10 Antonio San Martin 3 James Jones X Linda Cruz 2 Charles Brown 6 Ramon Gonzales X Francisco Jimenez 5 George Webber X Esteban Garza 8 Barry Lewis X Mercedes Sala 9 Nathaniel Peters 4 Sarah Durham 7 7. Appoint your Arbitrators 1st 2nd 3rd
Ethical Questions in International Arbitration Does having a published Code of Ethics help all participants?
Ethical Questions in International Arbitration The 2004 Code of Ethics language provides for disclosures WHICH MIGHT REASONABLY AFFECT IMPARTIALITY OR LACK OF INDEPENDENCE IN THE EYES OF ANY OF THE PARTIES. The 1977 Code of Ethics language provided for disclosures WHICH ARE LIKELY TO AFFECT IMPARTIALITY OR WHICH MIGHT REASONABLY CREATE AN APPEARANCE OF PARTIALITY OR BIAS.
Ethical Questions in International Arbitration How carefully do parties manage appropriate ex-parte communications with their potential party appointed arbitrator? • General nature of the controversy • Discuss the candidate’s qualifications • Availability to serve without causing delay • Independence in relation to the parties • Suitability of candidates for presiding arbitrator
Ethical Questions in International Arbitration Based upon the Code of Ethics, what sort of commitments should be made by the arbitrators? Availability to Serve: The 2004 revision imposes an obligation on the arbitrator to determine his or her competence and availability to serve in the case. Duty to: • Public • Parties • Process • Participants (all) • Pro bono
International Centre for Dispute Resolution Steven K. Andersen, Esq. ICDR Vice President, andersens@adr.org